[youtube/watch?v=XDOJ-ehK74o] • Encryption(Encryption is a set - TopicsExpress


[youtube/watch?v=XDOJ-ehK74o] • Encryption(Encryption is a set of vibrations that hold intention.) Source created the FIRST Partiki, and the SECOND one, with Encryption: intention in the form of vibration of consciousness, imbued with the standing flame that serves as the creation matrix that will bend frequency and consciousness and energy into form through the crystal light structures:: _____________________________________________________ Base Pulse Rhythm(BPR - Encryption Lattice): The “reality in core frequency-vibration,” of a being, thought, idea, emotion, matter-form, or any manifest “thing,” represents what is called the “core radiation-encryption.”::[youtube/watch?v=NHBi1yHpEyc] This “core truth in frequency-vibration” is in actuality the frequency-vibration of the core energy-radiation signature held within the morphogenetic field-matter template lattice, upon which the organization of the multidimensional form of any manifest “thing” is structured. The morphogenetic field template is referred to as a “lattice” because it is a constantly fluctuating, flowing field of intricate interwoven geometrical forms and patterns made of minute points of radiation, that exists within, behind and surrounding the matter-form that manifests upon it. In terms of this core-radiation “Encryption Lattice,” even “invisible phenomena” such as “thoughts,” “ideas” and “emotions” are literal manifest things, possessing tangible form, structure, matter-expression and a core Encryption Lattice somewhere within the multidimensional spectrum.(See: Time Matrix) The “cumulative sum of the frequency-vibration” of the core Encryption Lattice at any given moment is called the “Base Pulse Rhythm” or “BPR.” It is the “BPR” of the morphogenetic field Encryption Lattice that draws a manifest form to the cumulative energetic consequence corresponding to the “BPR” of its Encryption Lattice. The “Cosmic Law of Cause and Effect” expresses within Ascension Systems as the “Law of Reciprocal Attraction” through which the Encryption Lattice of a manifest form is drawn into reciprocal, or mutual, relationship with its corresponding energetic consequence; it is the “Law of Co-resonant Harmonic Alignment,” which simply means that the specific core frequency-vibration, or “BPR,” of a matter-form’s Encryption Lattice will draw that matter-form into relationship with other matter-forms that have a correspondingly similar Encryption Lattice and “BPR.” Energetic truth and its consequence will always go “hand-in-hand” within the “Cosmic Law of Cause and Effect.” Energetic truth is the reality in core frequency-vibration held by a being or thing at any given “now moment” in time. It is the cumulative affect of this “energy truth” that will draw to us the corresponding cumulative energetic consequence of that truth, through the “Law of Cause and Effect” that is inherent to the Eternal Laws of Multidimensional Physics. The reality of “who and what you are” is the energetic truth in frequency-vibration held within your Encryption Lattice.(See: Free Will)(Introductory Topics Summary 2 - AzuritePress)[keylonticdictionary.org/] _____________________________________________________ [youtube/watch?v=A3XbuNzKSIw]Thanks to the Encryption the Partiki unit, through Partiki Phasing, create more and more units that have the same nature and hold the same intension of Source.(See: Krist Code) Core Encryption is a return to our Divine Blueprint encrypted within our Partiki (PKI).(Phoenix Workshop March, 2005) Every Thought is an encryption that takes us closer to or further from alignment with Source. Being in alignment with Source through thought and action connects us more strongly with our personal Kristiac Code.(Cosmic Clock Module Manual)The vibrational signature that is carried in the form of Geleaziac radiation points. The Kryst-haLa pattern is the encryption held by this Core First Light Unit called the Tauren.(Denver, July 2006 Workshop) Everything, including every single Partiki in the Universe has an encryption. Eternal Life emerged from the original encryption called the Krist Code. From this point, Creation emerges and expands and as it does so, the encryption expands and becomes more complex, but is still based on the Krist code and Base-12 encryption. In what are called the ‘Outer worlds’ of the Ecka-veca, Eckasha etc, structures can lose their original encryption through anti-krist free will choices.(See: God Worlds) The Hub pulse, when needed, is anchored for full restoration of the original encryption.(Tenerife, Feb-2005 Workshop) The word Krist and Kristallisation are drawn from the first set of 7 vibrational Encryptions - KRYST-hala - to emerge into audible outer expressions of consciousness sound cells from phasing of the Inner Hub.(Whispers of the Rasha Reish A - Phoenix Workshop Sept/Oct 2005)[keylonticdictionary.org/]
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 09:56:21 +0000

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