youtube/watch?v=SHcTE5t6YHE In the 29th issue of 96 Magazine, we - TopicsExpress


youtube/watch?v=SHcTE5t6YHE In the 29th issue of 96 Magazine, we would like to formally introduce the contents of our magazine to you. This issue revolves around the theme of brands and numbers, as well as worldly sophistications which is bound to take you by surprise. Classics are often known for its timeless qualities. As long as you cherish its beauty, your life will often be filled with wonderful surprises. The fashion spread for this issue goes by the theme of timeless fashion classics. By bringing these timeless pieces to the eyes of our readers, one will be able to experience the differences. VISIBER, who believes in fineness and excellence, launched its latest collection called the 165 Compact Pewter Frame. It is designed with enamel craft painting and it comes in three different colours, comprising of yellow, green and red. The all-new K Gold Trinity Ring is also the first ever jewellery-line that carries 7 types of colours in its design, comprising of the colours of the Five Elements and Yin & Yang. Next up, we have invited one of the world’s most renowned motivational speakers, Nick Vujicic so deliver his life experience to the Founders of the V Methodology. From his life story, we will be able to learn how to face the difficulties of life, as well analysing Nick’s personal character number through the VISIBER Numbers Methodology. Often seen as the stumbling block, number 5 can also be the number of power and authority, and the power of creating an impact towards the world. This is indeed the characteristic of the number 5. Have you ever thought of the importance of your name card? Little did you know that your name card is actually the key to your business opportunities. Branding and corporate logos are often poorly designed in the modern era; today, we will be introducing brands which has crown and lion symbols in their logo design. Here are a few questions for you to think about. What does the colour red symbolises in a brand logo? And how is the highly acclaimed Mount Fuji connected to the famous Japanese brands of Fujifilm and Fujitsu? Kokia Lin, one of the leading figures in the Taiwan Branding Industry will also be providing you a little insight on the importance of branding. With two hundred years of legacy, Truefitt & Hill is a timeless classic and is keen to bring the best range of grooming products and services to the men of Malaysia. For your travelling pleasures, we have introduced Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur, The Upper House and Conrad Hotel of Hong Kong, and QT Hotel of Sydney, Australia. Together, let us reminisce the moments of CORONAR seminars, VISIBER Malaysia and Singapore Tours, and the incentive trip to Tokyo, Japan! 第29期《96生活誌》正式與各位讀者會面,本期內容主題環繞於品牌魅力與數字智慧,從生活時尚,體會其中奧妙與精彩。 經典是能夠重現的,只要心懷珍惜的態度,生活永遠會有意想不到的驚喜。 本期雜誌的時尚攝影,以時尚回味作為主題,將時尚融入於人生道理,與讀者品嚐另一番滋味。 VISIBER秉持精益求精的精神,延續各精品系列精髓,推出全新珠寶精品,165精緻三意錫框融入了冷琺瑯工藝,推出黃、綠、紅三色。極受好評的金河三意鑽戒亦推出五行色調,與陰陽黑白兩色形成首創陰陽五行七色選擇。 激勵講師尼克•胡哲即將親臨馬來西亞,為V家將們分享人生奮鬥的真人故事。從他的故事,我們學習積極面對人生困境;從他的數字,我們能感受到VISIBER數字的樂趣,從而發掘數字與人生的奧秘。 經常被視為障礙或阻力的數字5,其實擁有舞動全球的力量,周遭的人事物,其實都與數字5有著密切關係。 你認識自己的名片嗎?你知道名片的重要性嗎?小小一張名片絕對能為你開啟嶄新商機。 品牌形象與設計概念窮處不斷,本期雜誌將為大家介紹部分採用皇冠、雄獅作設計的品牌標誌。採用紅色為主色調的品牌標誌,到底給人怎樣的第一印象?耳熟能詳的日本品牌Fujifim、Fujitsu,又與富士山有著怎樣的聯繫? 台灣著名品牌大師林國慶,將與大家分享品牌規劃上的一些心得與重要性。 擁有百年歷史的英倫品牌Truefitt & Hill為大馬帶來紳士理容服務,讓男士們重獲“容”耀。 本期雜誌也將帶領各位讀者走訪吉隆坡君悅酒店、香港奕居、港麗酒店、澳洲悉尼QT酒店,感受世界各地高級住宿享受。 CORONAR品牌講座、VISIBER在全馬各地及新加坡舉辦的巡迴數字論壇、日本東京獎勵旅遊等,讓我們一起重溫這些美好時光與重要時刻。
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 15:14:18 +0000

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