youtube/watch?v=hi4bFH_A8rU That s why loh ! Korea Movie - TopicsExpress


youtube/watch?v=hi4bFH_A8rU That s why loh ! Korea Movie Directors ! Korea Samsung Engineers ah ! Cause back during the late 1970s , Mr . Lew Wen Zheng of Taiwan was taking the South East Asia Entertainment Industry with STORM through his songs & movies , that s why we the Student Fans Groups of the early 1980s actually NOT VERY SURPRISED at all with the Korean Pop Idols and Dramas lah . We , the Student Fans Groups ( cause I am from Social Arts , reporting is 1 of the studies back then but I still wondering have to go and study Mass Communications anymore now that there is Youtube & Facebook ) already witnessed what WAS CRAZY with all the CRAZY FANS all the way from the 1970s , starting with the CRAZY FANS of Beatles of the 1960s first until now year 2014 , the CRAZY FANS of K - Pop . Nothing changed what ......................... just recalled what was SO POPULAR during your ERA when you are a student , ah then there will be SO MANY SIMILiAR & SAME TOPICS to talk about , especially if you belong to the same age generation . That s why I am SO CRAZY about Youtube cause whatsever CHA - BA - LANG old song , it also contains . It s like a magical music Juke - Box and I can listen whole day without stepping out of the house anymore as long as I have a handphone or computer . That s why I want a very DYNAMIC HI - FI SPEAKER to Blast Music all the way from my 10th Storey down to the basement of my this 26 years old HDB Flat of Petir Road . Music Sound Waves travels mah , therefore can make such SOUND WAVES bombard the whole flat ! Ha Ha Ha .................... CRAZY GREAT IDEA ah ???????????????? Counting the 1st time I get into contact with an European Hi - Fi oh back in 1981 @ 9 years old , living in the rural village zinc rooftop house of Upper Bukit Timah Nature Reserve , it is already the 33rd year I am comparing the Hi - Fi speakers , be it big , cheap , small and whatsever that is available in the market . That s why lah ! Hmnnnn ................. I am very FUSSY about the quality of Hi - Fi Speakers and I am very peculiar with the vocals of singers . Go and get an electrician to install an extra 2 electrical plugs in the living rooms first lah , otherwise I cant teach Faith Faith to sing properly with a mic at all . Must teach Faith Faith all the stage performance gimmicks first .
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 22:36:11 +0000

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