youtube/watch?v=HSHg_m49zbU This lady is amazing and - TopicsExpress


youtube/watch?v=HSHg_m49zbU This lady is amazing and courageous. And she does not know about Billy Meier case...It is amazing and wonderful Creation creature. Javier/PERU * * * * * * * ABOUT RELIGIONS AND SECTS, AND ITS FALSE TEACHINGS. AND ITS WORST CONSEQUENCE: MONSTRUOS & UNSTOPPABLE TERRESTRIAL HUMAN OVERPOPULATION BILLY MEIER PREDICTION - JOHN PAUL 1 MURDERER Rhal Zahi youtube/watch?v=maBqmhqr_gE In God’s Name – An investigation into the murder of Pope John Paul I, by David A. Yallop DAVID SUZUKI SPEAKS ABOUT OVERPOPULATION tehmulletman youtube/watch?v=8x98KFcMJeo INDIA OVERPOPULATION DOCUMENTARY Ketan Ghelani youtube/watch?v=QERpT1Bq8AA EARTH OVERPOPULATION AWARENESS – THE FACTS AND FUTURE Keenan Thompson youtube/watch?v=Q2C-zBGOGAM OVERPOPULATION: THE MOTHER OF ALL PROBLEMS (part 1 of 2 ) wespeakforthetrees youtube/watch?v=-v0ry7uFuWk The religions and sects, as well as your faked mother Teresa of Calcutta, all of them are the scum of the human civilization on this planet. WHY THE POPE RESIGNED - ARREST WARRANT Zac Barr youtube/watch?v=eyk4n2lXhpE Published on Feb 12, 2013.- This is the REAL reason Pope Benedict resigned. No games. He was facing criminal charges by the Peoples Common Law for crimes against humanity perpetrated by the Vatican church. Slaughter of innocent Native children in Canada, poisoning of populations, human trafficking, child torture, and many more things. Someone finally had the courage to stand up. Thank you Kevin Annett. ITCCS.ORG. Category Education They are the ones who have taken unfair advantage over most human beings on Earth, who because of their mental weakness and total submission of consciousness are leading to a total collapse of climate and environment balance of this beautiful blue planet. And the worst of its consequences is the monstrous and unstoppable terrestrial human overpopulation, which is causing a global catastrophe, and that inevitably will lead to the 3rd. World War or nuclear holocaust on this planet. And this has become to happen due to the imbecilic behavior and evil wrong-doings, and stupid management of the “elites” who have disastrously been governing this planet and its human nations…I am referring to the Criminal Catholic Church “Leaders” in complicity of “corrupt” political leaders and “chief” of world governments along last 2 millennia over this planet Earth. “One day after I am long gone, you will remember me and say, we should have stopped the nuclear program of Israel, abolished the Federal Reserve and kicked all secret societies, occultists, usurpers and Zionists out of our wonderful country, to keep it that way, but IT IS NEVER TOO LATE, JUST REMEMBER THAT.” JFK – JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY, The True and Last American President! THE CATHOLIC JESUITS(VATICAN ASSASSINS): HOW THE VATICAN ASSASSINATED JFK vatileaks youtube/watch?v=CjZQoC9Z6fY Published on Mar 20, 2013 The Vatican is being exposed for what it is: The most criminal organization in existence. The crimes that they have managed to commit against humanity for 2000 years via its criminal priests, nuns, and evil religious leaders are now being discovered worldwide, as it is written that any day now, the Catholic Church will go up in flames and be destroyed forever, as it is the mother of all abominations on Earth. The Protect Your Children Foundation is documenting and exposing all of its crimes worldwide, alerting entire nations of the dangers that the Catholic Church poses to our children in our communities, as they have been implementing crime schemes of rape, torture, starvation, human experiments, abuse, exploitation and more in its religious institutions, while claiming to help children. The Vatican has utilized its false appearance of mercy, claiming they are representatives of Christ, when in fact, they do this to gain trust and commit crimes. For more info, visit: Category Education The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know. For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. No President should fear public scrutiny of his program. For from that scrutiny comes understanding; and from that understanding comes support or opposition. And both are necessary. I am not asking your newspapers to support the Administration, but I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people. For I have complete confidence in the response and dedication of our citizens whenever they are fully informed. I not only could not stifle controversy among your readers-- I welcome it. This Administration intends to be candid about its errors; for as a wise man once said: An error does not become a mistake until you refuse to correct it. We intend to accept full responsibility for our errors; and we expect you to point them out when we miss them. WITHOUT DEBATE, WITHOUT CRITICISM, NO ADMINISTRATION AND NO COUNTRY