youtube/watch?v=weEWl52wevI I got this one for Martin because - TopicsExpress


youtube/watch?v=weEWl52wevI I got this one for Martin because I wanted him to have a good laugh; Here he is I am that I am, through a In Faith Prosperity Gospel of the name it and claim it and it will be yours club: Satan at hisssss finest, even: These are Preachers that come into seduce silly woman, then the women gets their husbands to also partake, because the woman of this world knows how to manipulate, to get her own way: They do not let their words mean what they say, no does not mean no and yes does not mean yes to a woman of this world: They see a thing that they want, and they go over in their heads how they will go about to get that thing, even to get their husbands to bend over backwards for them: I wonder what Jacob Israel is going to do when he finds out he is not an author and finisher of even his faith??? For another who declares the same and who is greater then he, has come on the scene and is showing himself to be even greater then Jacob: O my; maybe this somehow bypassed Jacob and he did not know there is a greater then he out there, and he surely does take the show: Interesting how these ones are now being raised up in droves: (Why So)??? Listen to 11:20 and on, they are where they are because they are lovers of this world and the things in it, God has handed them over to strong delusion: Jacob Israel also, in his self proclamation of I am that I am affirming himself to be who he declares himself to be: See; Joel Osteen this the leader of this show, he has the teeth and the smile and no strength of his own, because it comes from Satan: He too is Satans pawn: ********************************************************************************* jacobisrael/2014/09/23/reconciliation-of-all-things/ Jacob Israel, reconciling the world to God through the power and wisdom of love and truth: Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, didnt make the grade, therefore; Jacob now is in the running for that crown that is reserved for Jesus The Christ alone and for those who become One with Him to inherit the same: Satans seat is over those who would rather believe a lie then the truth, they are handed over to strong delusion and become one with him in the stead of Christ because the truth is not in them, but Satan has come to deceive the nations through a people that has rejected Jesus as Lord: Therefore is Satan become their lord and they are coming up alongside of the Truth(The Wheat) even as is written: Jacob wrote a little more then half way down from site listed above these things written below: *********************************************************************************** I choose to believe, I can do ALL THINGS THROUGH “CHRIST” WHO STRENGTHENS ME! Philippians 4:13 Which, we now know means, “I can do all things through the power and wisdom of love and truth, which MAKES ME SUPER POWERFUL!” (((NO SUPER EGO INFLATION HERE: I am glad to see Jacob got rid of that: Onward with his story, try to keep from laughing if you can: more from Jacob: A Knight))) You see, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE FOR THEM THAT BELIEVE! Mark 9:23 So, I was not joking when I said, it was my dream to reach and change the world. I have seen in my short life of almost 44 years that WITH FAITH NOTHING SHALL BE IMPOSSIBLE! Matthew 17:20 indeed. Everything I have accomplished, everything that I have experienced, IS EVERYTHING I FIRST BELIEVED COULD BE! Then after seeing it, envisioning it, I would proclaim it to be true. I would call those things that are not as if they were Romans 4:17 and they BECAME! (((THE NAME IT CLAIM IT FAITH; WHO IS IT THAT HAS ALL LYING SIGNS, WONDERS AND MIRACLES TO EVEN DECEIVE THE ELECT IF IT WERE POSSIBLE; A KNIGHT))) You see everything that I have said, up to this point, has come true in my life… exactly as how I believed and said it would. When I told people I would see myself on the big screen, that I would have plays off-broadway, that I would write for the most popular cable TV show in history, that I would write and produce Christian TV, that I would create my own cartoon, write a book, start a revolution, host a radio show, get in shape… anything… When I told people that I would do this or that, within time, all of these and much, much more came to be… Just as how I said I would show the world the lies of religion by becoming “Jacob Israel”, just as I said, I would BECOME JACOB ISRAEL to the world, which is now who YOU know me to be. I believed, Jacob Israel, is who the world would know me to be, because I simply believed it