Âû means Âutistic ûnion. It is an acknowledgement that I or - TopicsExpress


Âû means Âutistic ûnion. It is an acknowledgement that I or someone I know is autistic and support others in our society who are on the autism spectrum. I accept that God loves all including those with autistic brains and I reject the idea that autism needs to be cured (though I realize that there are those who call for a complete eradication [genocide] of autism from society). I reject the concept that autism is not normal - it might not be typical, but, since God has created this way, it is by Gods knowledge and all are certainly normal and loved. The spectrum of neurological differences is vast - not everyone is Neuro-Typical. Would you consider signing the petition that allows people to add Âû to their names to normalize Autism? The suffix ‘Âû’ is used by autistics, friends, families and supporters of those living with autism within the Autistic Community. It has rapidly become a leading international symbol representing autism advocacy, autism pride and acceptance. Many autistic groups and pages have consequently adopted Âû within their titles. A handful of people who take issue with what Âû stands for (recognition of autistic abilities, rights and freedom of expression) have been attacking users of those two letters through exploitation of antiquated and oppressive Facebook rules disallowing such additions. Many within the Autistic Community have been forced to remove the Âû from their names or even close their accounts. This is a tragedy within itself as many on the autism spectrum use social networking as their primary source of social interaction and have developed a deep sense of community and solidarity with other autistics online. For those socially isolated - Facebook can be a social imperative! These attacks on autistics who have adopted the suffix are a cowardly form of bullying and harassment. Nothing less. It has become the new form of trolling for those who see autistics as easy prey. Many autistics who have adopted the suffix have a deep sense of identity and attachment to those two letters because they represent community, identity and autistic pride. Therefore, we autistics and friends/allies, hereby petition Facebook to stop this senseless and cowardly vilification of autistic choices and identifications by fully permitting the use of suffixes within our names. We ask everyone to please sign this petition and show your support. We are not hiding our true identity, but on the contrary showing the world exactly who we are.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 03:10:02 +0000

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