CAN SUCCEED-- AND NO REPUBLIC CAN SURVIVE. That is why the Athenian lawmaker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy. And that is why our press was protected by the First (emphasized) Amendment-- the only business in America specifically protected by the Constitution-- not primarily to amuse and entertain, not to emphasize the trivial and sentimental, not to simply give the public what it wants--but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crises and our choices, to lead, mold educate and sometimes even anger public opinion. This means greater coverage and analysis of international news-- for it is no longer far away and foreign but close at hand and local. It means greater attention to improved understanding of the news as well as improved transmission. And it means, finally, that government at all levels, must meet its obligation to provide you with the fullest possible information outside the narrowest limits of national security... EXTRACT TAKEN FROM JFK LAST SPEECH JUST FEW DAYS BEFORE HE WAS ASSASSINATED BY EVIL FORCES OF EARTH. An immediate birth stop is a must over this planet in order to try to avoid total collapse of human civilization over this world, and to stop destruction of our beloved mother Earth planet and her innocent creatures. And this top-urgent goal will not be taken place over this planet, only if only terrestrial human nations must be instructed and explained them, in a simple and straight way, about True Truth of Human Life on Universe, through studying of the most important writings and books delivered to terrestrial humankind by The New Time Prophet, Mr. “Billy” Eduard Albert Meier, thru the “Goblet of Truth” specially. He, Mr. “Billy” Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM) - the 7th. Great Prophet of Truth –, was in timely and especially way sent to us by our brothers in human race, with whom (The Plejaren) we have common ancestors from the beginning of history on this planet. And, they, THE PLEJAREN, who with their infinite goodness and responsibility, they have crossed the vast distance that separates us from their stellar system from they come from, THE PLEIADES, to lend us a free-hand in our true human evolution as real human beings of Creation. To help us to remove the blindfold from our material-eyes and enslaved human consciences towards and retaking wise path of Creation , through the respect for life, laws and directives of Nature or Creation . There is no other way to prevent our total collapse as human civilization on Earth, while simultaneously trying to prevent the total destruction of our own home planet TERRA (Earth). As this kind of disaster was unfortunately made some thousand years ago by some other human relatives from us, in our Sol-System, who once lived on MALONA and MARS planets, where once had human life, but now it was destroyed and lifeless; and they crazy and stupid motivation that led them to their own self-destruction was the same that is taking to us, terrestrial humankind to reach same unfortunate and evil destination/end destruction. Which is the uncontrolled and insane greed and selfishness for material power over rest of terrestrial human nations, from our wicked and stupid terrestrial “elites”, who disastrously have governed our beloved children, women and men on this planet, these last two millennia especially. Quote: “RELIGIONS AND SECTS CORRESPOND TO ORGANISATIONS AND GROUPS WHICH STULTIFY THE TRUTH AND THE CONSCIOUSNESS AND THROUGH WHICH THE HUMAN BEING IS LED AWAY FROM ACTUAL REALITY AND ITS TRUTH, AND, THROUGH WHICH, BY MEANS OF FALSE TEACHINGS, HE IS BEATEN INTO SERFDOM AND HIS CONSCIOUSNESS IS KEPT ENSLAVED.” Excerpt taken from Billy Meier writings, Mr. Billy Meier, his mission and writings are fully supported by Mr. Javier V. Maldonado. Lima, Peru Unquote If the Criminal and Corrupt Catholic Church and its lackeys - mercenary is going to fall will be done due to their own crimes and degenerations committed against terrestrial humanity on last 2,000 years. And do not because some prophecies they say so or not. Every lie, crime and depravity committed against to our beloved innocent and defenseless children, women, men and living creatures of the Earth will eventually be discovered and punished by the same terrestrial humanity, who sooner or later will be awaken in the light of the ¡True Truth! Javier/PERU Lima. Saturday, 16 -Nov. 2013 Alliance for Responsible Humankind on Earth & DERN Universe!, TheyFly Mr. Javier V. Maldonado Alliance for responsible humankind on Earth & DERN Universe! Telephone (0051) 9970-24-006, LIMA-PERÚ. javiermaldonadotrevinos@hotmail, Billy Meier, Switzerland; theyfly, Michael Horn, USA. steelmark.websitetoolbox/post?id=2895459 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ACERCA DE LAS RELIGIONES Y SECTAS, Y SUS FALSAS ENSEÑANZAS. Y SU PEOR CONSECUENCIA: LA MONSTRUOSA E IMPARABLE SOBRE-POBLACION HUMANA