ΘΕΣΗ ΓΙΑ ΕΘΕΛΟΝΤΙΣΜΟ ΣΤΙΣ ΚΑΝΑΡΙΕΣ ΝΗΣΟΥΣ EVS VACANCIES... για περισσότερες πληροφορίες.. [email protected] Mojo de caña can offer a volunteer a wide range of possible activities.We are a youth and socio cultural association, which is organizing severalprojects (social project for young people living in isolated neighborhoodsof Las Palmas de GC ) and offers a wide range of activities and events foryoung people (camps, workshops…) and on the cultural level (circus andtheatre spectacles, circus festival “invasion circense”, Christmas Circus weeks…). Tasks Volunteers will be actively connected to the process of internationalization of Mojo de caña, socio cultural association whichactively works in the field of artistic production and organization ofspectacles/festivals, as well as in youth services. Volunteers will: 1.support in the inscription of the association within the European youthand cultural networks. 2. have the possibility, according to theirinterests, to support and take part in the implementation of Europeanmeetings in the field of art and youth exchange. 3. Participate activelyin the diffusion and visibility of the association in the city. 4. helpwith the logistic support during the cultural events (promotion, bringingthe material…) and youth events (group leading, helping in therealization of the workshops…). 5. support in making new contacts and promoting the spectacles produced by the association. He/she will beinvited to look for festival in its home country, and establish contactbetween them and artists from Canary Islands. 6. help in the socialcultural project “EmbarriaT” which consist of preparing free timeactivities for young people living in several areas of the city. 7. takingpart in the different networks and platforms in which Mojo de Caña takespart, which will help him/her to get integrated and discover the culturaland social diversity of the city. 8. support in the organization andcollection of images and press archives of the association’s activities.9. attend social and cultural events organized by Mojo de caña and otherinstitutions and association of the city, which will encourage their integration in the local community. Through these activities, volunteers will increase their knowledge in designing documents, and publicity actions Improve their level of Spanish get to know better about the European program Youth in Action and about Cultural actions. Improve their knowledge in the management of an association. be challenged by overpass problems with creativity, finding solutions in emergency situation (which often happen in the implementation of events). get to know the European network which is active in the field of youth and culture. increase their knowledge and experience in activitiesrelated to communication, press and marketing. increase their knowledge and experience in managing and producing art events. Criteria We will receive cover letter from volunteers interested in working with us. We will reply to each one who contacted us, with a positive or negative answer. . In the case we are interested in one applicant, we will reply by email, making a few more questions to be clear about the interests of the person. We will also conduct a Skype meeting, to assess the level of motivation of the young person, the level of the language, and to talk about ideas or/and difficulties … The choice will be made out of any discrimination for the religion, believes, gender, nationality or race. We will mainly collaborate with organizations dealing with the topics of art / culture, youth information, European awareness, youth policies, Alternative Entertainment, environment. We would be happy to work with associations composed of young people, artists, which are active in organizing festivals, youth meetings etc… We will also ensure that the association shares the values that are important to Mojo de Caña. Procedure The selection will be made with the following process: Interested volunteers have to send us CV AND MOTIVATION LETTER to the email- sve.mojodecana@gmail VERY IMPORTANT – in the subject of the email write HUNGARY – FOR EVS SELECTION. In the name of the attached files, CV and Motivation letter WRITE YOUR NAME AND SURNAME !!! This will be one of the conditions, so please make sure that you do it. The profile of the people we would like to receive in our association would be the following: – Young people aged between 18 and 30 years – Young, dynamic, enterprising, active and participating – With knowledge of the cultural sector / social and youth (with some interest or experience in those fields) – that like being in contact with nature. – That are interested in working in youth projects and be part of an organization. – have a basic level of Spanish so they can start to help with basic tasks – passionate by culture and youth, willing to discover new cultures and experiences. – Willingness to continue to develop new projects within the program Youth in Action – Interested in PR –Used to office work – Creative, initiative, flexible. For more infos go to – mojodecana.org or in EVS data base[ bit.ly/15yfPPC 001562256 ]bit.ly/18vQPhV Gracias por tu consulta, por favor no dudes en volverte a poner en contacto con nosotros si quieres ampliar información. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Asociación Juvenil INTERCAMBIA [ bit.ly/15yfPPG ]europaerestu.eu [ mailto:[email protected] ][email protected] Tlfno 34 952002774 / 34 672028985 Horario 9:00 a 14.00 Málaga (Spain)
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 07:11:16 +0000

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