As the East coast preps for this next crazy - TopicsExpress

   As the East coast preps for this next crazy snow fall This is a call to the days of yesteryear while running Pershing Halls growing from shorties to yey talls thinking we were grown sippin on Old E, Night Train, Wild Irish Rose or some Mad Dog yea, those were the days when kids could express their innocence not recognising why it was so damn easy to cop a pack of Kools and Schnapps Peppermint The Blue Door was the code to walk thru on the way out we were bent money spent on what seemed to be nonsense but we paid for our education some went to the great blue yonder on a Soul Vacation Buck was my second best friend cause my brother ALWAYS came in first how do you quench the hunger and thirst of a child? let them go buck wild? Though our wilden out had so much style! Sonny use to take me and my brother on the coolest rides pimped out in Cadillacs on Bishop Ford and we would just FLY!!!!! full moon to the right side on the northern return he would burn then spray some Indian Blessings while the 8 track tape player marvelled the hood and pissed off the haters We be the diamonds in the back and Sonny was the Sun Roof Top we were digging the scene with a gangster lean so many years have passed, it seems like a dream Deborah Brown, Tracey Sargent and many others would be asked to return home paths shown to make us men and women of consciousness we can never return to those days no matter how much we miss and insist those might have been the best days in our lives many tears Ive cried while in mental Skype FB is good for something I just got to see a recent pic of an Old School Friend Debra Trice just as beautiful as she was in our childhood life talking to the spirits who keep the wormhole tight and secure theres so much out in the world that wants to lure us away from the one thing that is ABSOLUTELY SURE You/WE are GODS with such Divine Spirits The essence of the DEVIL is nothing more than mans fear of it so he destroys all that he fears, even self these antibiotics are starting to kick in so I need some probiotics to balance whats being felt On a chilly cold night in January I guess Im just making peace with self Peace self...
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 01:24:09 +0000

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