TERRESTRE = = = THE JESUITS ASSASSINATED JFK. AND ABRAHAM LINCOLN alan lamont youtube/watch?v=AjX_LkHT_Rw EL ASESINATO JESUITA DE JOHN F KENNEDY. MIGUEL SÁNCHEZ AVILA miguelsanchezavila• youtube/watch?v=p7M_rIDmj_4 Las religiones y sectas, así como tu fraude y falsa madre Teresa de Calcuta, todos ellos son la escoria de la civilización humana en este planeta. Ellos son los que han tomado ventaja injusta sobre la mayoría de los seres humanos en la Tierra, que a causa de su debilidad mental, y la sumisión total de la conciencia están dando lugar a un total de colapso del clima y del equilibrio del medio ambiente de este hermoso planeta azul. Y la peor de sus consecuencias es la monstruosa e imparable sobrepoblación humana terrestre, la cual está causando una catástrofe global, y que inevitablemente dará lugar a la tercera. Guerra Mundial o el holocausto nuclear en el planeta Tierra. Y esto ha venido a ocurrir debido a la conducta imbécil y acciones equivocadas, y a la estúpida gestión o manejo de las elites quienes desastrosamente han estado gobernando este planeta y sus naciones humanas... Me refiero a los Líderes de la Criminal Iglesia Católica en complicidad de los corruptos líderes políticos y de los jefes de los gobiernos del mundo, a lo largo de los últimos 2 milenios sobre este planeta Tierra. Él, el señor Billy Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM) - el 7mo. Gran Profeta de la Verdad -, quien fue enviado en forma especial y puntual a nosotros por nuestros hermanos en raza humana, con quienes (Los Plejaren) tenemos antepasados comunes desde el comienzo de la historia de este planeta. Y, ellos , LOS PLEJAREN, que con su infinita bondad y responsabilidad, ellos han cruzado la gran distancia que nos separa de su sistema estelar de procedencia, LAS PLÉYADES , quienes nos dan una mano libre en nuestra verdadera evolución humana como verdaderos seres humanos de la Creación. Para ayudarnos a que quitarnos nosotros mismos, la venda que cubre nuestros ojos materiales y nuestras esclavizadas conciencias humanas hacia y retomando el sabio camino de la Creación, a través del respeto a la vida, a las leyes y directrices de la Naturaleza o de la Creación. No hay otra manera de prevenir el total colapso de la civilización humana en la Tierra, al mismo tiempo tratando de evitar la destrucción total de nuestro propio planeta hogar TERRA (Tierra). Como este tipo de desastre por desgracia fue causado hace algunos miles de años por otros parientes humanos nuestros, en nuestro Sistema Sol, quienes una vez vivieron en los planetas MALONA (cuyos restos son el cinturón de asteroides ahora) y MARTE, donde una vez floreció la vida humana como en nuestro planeta TERRA, pero ahora está destruido y sin vida, y que la motivación que les llevó a su propia autodestrucción era la misma que se está llevándonos a nosotros, la humanidad terrestre, al mismo lamentable y malvado camino de destrucción. Motivación auto-destructiva, la cual es la codicia y el egoísmo descontrolado e insano por el poder material sobre resto de naciones humanas terrestres, por parte de nuestras dementes y estúpidas elites terrestres, quienes desastrosamente han gobernado la vida inhumana y los destinos de nuestros amados niños, mujeres y hombres en este planeta, especialmente estos dos últimos milenios. Quote: LAS RELIGIONES Y SUS SECTAS CORRESPONDEN A LAS ORGANIZACIONES Y LOS GRUPOS QUE EMBRUTECEN LA VERDAD Y LA CONCIENCIA HUMANA, Y A TRAVES DE LO CUAL EL SER HUMANO DE LA TIERRA ES LLEVADO LEJOS DE LA VERDADERA REALIDAD Y SU VERDAD, Y, A TRAVÉS DE LO CUAL, POR INTERMEDIO DE LAS FALSAS ENSEÑANZAS, EL SER HUMANO DE LA TIERRA ES OBLIGADO Y GOLPEDO HACIA LA SERVIDUMBRE, Y SU CONCIENCIA SE MANTIENE ESCLAVIZADA. Extracto tomado de los escritos del Sr. Billy Meier, El Sr. Billy Meier, su misión y sus escritos son totalmente apoyados por El Sr. Javier V. Maldonado, Lima-Perú Unquote Si la Criminal y Corrupta Iglesia Católica y sus lacayos-mercenarios van a caer es por sus mismos crímenes y degeneraciones que han cometido sobre la humanidad terrestre en los últimos 2,000 años. Y no porque algunas profecías lo digan o no. Toda mentira, crimen y depravación cometida sobre nuestros amados inocentes e indefensos niños, mujeres, hombres y criaturas de la Tierra, tarde o temprano serán descubiertas y castigadas por la misma humanidad terrestre, quienes despertarán a la luz de la ¡Verdadera Verdad! Javier/PERU Lima. Sábado, 16-Nov. 2013 Alianza por una Humanidad Responsable en la Tierra & en el Universo DERN!, TheyFly Mr. Javier V. Maldonado Alliance for responsible humankind on Earth & DERN Universe! Telephone (0051) 9970-24-006, LIMA-PERÚ. javiermaldonadotrevinos@hotmail, Billy Meier, Switzerland; theyfly, Michael Horn, USA. steelmark.websitetoolbox/post?id=2895459 * * * * * * *
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 23:15:58 +0000

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