youtube/watch?v=h-GhkCWuihA People always seek the favor in - TopicsExpress


youtube/watch?v=h-GhkCWuihA People always seek the favor in the world to know that they are in the right path. But, those who seek to please the world will only find a bed of death. For when they lay their head down at night, they only know the reality of the dreams they desire. You desire much of this world, but if you get what you actually want. What will you truly do then? As if you were able to trade your soul for millions of dollars, as if it were all worth it in the end. People come to peace when they dont have desires in the flesh. For rich or poor, are both human. Seek the world and its treasures and it will always tell you. You are right. People in this world cannot see truth because their eyes only see the lusts of their hearts. People are selfish only making friends that will hear their needs but, not really listening to what is truly right. People want to live freely without fear of what they do. They love faith such as that where their is no fear of failure. I will tell you that you only have one life to live if you choose this path. In that path, there is death. I can say this for I have learned through my studies. I can see whats going on in the world and why it is happening. You live in fear of the world being destroyed. I, on the other hand, am happy the world shall become destroyed. Because, I have a savior and eternal salvation. I know what I know to be true. People live in half faith saying that they have faith but are more concerned with what they have rather then relying on the principle of that true faith. People love to live for their own desires and lusts it makes them feel good. but when its all said and done, there is no where they can rest their hearts or heads. They shall cry and cry more. They shall scream and no one will hear them. People like this make me sick. If you want to live life freely, dont complain your life sucks. Because if I were you, passion would drive me to become a success and I would achieve it. People lack so much fervor, that is why they fail to succeed. At the mercy of the little choices, rather then giving it their all. You can hate me. But, I will tell you only one true creator exists and the rest were introduced through an evil source. The way you can truly tell is monitoring worldly events. What is happening here and why? Plagues, curses, and sickness are in control of one person. If you do not believe it, it shall come for you like a thief in the night. Seek people to prove you right. Live in this world where only death can be found. One day you will seek this word and for you, it shall not be found. Sometimes the wroth of Elohim reaches through me. If you want to be faithful, have a pure foundation. Humans are imperfect indeed. I understand that 99.5% of you that read this will have no impact. This is just a thing that you seem to understand or have heard so much about. But, the days and the hours are running out that you may walk straight. It is not I who know so much, but what truth I have learned through the grace of Elohim. Continue in your paths, seeking to serve yourself, for my being has grown tired of telling you and reminding you, for you know that the wheat is grown with the weeds, and that the time of harvest the weeds shall be gathered and burned, then the wheat shall be gathered and put into the barn.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 20:27:43 +0000

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