You never know Who is Listening Before - TopicsExpress

   You never know Who is Listening Before the book, Law of Success, was organized into a systematic course of instruction and reduced into textbooks Dr. Hill lectured on the philosophy of imagination. One member of the audience decided he was going to apply the principle in his new line of business which was insurance. The idea of co-operative effort stuck in his head. He formulated a plan to grow his business by gaining the co-operation of other business people who were not associated with the insurance business. He made an arrangement with a grocery store owner to give a thousand dollar insurance policy to every customer who purchased at least fifty dollars of groceries per month. He made it his business to tell people about his arrangement which increased the flow of customers to the store. The grocery store owner then made a sign and placed it in his store as a “benefit for his customers”. He made the same arrangement with the local gas station owner then the local restaurant owner, and the local builder and real estate broker. He was using his imagination to put into transactions, actions that benefited all; customers and business owners. He attracted to him-self the the forces he wanted to use and he induced others to serve him, because he was willing to serve others. In the end he became one of the top salesmen in the company by using his imagination and using co-operation of of others. With today’s technology is only a matter of time before someone figures out how to tie different local businesses to local customers by way of the internet. Big companies have figured it out. Now its time for the smaller business owner to find a low cost and effective way to do the same thing. It might be you. Maybe its your time. You may know some small business owners that want more exposure to the market place and they need a little help. The beauty shop owner has a has a list of customers and wants to keep those customers. If you are a woman you kind of know what they are talking about. Why not become the go between for the owner. If you are a guy and you go to the barber shop the same principle applies to you also. If you are in the multilevel marketing space and you want to increase you business maybe you need to become the go between. Matching products and services to customers is the key to success. Most biz ops have some sort of web site today. What are you going to do to stand out from all the other independent reps? For less than a dollar a day you can have an opportunity to learn how to write a blog with your unique message. The Empower Network and their eight core steps will show you how to approach your market with your personal message. If you want to get paid to tell others then you want to become an affiliate. The Prosperity Team developed the i-success formula to complement the Empire Network suite of educational products. The franchise model works isuccessformula/adam/?id=earl_hackett&tid= With the ipas system you can develop the small wins then advance to the larger more profitable products. This has been straight talk, beast mode. H.G.M.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 01:58:00 +0000

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