Monday: the Moon remains in practical, - TopicsExpress

   Monday: the Moon remains in practical, accomplishment-oriented Capricorn all day. It will journey there until Tuesday morning. The Capricorn Moon emphasizes our need for structure and forward planning. We are motivated by a desire for success; achievement and manifestation are paramount. We are resourceful and pursue economy with time, energy, and other resources. We take things more seriously during Moon in Capricorn: we look reality in the eye. This can be a very productive period. As best as you can, avoid should-ing on yourself. Take the pressure off: try saying I am doing the best I can and thats all I can ever do wink emoticon Saturn (ruler of Capricorn) is transiting through Sagittarius right now, making this a great time to explore our beliefs. Its also a great time to focus on the greater meaning of life and for going beyond conditioned thinking structures. As best as you can, be authentic about what you believe: Do your beliefs actually match your direct experience of life -- as it is for you now, not how it was 5 or 10 years ago?Monday starts with a strong focus on accomplishing things and getting down to business. As best as you can, refrain from getting too obsessed with anything... Take some breaks ;)At 5:51am EST, we enter a 26-hour Moon void of course (VoC) which ends at 7:57am EST (Tuesday morning). This is an intuitive time, use it to nurture what you are building long-term and what you feel most passionate about. As always during VoC, take it easy -- go with the flow and avoid starting anything brand-new. Routine tasks work very well during this time. It also helps planning your day ahead of time. A Venus/Jupiter opposition will be exact at 8:44am EST. We started to feel this aspect from Saturday on; it will be strong until Wednesday evening of next week. This is asking us to find an inner and outer balance between two apparently conflicting pulls: Our connection to future visions (i.e. making the world a better place for all of us), and our need for fun activities and creative self-expression.We have a tendency to overestimate our personal capabilities right now: We want to do (and be) more than is actually possible right now. In the same spirit, we might also have a tendency to live beyond our means. As you can see, we need to watch out for feeling overly-optimistic or -enthusiastic. Moderation is the keyword, with regard to both finances and our affections: Check your bank account... and keep it real wink emoticon As best as you can, find a balance between your head and your heart. A Mars/Neptune alignment in Pisces will be exact at 7:08pm EST. We started to feel this aspect from Thursday evening on; it will be strong until Friday of next week. This might contribute to feeling either a lack of physical energy, or a need to connect to spiritual or creative endeavors. As best as you can, be patient with your energy levels for this coming week; go with the flow whenever you can, and, just for now, see what is would feel like to let go of wanting to be the first and the best.This is definitely a highly imaginative time. The highest vibration of this aspect is idealistic, highly intuitive and romantic; on a lower level vibration, its about not seeing reality clearly or wanting to avoid it, as it may be to painful to accept as it is. We might get confused or disappointed; things might seem a little foggy. Check in with others when creating new goals for yourself during this transit: get reality checks! Remember: the more we fight against any energy pattern, the more we will experience its lowest vibration. As best as you can, let go and let flow wink emoticon As Monday is also the last day before the New Moon becomes exact, this is a great day to let go of what no longer serves us. As best as you can, avoid jumping the gun: Rather than launching into brand-new endeavors or connections, wait until a couple of days have passed after the New Moon. Some of us might feel a little anxious or nervous today: As best as you can, get quiet and go within… Listen to the silence between the sounds… Find peace in the connection with your innermost and truest Self.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 03:24:00 +0000

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