Đề 1: Give the correct forms of the words 1. The heroine - TopicsExpress


Đề 1: Give the correct forms of the words 1. The heroine (nữ anh hùng) had a ……….. (passion) love affair with the butcher. 2. I have no excuses. My actions were ……….. (explain) 3. Telling lies is ………… (moral: đạo đức) 4. I did not know who it was, with a mask on, she was completely ……….. (recognize) 5. O’Hara wanted a divorce because his wife had been ………… (faith) 6. These shoes look quite smart but they are terribly ………… (comfort) 7. My colleagues are very pleasant but the manager is a little ……….. (friend) 8. I understand ………. (perfect) what you are saying. 9. It was ………. (justice) of Tom to accuse Bill of having told him a lie. 10. My wife is ……….. (terror: nỗi lo sợ) of spiders (nhện) 11. Many people think it is very ……… (doubt) whether a cure will be found for cancer before the year 2000. 12. He is probably the most ……….. (success) tennis player of all time. 13. Many people still refuse to believe that smoking is ……… (harm) 14. Please, do not be so ……… (reason), I can not do all the work by myself. 15. 7.30 a.m on Saturday is a rather ……….. (convenient) time for an appointment. 16. Do not be so ……….. (patience), we have only been waiting a few minutes. 17. Do not depend on him, he is a very ……… (rely) person. 18. She always listened ………. (attention) to what she is told. 19. Why was his lecture so ……….. (bore)? 20. The weather was terrible, so we had a very ………. (pleasant) holiday. 21. The surgeons tried their best to save his life but unfortunately the operation was ………. (success) 22. I am quite an ………. (energy) person. I play a lot of sport. 23. There is ice on the pavement, it is ………. (slip) 24. The ……… (edit) staff consists of 10 experienced journalists. 25. While walking in the mountains in the North Wales, we came across a ……. (use) quarry (bến phà) 26. Those trousers are too tight, you look ……. (ridicule) in them. 27. I would love to come to your party but ……… (fortune) I have to go somewhere else. 28. It is ………. (moral) to take credit for other people’s ideas. 29. It was extremely ………. (care) of you to leave your library books on the bus. 30. You look so …….. (attract) in this shirt. 31. There is so much information ………… (avail) (sẵn) 32. It has become almost a …….. (day) topic of conversation. 33. The lovers stood, hand in hand, gazing at the ……… (star) sky. 34. I think it is very ……… (reason) of him to expect us to work overtime every night this week. 35. You can always rely on Barbara. She is very ……. (depend) 36. Do not tell anyone else what I have just told you. It is ………. (confide) 37. That rule is not ………. (apply) in this case. 38. His eyes are terribly ……… (blood) 39. I am afraid this iron you sold me is …….. (fault) 40. When I have to wait a long time I start to feel ……… (patient) 41. The assistants are very polite and ………. (help) 42. Artists are ……… (create) people. 43. I do not care what you say. I still think it is very ……… (nature) not to want to get married and have children. 44. Ants and bees are described as ………. (industry) insects. 45. This matter is very ……….. (confidence). Do not discuss it outside. 46. Those berries is very ………… (poison). Do not eat them. 47. He was very ………. (pride) of the work he had done. 48. The gas from the chemical factory was extremely ………. (harm) 49. Many ………. (home) families have to live in hostels. 50. The ……….. (industry) area of the city is not very attractive. 51. Pupils must not enter the teacher’s room without ………. (permit) 52. During the office meeting there was a ……….. (discuss) about the need for a new photocopier. 53. She could see nothing in the ……….. (dark) 54. There is some ……….. (similar) between German and Dutch. 55. Thank you for your ……….. (kind) to me when I was ill. 56. I am not sure but I have a ……….. (suspect) that he was the boy who stole my bike. 57. The actors received enthusiastic ……….. (applaud) at the end of the show. 58. It was her best ……….. (perform) 59. This signature bares no ……….. (resemble) to mine. 60. You must make a ……….. (decide) before it is too late. 61. Mary has a very wide ……….. (know) of history. 62. The priest asked us to say a ……….. (pray) for world peace. 63. I met John on holiday quite by chance. What a ……….. (coincide) 64. It was a great ……….. (relieve) (thở phào) to hear that illness is not serious. 65. I can not tell the ……….. (different) between butter and margarine. 66. The UN came into ……….. (exist) in 1945. 67. This monument is in memory of the men and women who died in ……….. (defend) of this country. 68. Police dogs are trained to a high standard of ……….. (obey) 69. Tea or coffee? Do you have any ……….. (prefer)? 70. Despite his ……….. (insist) that he was innocent, he was arrested. 71. Dictionaries, encyclopaedias and atlases are called ……….. (refer) books. 72. It is my ……….. (believe) that there is life on Mars. 73. The police think she committed but they have no ……….. (prove) 74. The American ……….. (use) of this word is different from the British. 75. They celebrate their ……….. (depend) on 4th July. 76. In a shop selling glass, a certain amount of ……….. (break) is unavoidable. 77. The ……….. (wreck) of the smashed car was left by the road. 78. Airmail ……….. (post) to Australia for a large parcel is expensive. 79. The ……….. (marry) between John and Mary will take place in Church on 20th May. 80. We need ……….. (store) space for old furniture and luggage. 81. The Prime Minister is angry about the ……….. (leak) of information to the press from secret meetings. 82. These shirts were guaranteed against ……….. (shrink) 83. He had to give his boss an ……….. (explain) for his absence. 84. He has finished writing his new book. ……….. (publish) will be next year. 85. The earthquake caused the complete ……….. (destroy) of the village. 86. A lot of people are out of work because of the ……….. (close) of the factory. 87. The ……….. (analyze) of the blood will help the police find the murderer. 88. We regret to announce the ……….. (postpone) of this evening’s concert. 89. The ……….. (weigh) of the new baby is about 3 kilos. 90. He was accused of taking part in the bank ……….. (rob) 91. Alison’s ……….. (shy) made it hard for her to speak in pubic. 92. A successful business needs good ……….. (organize) 93. One day he would have to accept the ……….. (resign) 94. He used all his ……….. (strong) to force the door open. 95. There are various ……….. (possible) for the party. 96. People usually have hobbies for ……….. (enjoy) 97. The ……….. (champion) was won in the last minute of the game. 98. The refugees found ……….. (safe) over the border. 99. There is a ……….. (vary) of fruit in Vietnam. 100. The professor explained his ideas with great ……….. (clear)
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 02:53:50 +0000

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