first and then became it. Just as I believed from childhood that I would be sharing the “Mysteries of the Kingdom of God”, as I am doing now. (((TAKING THE PRINCIPLES OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND MAKING THEM YOUR OWN, TO BECOME YOUR OWN GOD, MANY HAVE AND ARE DOING JUST THAT; A KNIGHT))) Think it not strange, that little old me has been in such key positions, to learn such things about these organizations… I was the head writer and producer for the one of the biggest Christian Television networks in history, and they knew I saw differently… And I left on my time, not theirs, and I have left with my many SPECKLED SHEEP, just as Jacob did in scripture. So, it is not a lofty or conceited goal, to believe one is meant to change the world by writing a simple novel, that would then lead to a website offering hundreds of eye-opening insights to help wake people from the slumber of impotence and ignorance they find themselves in…. … Or is it? (((THE BIBLE COULDNT DO IT; SO NOW THIS BOOK IS IN THE RUNNING TO CHANGE THE WORLD; WOW; WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT; NO EGO HYPE HERE; A KNIGHT))) Well let’s see… If THE CALLING became a BEST SELLER RIGHT NOW… think about how many people would soon find the treasures hidden here at my website… Think about it… Quite coincidental don’t you think? Well, this was the dream. I saw all of this in my mind many, many years ago. I HOPED and had FAITH and eventually it all began to take shape out of simple imagination and faith. However, none of this would have been possible, had it not been the DESIRE IN MY HEART to do so. It is GOD that gives you the desire of your heart, is it not? AND MUCH MORE WHEN YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT AND WHO GOD IS… (but who can truly?) Romans 10:1 Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved. I believed that “voice in my heart” (idea I had about who I was, am, and can be). Yes, that is right, I am simply following my HEART. I am doing this because I believe without a shadow of a doubt that I AM MEANT TO BE DOING THIS… This is why, my novel is about a twelve-year-old boy who was born to change the world by writing a single book, which would wake up the world to the TRUTH OF WHO THEY REALLY ARE. (That was the plan!) You see, for those that don’t know. My novel, THE CALLING is more than a simple tale. It is an allegory that is meant to trigger something inside the reader to get them to see that they are MORE. AND THAT THEY MUST LOVE! I hid secret messages throughout this novel. Clues to a greater existence. (((***SAY WHAT??? A, Knight:***))) For those with eyes to see, they would see, and for those without, the spirit of the story would heal their blind eyes, so they could as well. I actually proclaimed this right there IN THE CALLING… (((THE SPIRIT OF THE STORY WOULD HEAL YOUR BLIND EYES??? as Martin would say, something very screwy is going on here, A Knight))) “My book… is not a work of fiction, as some will say. It is a fiery truth cast into the sea of deception mankind calls life.” pg 18: The Calling by Jacob Israel; I also have a secret message to the reader, that they only they will find it they are inspired to take the time to string each chapter title together. You see, my novel is meant to PROVE something. To prove that what I share here is true. Like Steve Jobs, I have a vision. I also wrote a “prophesy”, if you will, in “The Calling” that if, my desire came true, it would prove WITHIN EACH OF US… IS THE ABILITY TO DO ALL THINGS…. EVEN CHANGE THE WORLD BY RISING FROM OBSCURITY AND SHARING A MESSAGE OF LOVE AND TRUTH TO ALL! (((WOW; WHY DIDNT JESUS THINK OF THAT; A KNIGHT))) Like an author, and finisher of faith… I will have become, when all of it comes true, the very thing I set out to become. Sort of like, I wrote the story of my life in my mind, shared that story outwardly and enjoyed the right as that story became true. Wouldn’t that be something if it did? ***(((OH MY; LORD HELP US: A KNIGHT)))*** Truth be told, it already is. And the time has never been better than before. Picture this, and see what I have been seeing for years…. If “The Calling, The Book Of Thomas James” becomes the best seller I believe it will, and also proclaimed it to be years ago in the actual novel, do you think it odd that this resource, my Website, is available for free, for everyone? People put stock in the words of celebrity. If The Calling became an international hit, think of how many would then find this resource. Think of the FIRESTORM that would set off? That would be something indeed. Wouldn’t it be amazing, if