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Đang lang thang trên tumblr, tình cờ nhìn thấy MariHaru và YukiRena fic~ MariHaru Mariko smirked as Haruna came walking up to her, a pout visible on her adorable face. The older girl deftly took out her phone and snapped a quick picture of the younger girl before engulfing in laughter. I-I cant breathe. Mariko struggled to say in between giggles and clutched her aching sides. Aww, Nyaro. You look so adorable. I look weird! Delete that picture! Haruna whined and tried to reach for Marikos phone with the latter held out of her reach. Haruna then took of the shawl wrapped on her head and placed it on the table. ‘I’m not comfortable.’ Mariko wrapped her arms around Haruna’s side and pulled her closer. ‘Well you have to do so if not, we can’t enjoy our date.’ Haruna sighed and pulled off the wide sunglasses and leaned her head against Mariko’s shoulder. Mariko giggled and brushed Haruna’s fringe out of her face and tucked the remaining strands behind her large ears. That tickles. Haruna replied cutely and sat up. Why cant we just stay at home? Then it wouldnt be fun. Mariko stuck her tongue out at the young girl. Hey, Nyaro, smile. Mariko quickly took out her phone and the two posed. Click Another! Click Okay last. Click Haruna planted a surprise kiss on Mariko’s cheek just as the shutter closed and gave her adorable grin when the older girl turned to face her. Click. ------------ YukiRena So cute. Yukirin whispered under her breath as she felt the weight on her shoulders. She bobbed her shoulders as the girl asleep on it woke up abruptly. Nn? Rena rubbed her eyes. Are we on yet? Yukirin shook her head softly and continued smiling at the young girl. ‘I just wanted Rena awake.’ Rena blushed and stifled back a yawn. She blinked her eyes several times before plopping back down on Yukirin’s lap. Rena shuffled to make herself more comfortable and stared at up the curious girl. I.. I wanted to sleep more. Rena said cutely and gave an apologetic grin. Yukirin seems so soft- you are! I cant help myself. Rena-chan is acting so cute today. Maybe because today is a special day? Yukirin hummed and teased the squirming girl. I didnt know Valentines Day had such an effect on Rena-chan.” Rena shut her eyes tightly and buried her head deeper on Yukirin’s lap. She shook her head furiously while Yukirin just laughed at the poor girls’ antics. The younger girl huffed out and stood up. Yukirin patted Rena’s head comfortingly. Rena. … Rena. … Hey, I love you. Rena began coughing while Yukirin just giggled. Lets go. Go? On a date. Rena sat upright, her eyes sparkling. Im kidding, were being called to perform now. Lets go. Mean! Well go after this performance.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 14:07:21 +0000

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