i was about 12 or 13...i had just gotten - TopicsExpress

   i was about 12 or 13...i had just gotten suspended for fighting a week before...ashamed, i was trying to lay low in the library...I was playing chess with my friend Ronald during lunch for a few days... ...I met a few of his classmates... ...i was automatically drawn to a at first sight? idk.. ...she automatically took my attention...It may have been me but I felt as if we already had our inside jokes...similar quirks...same nerdy interests... ...I never had enough courage to tell her that I liked her... ...over the summer she had a boyfriend... I waited...she was my first crush...someone I wouldve liked to be my first kiss... senior year...I got in trouble a lot that year...I asked her to prom but she was busy with some dumb speech competition...whatevs ...we both went to different schools after that...both had our separate relationships, breakups, love lost...a few of mine were due to my friendship with her...whatevs ...after every breakup, my bro in law would say hey, hows bek?...and I would just respond with something like naw, man...I already tried...its not time for that ...years passed...I would see her occasionally, with friend events... ...I asked her to a club...the music was like oontz, oontz, oontz, etc. everything slowed down...lights flashed...the crowd we drew closer...closer, moving to the music...closer and closer til we finally kissed... ...every day after was just an in between time... is a happily ever after with my wife...every second away is an in between time...i will wait...and we will be together theres no reason for this rant...except, I was fixing the car...listening to music...this song came on...and i love bek
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 12:57:01 +0000

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