youtube/watch?v=q-EqWxDadoM The Masonic Apocalypse : The Hidden - TopicsExpress


youtube/watch?v=q-EqWxDadoM The Masonic Apocalypse : The Hidden History, Teaching and Destiny of York Rite Masonry Think you know your Masonic History? Better think again... I was looking at the Apocalypse of Ezra at the start of this year (2013) which led me to investigate, in detail, the American Revolutionary War and I concluded, for obvious reasons that are hinted at in the video, that you could not understand the American Revolutionary War without understanding Masonry so, I put aside my preconceived thoughts (compliments of General Charles Lee) about Masonry and looked into the Fraternity myself instead of listening to the, so-called, experts. I was shocked and surprised by what I found as I am sure the viewer will be as well and I have determined - and can prove - that, in fact, Masonry is Antediluvian in origins and is responsible for the construction of the Pyramids. All this and much more is contained in the video and there is a tremendous amount of information I could not fit in the video or in this description so I hope to start a thread on the subject at a York Rite Masonry Forum, if they allow it, for discussion and learning and I will include the URL below. I feel it is necessary, at this time, to share this information with the world for York Rite Masonry is in danger of being absorbed into the, falsely-so-called, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Masonry and, further, the York Rite Masons are maligned, wrongfully, around the world and it is time to set the record straight. The video also contains never before seen information concerning Planet X from Masonry. Notes : 1) Narmers Palette was unearthed in 1897 well after York Rite Masonry was established and, with over 24 points of congruity with Duncans Ritual on Freemasonry (Odds being 24 Factorial to 1 or about 290 Quintillion to 1) proves that Masonry is coeval with the events depicted on the Palette which dates to 3K BC. It is also the oldest Heraldic Crest in existence (complete with Crest and Supporters) and is also coeval with the zodiac signs of Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Gemini all of which are pictured (in archaic form) on the Palette. It is similar to Sumerrian Boundary Stones of the same period making this the Boundary Stone Masons have been looking for over the last 4000 years or so. 2) One of the Towns on the Nile Delta was actually called, The House of the Tree referring to the Pyramid being built over the Tree of Life. 3) The Flood account is not original to the Gilgamesh Epic but was added by a later redactor. The Flood mentioned in the account was from the Pole Shift (that hit the Gihon according to the Book of the Bee. Adam was Enki so Enki Du is Enki Two or Able. Cain is Gilgamesh and Utnapishtim is Osiris. 4) I wont bother with the argument concerning Evolution except to say two things. The Whore of Babylon who currently runs the world system doesnt want anyone to know the truth - because the truth will set them free - so they teach them the lie of Evolution. These people do not believe that the average person deserves to know the truth. The second point is that the Sphinx itself disproves evolution with a known carving date of about 3500 BC yet dated by Russians via the Hollows in its surface (meaning it spent a long time under the surface of an active body of water) as with the surrounding limestone strata, to about one million years old which totally destroys evolution. 5) If the Forum lets me post the video I will type up my Bibliography and post it there. 6) Robert the Bruce killed his rival to the throne right in front of the Holy of Holies in the Church and he did so knowing he would be excommunicated because he wanted to send a message to the Templars without London finding out about it. Solomon did the same thing with Benaiah killing Joab right in front of the Holy of Holies and thus Robert was claiming to be Solomon II and the Templars could not have missed this clear sign and invitation so they moved, lock, stock and barrel up to Scotland. 7) Most of the Founding Fathers were London Lodge Masons and were actually trying to throw the war (including Washington himself which is why he sent a 500 man Cavalry packing before the battle of Long Island, claiming he didnt know what to do with them which is nothing short of treason, plain and simple - source is Almost a Miracle by Fereling) but when Lee got himself arrested on Friday the 13th it made it look like the London Lodge had declared war on the York Lodge then everyone jumped off the fence. Here is an update to the information above as a result of a discussion on another Masonic Forum : 1) Narmers Palette was unearthed in 1897 well after York Rite Masonry was established and, with over 24 points of congruity with Duncans Ritual on Freemasonry proves that Masonry is coeval with the events depicted on the Palette which dates to 3K BC. It is also the oldest Heraldic Crest in existence (complete with Crest and Supporters) and is also coeval with the zodiac signs of Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Gemini all of which are pictured (in archaic form) on the Palette. It is similar to Sumerrian Boundary Stones of the same period making this the Boundary Stone Masons have been looking for over the last 4000 years or so. 2) Duncans Ritual on York Rite Masonry was 100% accurate at the time it was published and for the Lodge he was a member of - this is an indisputable fact. The only thing that has changed since then is some of the additional teaching which is obvious anyways (and which I did not use in the video) from the disparities concerning the death of Hiram Abif. 3) The oldest Masonic Artifacts come from the base of the Obelisk from Alexandria, Egypt and possibly date to 1450 BC and the time of the Exodus which renders most of the additional teachings (and degrees) that refer to Solomons Temple as extraneous additions that are not original to the Fraternity. This then immediately makes Hiram Abif a symbolical name for someone else (and established from one of several Masonic Councils that occured in the past). Be that as it may it is an indisputable fact that there is a direct connection between Masonry and Egypt which is supported from Narmers Palette. 