100 years after the EP was signed this man - TopicsExpress

   100 years after the EP was signed this man along with 100s of 1000s of people were still fighting for their freedom. For their right to exist equally in their own nation. So much can be taken from this speech. This man helped change our history using his brain, his heart, his soul, & people by the masses. And encourages his protestors to meet physical violence with soul violence. Where has this passion gone America? Why do we sit back & take things as they come in our country OUR home. Because its easier to like & comment or bicker about issues & complain on social media??51 years later groups of people are still fighting for equal rights... Just to be treated fairly & have the same opportunities as any other man or woman in our nation. There are still outside forces that are telling these Americans no. You cant. Take this for what its worth. At a minimum respect what great leaders like MLK JR did for our nation. Never forget the challenges faced with making a change & use his actions, determination, soul, words, charisma, & fortitude as a basis for your fight against inequalities. This man had a plan & he got the results he needed. Some things never change unfortunately ignorance still exists in our country as well as hatred. But its out turn to fight for change & speak out & rally & get results for the people that deserve fairness. Equality. Dont like this. Stand up. Speak out. Make a difference. Thanks
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 17:46:40 +0000

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