The last time I was in Las Vegas I didnt - TopicsExpress

   The last time I was in Las Vegas I didnt really enjoy it. Im not like most people I guess in that I always will think of Las Vegas as the place where my grandmother and grandfather lived. To me, Las Vegas is a little yellow house in the middle of the desert where I used to run in the sand and rollerblade as a child. Its the place where I discovered The Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King, the place where I found out how much I liked Indian food. I still think of my grandmother as one of the sweetest and most generous women Ive ever met my life, and my grandfather as one of the happiest men. But the last time I was there, I went to visit their graves. I stayed in a casino hotel, one of the older places. It was so hot outside that you could get a sunburn just by walking around from the light reflecting off of the asphalt and the glass. I tried gambling at one of the slot machines. When that didnt go so well, I ended up going to a club. I lost track of the person that I was with, and I spent the rest of the night worrying about them, rather than having fun, which is what I was supposed to be doing there. Later on that person found me, and we went to a pool party, but I couldnt bring myself to talk to anyone. My company decided that I needed a little bit of help socializing, so next thing I knew I was drinking an entire bottle of 80 proof rum by myself. I remember screaming all sorts of things, I dont remember what I said, but I think I was pretty upset. Then I woke up and found out that four or five hours had passed and I had completely forgotten about the girl that I had promised to meet that same night. I walked over to where I was supposed to meet her but she wasnt there. Instead I found a guy who looked like he hadnt had a shower in about three years. I bought him a hamburger and he told me that he used to be an engineer. I dont think I slept at all for the rest of the night. When I listen to this song I think about that visit. I cant go to Las Vegas and do the things other people do because Las Vegas can never be that for me, but I can still appreciate why other people feel the way they do. The whole experience also makes me realize that as much as I use music to escape my life sometimes, its worth remembering that my life is in fact filled with the phenomenon that we call magic, both good and bad, and that magic is at work all the time, in little ways that sometimes I dont think about until its far too late.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 00:10:35 +0000

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