BISMILLAHI - TopicsExpress

   BISMILLAHI RAHMANI RAHIM.salam alaykum ve rahmetullahi ve berekatuhu.time to soften the hearts of the faithful, the time to be real brothers and sisters.time to soften the hearts brothers and sisters who believe in ALLAH s.v.t.a.doomsday is near, heaven and hell is near.those who prefer the name of ALLAH s.a.v.t. they are ALLAH nearest and farthest from the voice is not like the voice of a nightingale, but I believe in Allah and His Messenger Muhammad s.a.v.s.those who prefer the sake of ALLAH s.v.t.a. will not be afraid of the day when all the others to be feared.We belong to ALLAH s.v.t.a. and to Him shall we return.You will not believe it until it is shared but whatever share of I have not heard to help me with zakat, and the time will come when no one will want to take zakat and it very quickly. if you want you can send an anonymous, let him dear ALLAH knows and no one from the heart as you can.if you want you can send an anonymous, let him dear ALLAH knows and no one from the heart as you me in the name of Allah, DZenneh let you compensate for Allah the merciful. thank you all for liking my video, ALLAH reward you who helped me out and made up for him.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 02:27:05 +0000

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