Audio and transcription Channeling Adam - TopicsExpress

   Audio and transcription Channeling Adam 13/10/14 ( who am I , and the ego mind ) In Trance Dear heart, we are always with you when you connect in this way. Do not doubt we are there. We are wanting to speak of a different subject this day, as we are understanding you do not wish to speak of yourself. We find this amusing, as the experience of speaking in this way involves yourself but we will respect your wishes this day. We are wanting to bring through the need for balance in your lives. At times when one is on this journey one wishes to be in an altered state much of the day, we tell you it is not so much the altered state, that you need doing, when coming into your awareness, rather it is being in awareness” that is the journey to self. It is good that you practice your stillness, it is good that you learn in regards to these matters, but what we tell you is, it is not about being still all day every day, you are after all living, so in respect to this, the living moment to moment is not about being still moment to moment, it is in fact more in regards to being aware, being in an awareness state more often than not. What we mean by this to be aware, is to live each moment in the knowledge of the who” of who you are. Rather than going about your day automatically, it is suggested that you live that moment to moment in awareness. What do we mean by awareness? We hear your questions. Awareness is the one that is behind the mind, the one that looks, through your eyes, the one that is aware when you are for instance eating a meal or having a conversation, the part of you when you look through your eyes at for instance nature. When you look through your eyes at nature, you see the beauty, with your eyes that you see with, but there is an awareness behind the looking behind the seeing. If you think who is actually seeing the flowers, seeing the gardens, who is behind the seeing? Are you understanding? When you ask the question who am I, it is the one that is behind the asking, the presence that is within you, this is what we are talking about. When you live daily with this awareness of who you are, when you live daily moment to moment with this altered state, in this way, when you look through this awareness at others you cannot help but treat others differently to how you would normally treat them. You cannot help to see the beauty in all things differently to the way you would normally view them with your mind, and with your eyes. When you view with your awareness everything is beauty. All things as you see, that as part of yourself. It may be difficult for some to grasp this. There is an exercise we recommend. When you sit still for a moment, be in your silence and ask, “Who am i?” When you ask “Who is the one thinking the thought of who am i?” Who is behind your thinking of anything? Who is behind the person that looks through your eyes? Who am i? When you live with this awareness with the “I”. When you walk about your day knowing the ‘i” a presence that is you, knowing who you are, when you are living each moment with this knowledge, with this awareness, magic begins, because you deal with every situation in a different manner, and when you begin to do this, the outside, the all that is outside of you, changes. This is how you change your reality. It has no option but to change, because you reflect differently to others, and so you will have that reflection reflected back to you differently also. Another way to be in awareness is to just be still, and really be present. When you are in the present moment you again see things differently, you are noticing all that is about you in greater detail, and then you realise there is an awareness in you that is noticing the detail, that is being present. This is you. This is the awareness in you. This awareness is god. This awareness is source. This awareness is the spark that is in all living things. When you live through the eyes of awareness, through the eyes of self you begin to change the outer reality because you are changing what is within, because you are noticing you are bringing forth that awareness. It is a difficult concept for some to grasp, especially those that have not been in study for a long time, but the study is not so important, as when one becomes aware, study is irrelevant because you have already tapped into the secret, of who you are. When you live in present in moment when you live with the awareness of who you are, this, this, is what you are searching for, because when you figure this out, you have come to the realisation, you have become enlightened, because when you live with this, when you live with this awareness, when you live with knowing who you are, you react differently to all things, you have a reverence for all life. You know then that what you do to others, you in fact do to yourself. You see the connection between all things. Between you and other life. Are you understanding dear ones? It is a very simple concept, but also the very hardest that can be grasped, because of the ego mind. The ego mind is a survival mechanism that protects, the “who” of the am i. It is there as a shield, it is very hard to let go of this shield, to drop the ego. It has its purposes, do not misunderstand. The ego has its purposes, it is there for a reason. However it can also be a hindrance. It has its uses, and it is there to protect, so when the ego mind gets in the way, thank it, for what it is doing to guard you, but do it anyway. For instance, when one is feeling threatened the” I” will go into protection mode, the” I” will say to perhaps another, “no, do not come too close you will hurt me, I am protecting my heart from you, I will not allow you into my life”. The ego mind is protecting the “I”, from being hurt. What the ego mind doesn’t realise, is the “I” cannot be hurt. The “I” is indestructible. Think about this. Imagine your relationships, imagine how they might change, when the ego mind has no need to protect. Imagine how much love, can be accepted into your being, when the ego mind is let go of. We are so busy protecting the “I” that we do not allow ourselves to be loved. It is a paradox because love is what we are, love is what the “I” is. If we are to allow ourselves to experience, the “I” in its totality, then the ego, has to be dropped, because we cannot allow that, and there is a survival mechanism in place. It’s like having a door firmly closed in front of your heart, protecting it, protecting the “I”. When you live with the “I” awareness you have no need for protection, for you realise there is nothing that needs protecting. It simply is. We ask that you practice, contemplating the” who am I”? Sit in stillness, and ask the question, “who am I”. Ask the question, relax, and allow the answer to penetrate your being. It may not happen the first time, the second, or even the third, but if you keep asking the question, and answer will come. It may come with images, a thought, you may receive a book, or an email, or a message in some way, shape or form, but when you ask, that answer will come. And when it is that you discover, the “I” in the “I am”, life as you know it changes. That is all
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 02:25:10 +0000

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