4) The Masons themselves, because of this Obelisk and other reasons, teach that there is a direct relationship between Masonry and Osiris himself - this is an indisputable fact so, I certainly cant be faulted for the same conclusions based on Narmers Palette. 5) The only question then would be whether or not it is Osiris pictured on Narmers Palette. 6) Egyptologists will easily verify that the Pharoahs themselves each had about 20 names and thus, just because we are dealing with two different names does not mean we are dealing with two different people. Most of the major descriptions of Osiris are actually applied to Djoser himself whose name actually means the Pillar (DJ) of Osiris (Asir in Egyptian) which Pillars were located in Djosers Home in Sakkara which is the Osirion Seker. Osiris (as Serapis) was associated with the Divine Apis Bull all of which were buried in Djosers Sakkara. Both are great Civilizers. Osiris is Lord of Secret Rites in Temples (like Masonry for instance) yet Djosers Pyrmiad Complex contains the Labyrinthe (connected to the Minataur) with 14 (pieces of Osiris) Doors with only one being the correct one. 7) Now the only thing left would be to connect Djoser to Narmers Palette and this is not as difficult as one might think for Khasekhemwy owns Djosers Mud Brick Seals at Nekhen which was actually built by Djoser and Khasekhemwy (Egyptologists say this means the two powers have appeared but it more likely means The Second Power has appeared) built the Fort of the Boss in Djosers Sakkara and his funeral enclosure was at Abydos where Narmers Palette and the Scorpion King Mace head was found (the mace head in the hand of Narmer) and well as King Dens Ivory Sandal Orament (in the video). Nekhen was the home of Horus Worship connecting all of these things together cause Khasekhemwy claimed to be Horus Incarnate. 8) Osiris was also known as he who becomes a child again referring to his immortality (as guardian of the Tree of Life this is a given) and, if you look at the individuals above you can see the perculiar effect of Osiris aging from young child to young man to mature man to aged man (via the beards) finalizing this study. 9) Hieroglyphs can be read either direction (left to right or up and down) and thus, Narmers Name might actually be Mernar - with the r beoming silent you have Mene - the first one to unite upper and lower Egypt as well as the prefix of Menkaures name. What is indisputable is that even Egyptologists will tell you that reading Hieroglyphs is not an exact science and is open to interpretation. I like my interpretation better. Select List of Sources for Video : 1) 1611 King James Version of the Bible complete with Apocrypha 2) Strongs Concordance 3) Ancient Records and the Structure of Genesis - P.J. Wiseman - proves Genesis 1-11 are Eyewitness accounts 4) The Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt - Toby Wilkinson 5) Born in Blood - John Robinson - Proves Templars moved to Scotland 6) Temples, Tombs and Hieroglyphs - Barbara Mertz 7) The Complete Pyramids - Mark Lehner - considered the authority on the subject 8) The Lost Keys of Freemasonry - Manly Hall - recommended the Crata Repoa 9) Crata Repoa - a German Masons attempt to recompile ancient Masonry 10) The Giza Prophecy - Creighton and Osborn - proves 23* Pole Shift in recorded History 11) The Giza Power Planet - Christopher Dunn - proves pyramid is much more than a pile of stones 12) Seed of Knowledge : Stone of Plenty - John Burke and Kaj Halberg - tells you what the pyramid was used for 13) Founding Fathers : Secret Societies - Robert Heironimus 14) Secret History of the World - Mark Booth 15) People of the Secret - Octogon Press - compilation of the work of a group of masonic historians 16) The Sirius Mystery - Robert Temple 17) Orion Mystery - Robert Bauval 18) Book of the Bee - arguably the oldest history on the planet 19) The Book of Jasher 20) Flowers of History - Roger of Wendover - records minor pole shift in 1114 AD 21) Gilgamesh - John Gardner and John Maier 22) Gilgamesh - Herbert Mason 23) The Gilgamesh Epic - Alexander Heidal 24) Mythology : Illustrated Anthology of World Myth and Story Telling - ED. C. Scott Littleton 25) Mythology of all Races - Ency. Ed. W. Max Muller - 20 volume or more ency. set - excellent 26) Ancient Egyptian Literature - John Foster - 27) Norse Myth - John Lindow 28) A Pageant of Old Scandinavia - Henry Leach 29) Mythology of the Norse Gods - Arthur Cotterell - records the original story of Balders death 30) Once and Future Star - George Michanowsky - on the Vela Nova in history 31) Egyptian Book of the Dead - Wallace Budge 32) Biblical Basis for Modern Science - Henry Morris - destroys evolution 33) Kolbrin Bible - Egyptians record of the Exodus 34) Almost a Miracle - John Fereling - non revisionists history of Am. Rev. - probably the authority on the subject 35) A Great Improvisation - Stacy Schiff - on Franklin also has some on J.P.Jones 36) Ethan Allen - Willard Randall - excellent read 37) The Blood of Heros - James Donovan - on the Alamo 38) Things to Come - Dwight Pentecost - general outline of Christian Eschatology 39) The Gospel in the Stars - Joseph Seiss - shows the stars originated with God (probably the Angel) 40) Dictionary of Symbols - Jean Chevalier and Alain Gheer Brant 41) The Theocratic Kingdom - George Peters - The Exhaustive and uncontested classic on the Premillenial Faith quoting from over 5000 different authors and has not been refuted to this day (published 1898) - I read it in its entirety and critiqued it - the only critique of his work in existence to my knowledge. Post Scripts : 1) The veracity of this video can be proven by simply going to Giza and looking at the Black Basalt Mortuary Temple Stones cause each one of em will contain the Mark of a Master Mason on it somewhere. 2) Here are some threads on this video but most of the pertinent info has been transferred to this forum : forum.mastermason/forum_posts.asp?TID=12076 staffs.proboards/thread/7393/masonic-apocalypse lunaticoutpost/Topic-The-Masonic-Apocalypse-The-Hidden-History-Teaching-and-Destiny-of-York-Masonry
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 11:47:06 +0000

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