To My beautiful Little Princess Renee Marie - TopicsExpress

   To My beautiful Little Princess Renee Marie On Her Dawning Day.... Renee means Reborn, and on this day of your birth, October the 14th, 2014.... It is my most precious hope that you will reflect upon this day and on your life and all that you have learned, and the very heart of your strength which has emerged quiet and soft ...a rare beauty and yet indomitable..... Renee, YOU ARE beautiful and on this birthday your beauty is full and deep.... You have journeyed through the history that belongs to only you and ascended the heights of true womanhood. Right before my eyes as I struggle to remain of faith, YOU, have blossomed my dear sweet Princess.... My very own, little sister, amidst a whirlin dirvish of unexpected chaos and change.... YOU have metamorphosed into Grace, and Gratefulness. My Love for you is stronger then ever as you personify luminescence , you are enlightened as a tribute to your own arrival at the gates of YOU, and as a flame of hope for me, your big Sister my love for you comes in full with the high tide despite the ebb and flow of my own self confidence.... You shine through the Autumn Mist and steadily guide my frolicking faith...... RENEE, On This, Your Birthday I offer you a Piece of music from A Tribute To Eire, Isle Of the Saints, Composed by John Doan... this piece is so hauntingly sweet , so melancholy and forlorn and yet so beautiful and austere that I can only describe the chords as capturing the timeless Majesty of both dawn & dusk intertwined as one upon both a distant and a present castle , neither here, nor there and yet all at once everywhere as a mythical fortress both solid and surreal within our heart, soul, mind and vision....... Renee Marie Brownell Boykin .... YOU ARE A BEAUTIFUL Celtic, Cherokee, Spirit ... You are My Sister and I am both endlessly proud and grateful FOR YOU!!!!! YOU, are MY Present , on YOUR Birthday this year Renee. October the Fourteenth, 2014, Tuesday @ 8:47 am Pacific Standard Time.... Eugene, Oregon. I LOVE YOU ETERNALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your Sister, Jodee Crilley
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 16:05:37 +0000

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