ΕΠΙΣΗΜΑΝΣΕΙΣ ΜΟΥ ΜΕΤΑ ΤΑ ΤΡΑΓΙΚΑ ΓΕΓΟΝΟΤΑ ΤΟΥ ΠΑΡΙΣΙΟΥ/ΑΝΑΦΟΡΑ ΜΟΥ ΣΕ ΒΕΛΓΙΚΟ ΡΑΔ ΣΤΑΘΜΟ /ΦΛΑΝΔΡΑ. • The January 7 terrorist attack on the Parisian offices of a French magazine is not only that country’s deadliest terrorist attack in several decades but also the clearest example of how the threat posed by foreign fighters and persistent conflict in the Middle East is far-reaching • The attack is the latest in what is emerging as the next stage of terrorism, in which disparate conflicts and groups—al-Qaeda or other similarly inspired groups, the names matter less now than the ideology—are merging into a panoply of small-scale/high-impact violent acts against soft targets • From Yemen to Syria, Afghanistan to Nigeria, there are far more terrorist sanctuaries and training opportunities now than there were on September 11, 2001; from a global war on terrorism, countries now face individual battles with what is increasingly a war of global terrorism • These persistent conflicts and sanctuaries, combined with ubiquitous social media and indirect hate and incitement therein, have resulted in a situation where no conflict is truly local and no community is immune.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 13:30:57 +0000

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