it woke the world up to the understanding that we are all connected, and that what we do to others we do to ourselves… ULTIMATELY, meaning, IF WE LOVE EVERYONE TRULY… EVERYONE WILL TRULY LOVE! You see, it is all about the timing of a thing. There is a time to sow, and a time to reap. And now, I believe the HARVEST IS HERE! (((THAT IS SOMETHING THAT WE BOTH BELIEVE JACOB; WOW SATAN SURELY DID DO A NUMBER ON YOU; IT IS THE TARES THAT ARE NOW BEING GATHERED IN TO BUNDLES: A KNIGHT))) Each day, I find more and more people becoming interested in the things I share here freely. I find more and more on-line declaring, “I AM THAT I AM!” and while the sound of this should fill one, who has been declaring similar for years, with profound joy, it does not. Because, the world has not changed, and the message is not yet clear. ((( IT IS WRITTEN; Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn. A KNIGHT))) WE DON’T KNOW IT ALL …. YET! The TRUTH IS COMING… but I must say to many of you out there, we yet see through a glass DARKLY… MEANING, we haven’t seen anything completely YET! But when we do, we will KNOW AS WE ARE KNOWN… This means, we will KNOW WHO WE REALLY ARE… and we will see that we ALL ARE ONE IN WORD AND DEED. So, don’t ignore that desire in your heart, if that desire be the reconciliation of the world. Embrace it, proclaim it, and fear not because the day of your salvation is here! ************************************************************************************ (((A KINGHT; Why did Paul and Jesus have to suffer the loss of all things even those that followed Him, and count them but dung to win Christ; but ones as this exalts themselves through what the name it and claim it preachers do, and for people to gravitate to ones as these still is beyond me: But God did say those who would prefer the lie to the truth will indeed be handed over to strong delusion; they do not even know they are deluded; they truly believe what and who they are is indeed to who they think and say they are, with only outward evidence from without, but with no change from the person within: They have brain washed themselves through self proclamations that exalted their Ego in the stead of exalting Jesus Christ: The man of sin sits in their temple proclaiming he is God, he is the Christ: Therefore; even just for my own growth, do I come against these lies in Jesus Name: This universal affirmation crap is just that, to become all that a one can be, by naming it and claiming it and just believe and it will be: That is not the gospel of Christ, but of the anti christ: Jesus and Pauls goal was to have Christ formed in us: We remain in the days of Elijah until the coming of our Lord, Day 2, Pentecost: Jesus became the Law and the Prophets, One with Moses and Elijah as was witnessed by Peter, James and John on the Mt of Transfiguration, as the fulfilment of all that was written of Him, The only begotten Son of God: Therefore; to still be in Day 2, would mean we are still in the days of the Prophets which is indeed Pentecost: For Day 3 is Tabernacles, and Day 1 was Passover; See in Malachi Ch 4V5; Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before that great and dreadful day of the Lord: Therefore; all the way up to The Day of The Lord, spiritual influences are still overtaking people by the laying on of hand, or as we too believe what a one is ministering, then their words also become us, only because we have given place to the enemy; Jesus warns us not to do that: Jacob knows the laws of sowing and reaping in and by his own words, because he is the christ manifested Jacob(false christ): Yea; Jacob Israel, there is also a lie to every Truth, the lie can not know the Truth, because they have rejected Him(Jesus): The Truth and the Son Jesus are inseparable, who the Son sets free is free indeed: These are the ones being in gathered now, even as Jacob testifies to, but to be gathered up now in bundles because they are the tares, they have no fruit unto righteousness: I truly believe that these universalist can be the most dangerous through their messages of a false love to deceive the masses; they sound very much like the real deal but they have not the Son, for if they did, then they would only exalt Our Lord and His Christ and our Father from above, and they would not depart from the Word of our Lord: I can not see Jesus or Paul or those that were His ever speak this way: Then Jacob ends with this below; WRITE YOUR STORY… IT HAS A HAPPY ENDING! Jacob Israel
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 21:19:27 +0000

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