youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=u8slnnzlW6Q (Waarom gaat - TopicsExpress


youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=u8slnnzlW6Q (Waarom gaat de menselijke gezondheid achteruit en duiken er steeds meer ziektes op? een van de redenen is "Genetisch Gemodificeerd organismen of "GMO" biotechnologie". De nachts elite worden daarom ook wel technocraten genoemd. Als je GMO voedsel eet voor een lange tijd komt het bij jou of in de volgende generatie in het DNA structuur te zitten. "Hier door ontstaan allerlei ziektes". Het is een aanval op het menselijk lichaam. Voor Basis info? Raad ik aan de film ook te zien op "You Tube" (worden wij wakker), lees veder hier onder. GMO Seeds of Death - Unveiling The Lies of GMOs - Full Movie. Gepubliceerd op 24 mei 2013 Go here TheRoadToHealingCancer To Discover How to avoid deadly cancer and disease from GMO foods now. "Seeds of Death - Unveiling The Lies of GMOs Full Movie" is an acclaimed full-length documentary on the dark side of genetically modified organism or "GMO" biotechnology. Monsanto is a multinational corporation that specializes in GMO seed production, Roundup Herbicide production and sale globally. GMO seeds are created specifically to both produce cancer-causing and disease causing pesticides, and to resist heavy herbicide spraying during the crop cycle. This all out assault on human health approach for the Almighty profit has led to massive outbreaks of cancer, disease and death globally. This riveting GMO documentary peels back the Iron Curtain that Monsanto enforces vigorously through private militia, corrupt enacted laws and aggressive patent law. Besides causing cancer, sickness and disease worldwide, Monsanto and handful of other GMO biotech companies are literally putting intense unethical legal actions on farmers and especially the natural-based organic farmers worldwide. To find out protect your health from this massive outbreak of GMO based multinational corruption, go to "The Road To Healing Cancer Academy" The RoadToHealingCancer and get on the notification list for the next healing cancer online seminar. Do it now -available spots are filling up fast. Glen B. Stewart Founder The Road To Healing Cancer Academy TheRoadToHealingCancer Categorie Non-profit en activisme.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 18:55:43 +0000

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