youtube/watch?v=ahbcm8ClYO8 COMMENTS ON GHANA POLITICS HID MY - TopicsExpress


youtube/watch?v=ahbcm8ClYO8 COMMENTS ON GHANA POLITICS HID MY ABUSE AT THE HANDS OF METROPOLITAN POLICE SERVICE OF UNITED KINGDOM... Wow...what a roller coaster I have had writing about Ghana Politics: Five years now...From Ghanaweb as Obeng Rago, NDC Oil Thieves, Bonso, etc to the lovely interactive Facebook as Kofi Freeman. But I am KOFI GHANABA AMPONSA-DADZIE, Adisco boy of Oguaa Abodzen Kurow; though I am nothing home to write about but still a creature of God Almighty and come from a great but one of the most persecuted families in Ghana. No More! I quit! Indeed, writing about injustice and NDC corruption actually made me sane as I endured a most difficult personal torment at the hands of Metropolitan Police Service of UK. To me, this is the worlds most evil organisation. Lord MacPherson rightfully called it Institutionally racist. British Police and its related agencies - CRB, DBS and the CJS deserve nothing from me than spite and condemnation. They have made me suffer for a long time in England until I thought I would die or become seriously incapacitated. They denied me every means to work here as they circulated inaccurate criminal records about me to employers and Third Parties in this country and banned me from travelling out of England to anywhere on earth except my country. I am not a criminal but you will think am a terrorist. They denied me access to the Legal Courts as they and their conspiratorial agents pillaged and abused my human rights in a democracy with no one to help me. I lost my Faith in God, who wont hear my lamentations. British Police will always delay my criminal record clearance until Jobs passed me by and forced to do most degrading lowly paid jobs in health and social care settings, where my fellow Ghanaians treated me with scorn and contempt until I could not share their limelight. There was a period I could not work for years and deserted by friends and family. Even when my Mother lay dead, and finger print checks had cleared me of any criminal activity, British police wont accept it and allow my employers to pay me and travel to contribute to my Mothers funeral (I will live with this forever) as they compelled me to do more Finger print checks from one Police Station to another in United Kingdom. They caused me severe damage and untold distress for offences I have not committed or abetted. They have tabs on me and know they can read this but what else can they do to me. I was not allowed to work and denied me benefits, made me homeless and stopped me from driving. I lost everything: They hid behind the notorious Criminal Records Bureau and their Disclosure Barring Service to inflict so much brutality against me. I was tired and drawn out. They wrongfully thought I it would drive me to commit crime but I was born by my Mother and impeccable Kofi Amponsa-Dadzie of blessed memory. They had taken Injunction against me from writing about my case and so took solace in writing about Ghana Politics, probably because it was the source of my problem. My soul longed for my Brother Lawyer, laying in his grave. I walked in the lonely green parks weeping for my genius of a Brother who helped so many people as a lawyer. They wont allow me to return here from Ghana until my MP intervenes. Letters and letters galore, I wrote to Prime Minsters, MPs, British Monarchy, Civil Organisations, Police Commissioners, Media Moguls . I ran and ran and ran around in the bitter cold with my bag behind me full of documentation pleading with high and mighty to help me because I have never committed any crime whatsoever. I was very careful not to be a statistic by resorting to social vices. I kept cool. I have known suffering. I was conceived in Exile. My Father had died on my 3rd Birthday. I had lived close by my strong willed Mother, who never gave in and persevered. I loved that woman. She was everything I had until Brother Egyakow and Sister Mame Aba came along to give me a rich life like dadaba envied by my contemporaries in schools and town; for my late Brother was exceedingly wealthy man. Brother gave us everything - money, clothes, provisions, cars... Then NDC, like CPP persecuted my beloved brother sending him to early death like they did to my Father of UGCC fame. He could have redeemed me in this simple case but thanks to NDC he had died at the age of only 53 years. I plodded on and on and bore the brutish British Police abuse of my fundamental human rights. They had picked a wrong target. I stood my ground and would never commit any crime whatsoever nor give in to their nonsense and will still take action against them in the European Courts in this lifetime, Inshalla!. The British Police took my Youthful days away from me until I was exhausted. They killed my soul but my spirit wore on. Facebook helped me to ventilate my feelings. I do not have to roll on a church floor to communicate with my Wesley God. I stood still as my Mom did, walking along the corners of the country milling into the crowd. I would think about my grand aunt, Maame Adjoa Akyere who said nothing even in adversity. I have suffered exceedingly in England here at the direct hands of mighty Metropolitan Police Service. I was 40 years when they began circulating inaccurate criminal records about me to the Public and drawn out to my 55th Birthday. No one can bear what I have seen and experienced here. But I thanked God for my life. I wont exchange it for anyones. Suffering is my Brother. I have seen pain. The poverty of my family when CPP sent my father into exile and then sent their people to assassinate him leaving poor women to look after so many of us...Then Uncle Brodies incarceration; Fiifi Larbis persecution BUT it was the brutal experience of my Brothers mistreatment at the hands of PNDC that had actually prepared me for my ordeal. Wow! Brother Egyakow!!! Nothing was more difficult than what I saw on 3rd June 1985 when I went home from University of Cape Coast to see my house emptied by PNDC gendamerie, who had taken my Brother away. Lord Almighty. I have had to thank Jesus Nazareth for not passing me by in my moment of atonement...Allah was merciful to me for not doing anything untoward. God is great! He would not come down himself to save you but through his angels he relieved me from death. May Almighty God touch the lives of those who stood by me like my friend Ali Nasamu, without whom I could have thrown in the towel; he was always there for me in his quiet calm manner. Brother Nabanyin and my Godly Sister Maame Aba and her children, whose smile gave me assurance, my cool and graceful nephews and nieces and longsuffering children. Even as I write here I weep quietly but uncontrollably. My Brother Nab is awesome. His late night talks helped me. Ato was helpless. Philip Bondzi-Simpson read my story and wished he had jurisdiction to help me... Then Rocco. I would phone him and he will listen to me, and ask me - Kofi...what can I do to help you? I smiled. Probably, if I had not met Rosemary I wont be writing this today...and therefore hold no bitterness against her...Come on Coach buddy...he once let can this matter drag on for so long against one man, who is so good in nature. Thanks my Kosoko, Dora... I stood still against the bitter racism of the White Police, who need very little cause to inflict untold misery on any black man for reasons best known to themselves. Its in their DNA. They had sent thousands into mental hospitals and prisons of England at flimsiest excuse but they aint gonna get me, a wisemans thinking cap who had dine with high and mighty... It was my years of reading Black History - Latin America, African Diaspora, USA History, West African History from 13 to l9th century; History of East, Central and Southern Africa; History of the Maghreb and even European History, where I learnt so much about the inexplicable hatred of the Black Race by White authorities. I laid low. . I love Jesus but realistic that I am dealing with an organisation supported by status quo ante bellum. Of course, I will bring my experience of writing about Ghana Politics to a halt now to do my new Jobs to recover my legendary losses. I seek nothing from Ghana Politics and tired of its rancour and corruption. I will die soon and will use the last years for myself and enjoy life as I used to do before evil, in the shape of Rawlings and his CPP-NDC people came to destroy my happy household. I make no apologies for writing this: My life is mine; I bore my suffering on my own and have scars at my back as testimony of grave suffering endured at the hands of British ...May God Bless Ghana. I love everyone except those whose acts cause early death of poor people in Ghana...I will certainly go with a bang today and fold up quietly to inbox friends or not.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 03:52:47 +0000

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