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youtube/watch?v=FJfFZqTlWrQ Dave summon your fastest GRASSHOPERS To the Pakeha party fp page inventers of many faces, THANKS for the CHANCE to rANT with your open debate. Praise the LORD even if some wisdom seems loveless, now I have a PURPOSE and a way of getting my CITIZENSHIP back or at least my vote MEANS something now? IS the Pakeha party a sequel to a ONE NATION Party? A ONE NATION with RMP is tough LOVE or discipline not arrowg ANTS or divisive prejudices (although were all squashed ANTS to GOD). ONE NATION - one heart is the well overdue CHANGE DEMOcracy needs in their political system. Consider how the ANTS live! DEMOcracy has NOTHING to do with Religion BUT commonsense will make NZ constituents the JUDGE again. As EQUALITY will prove this TRUTH and EQUITY will BEHEAD the TWO HEADED monster of its POWER and render NZ decolonised as ONE LAW for ALL or ONE NATION. 1 + 1 makes two heartbeats or TWO NATIONS BUT RMP is more simple than addition because its multiplication, ie 1 of 1 makes one heartbeat, one LAW for ALL or ONE NATION! I need say no MORE! RMP still has 120 mps so its a win/win for ALL. 60 electrates mps, with 15 round table business ministers to zipcode the importANT portfolios etc with 45 beaurocratic mps which are out of parliment like the old days. For RMP to work the mares of Auckland (4), Christchurch (3) and Wellington (2) should legally be aloud to drop nine electrates and then split GERMS twins. What is it to parliment? DEMOcracy is worth far more than MMPs TWO NATION DICTATORSHIP! ONE NATION or RMP is a 100% DEMOcratic govt with four democratic Maori electrates, one covering the South Island and three in the North Island as immigration set forth. Connecting all IWI groups together like a consensus or a huge fishing net, eliminating the sepertist Maori roll and the small unnecessary seperatist electrates. If under Twentys cant VOTE because this era or age is entirely different than the past then all electrates will become EQUAL in number? Beaurocrats will cover huge electrates and smaller communitities. Tai nui who didnt sign the T.O.W therefor shouldnt be criminalised because the signaTORIES havent constitulised the T.O.W as NZs founding document and ALL charges of unlawfullness should be dropped. And I didnt sign the T.O.W either or commit those evil SINS just as MMP isnt my CONSTITUTION and Christchurch is the capital. Commonsense proves a false prophet is a DICTATOR and MMP is a spineless DICTATOR. Didnt the PRINCE of PEACE give the Maori prophets the land to start the Ratana movement for all Kiwis in the future not just Maori, GOD would of known EVOLUTION or Pakeha would constitionalise a fairer constitution because COMMONSENSE is by far a superior REMEDY to religious dogma or ignorANTS LIKE EXclusiveness of a greater cause. Isnt the T.O.W a first testment PROMISE as (ONE NATION). Not as a second testiment promise of legalism that is todays open debate that created PAKEHA to dislike sepertism and division as is todays open debate that presses HATE SPEECH against TWO NATIONS or MMP. I want my CITIZENSHIP back, Im not an immigr ANT in my own country even though I wasnt here FIRST! Im not a dumbfounded Pake KAKA thats discriminated against by the giANT flipflopping W anchor or the VETOmans MMP referendum. Im a zookeeper that knows wheels are faster than animals and arent taking the BLAME or being held responsible for someone elses SINS by MMP or JESUS CHRIST on stilts. How much hate SPEECH is needed to create ONE NATION. Provoking PEACE is a CHALLENGE indeed as DEMOcracy is Freedom of expression INDEED, quoted by the VETOMAN (John Key) himself BUT MMP isnt Freedom of EXPRESSION!!!!!!!!!!!! Its not like Im on the QUEENS PROzac or anything just DEcolonise. The complications with TWO NATIONS is that two nations is one huge giANT with alot of POWER which has two heads that ONLY DEMOcracy can BEHEAD (VOTE OUT) and is very hard to BEHEAD because m mps are feathering their nests with MMP protection (legalistic RULES etc) while being resistANT to leave without a FIGHT. Mathematicly there must be 120 mps even if 2/3 of the NATION refuse to VOTE because of NO CHOICE, NATS/LAB still win by default. The ONLY way to stop this trend is by splitting GERMS twins, very simple creating CHOICE Once the electrate VOTE and the totalitarian VOTES are split, WE have choice. Then NAT/LAB will disappear waaaaaaaaaa. Without the zookeepers (democracy) help, BEHEADING two nations or mmp would be without PURPOSE because democracy is the JUDGE. The dictator or m mps home is NOT the judge BUT the servANT. Mps arent MMP so how can there be any OFFENSE. MMP has no spine, its our way or the highway, referendums MEAN NOTHING unless it suits M MPs. M MPs stage their silly little dumbfounding game of EXCUSES. MMP legalised the ANTi Smacking bill and forced the tax payer to contribute to FOOL GOLD (KiwiSaver or mps gambling machine). KiwiSaver is a vested professional THIEF - whose idealogical BRAINSTORM was that, were they smoking dope like a FROG? If mps really wanted to justify their non - sequilar irrelevency (ANTi smacking bill) together with their EXcuse on legs. Theyd put themselves in a condom kind of like SHITTING a pumpkin seperately embodying their nonsense JUDGEMENTS and send themselves back GOD and ask for discipline. Two nations or mmp is a two faced giANT with two heartbeats created by mps for mps. One heartbeat for mps and one for the small people. Just as WE and US arent words anymore because greed and ownership are a form of suspect seedy EXCUSES or delayed gratification that TWO NATIONS like supplying. Its not like democracy need a doctor quick lesson or anything, is that why hores draws in an unoffended sinner. Two nations and their alfabetical ITISES (news papers) try to dumbfound the zookeeper like having a computer chip in everyones head. To control what we think, like a permanent predator/alien or a PRE determined JUDGEMENT that doesnt split atoms that has uranium on its breathe and is a born CAOS waiting to happen. THATS why democracy need a permanent REFerendum.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 03:27:33 +0000

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