Hello My fellow Internet - TopicsExpress

   Hello My fellow Internet Entrepreneurs, Facebook Groups Marketing can be great way to get leads and conversions. But without the right tools it can also be very time consuming. Or, with the wrong tools be very damaging to your Facebook account by getting it blocked from posting, sending messages, and sending friend request. What we Online Entrepreneurs call Facebook Jail! There are many horrible intrusive apps on the market that claim to put your Facebook Groups Posting On Auto-Pilot. I Know! I got burned this last March, by Tool Star’s Facebook Groups Auto Poster. After only using the app for two weeks I was put in Facebook Jail for 30 days. Well, it has come to my attention there is another script poster service out there that has just been banned from Facebook and has put many of its users in Facebook Jail. Somehow, I was put on this apps mailing list. Here is an email I received today Dec.29, 2014 at 7:51pm EST. [Aron | FacebookGroupAutoPoster To me Today 12/29/14 at 7:51 PM Hey Sean, The site has been down from time to time due to the server being over capacity. Were currently working on re-stabalizing our service, and we expect this to be fully up and running within a day. I really appreciate you! Cheers, Aron] This is the same line of Bull Tool Star Gave all of the people they hosed back in early 2014! Just Like Tool Star did, this Company knew it’s site and app would be banned by Facebook eventually. (They even admit it here: https://facebook/video.php?v=906212576064292) They did the old “Free Fb Auto Poster”(Tool Star did the same thing), which only has limited functions like only allowing a text message to 25 groups. Then they offer multiple price package upgrades seeming to be an affordable Facebook marketing option at only $25.00 a month. This site as of Dec.1, 2014 had over 10,000 Paid Subscribers. All of whom now can’t even use the product the paid for Today! This Particular site with the abusive post script cannot even be linked on Facebook anymore. Fb has made the statement “This url(FacebookGroupAutoPosterDOTcom)has been identified as malicious and/or abusive.” From my research, the company that claimed to be the “all-in-one posting solution for your Facebook Marketing.” Has been down since Dec. 14th, 2014. From my experience this site will never be viable solution to Facebook groups marketing. If You are one of the people who got hurt by this fly by night website and App. I am truly sorry! Knowing That Facebook Groups Hold Tons of Lead Generation Potential. I started a thorough search of what was available to automate my Fb groups posting after I was burned the same way by Tool Star. Little fact: Both Tool Star and Facebook Group Auto Poster are owned operated by Europeans From Estonia and the Netherlands. Knowing there are plenty of Bad Solutions from foreign countries. I started looking for a reputable company From within the USA that came with outstanding support and just a one-time fee. I hate recurring Charges! Since April of 2014, I have been using a windows desktop software designed by Sean Walters, an Ex Marine Drill Sergeant. Sean’s Fb Groups Poster V2 is customized to fully control your Facebook groups marketing. Here just watch the video I made about it! This software will never get you blocked or banned from Facebook!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 23:10:30 +0000

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