ΣΑΣ ΠΑΡΑΚΑΛΩ ΥΠΟΓΡΑΨΤΕ & ΚΟΙΝΟΠΟΙΗΣΤΕ please sign your t century Spread the word ✦ROMANIA HAS DECLARED WAR ON STRAY DOGS✦ PLEASE SIGN & SHARE WIDELY THESE ➨ 11 VIP PETITIONS+TO BOYCOTT THE REQUEST OF "CRUEL" ROMANIA TO ENTER IN THE SCHENGEN ZONE OF THE EU PET.►1.avaaz.org/en/petition/Boycott_the_request_of_Romania_to_enter_in_Schengen_until_it_will_solve_in_civilized_mode_the_problem_of_strays/ PET ►2.https://change.org/petitions/romania-please-do-not-allow-the-killing-of-healthy-dogs PET ►3.change.org/petitions/romanian-government-stop-mass-killing-dogs-adopt-mass-sterilization PET ►4.https://secureconnect.at/4pfoten.org/protest/130906/ PET ►5.action.peta.org.uk/ea-action/action?ea.client.id=5&ea.campaign.id=22720 PET ►6.https://e-activist/ea-action/action?ea.client.id=104&ea.campaign.id=22665 PET ►7.change.org/petitions/nach-bukarest-gegen-den-beginn-der-tötung-der-straßenhunde PET ►8.change.org/en-GB/petitions/president-traian-basecu-of-romania-stop-the-mass-slaughter-of-stray-dogs-in-romania PET ►9.ifaw.org/canada/get-involved/stop-cull-romanian-street-dogs PET►10.https://secure.avaaz.org/de/petition/Die_EU_soll_Rumaenien_veranlassen_das_Massentoeten_der_Strassenhunde_zu_stoppen/ PET ►11.change.org/de/Petitionen/mayor-of-botosani-stop-your-evil-plans-of-killing-all-stray-dogs ✦✦✦PLEASE SIGN & SHARE ALSO THE VIP EMAIL PETITION FROM MAJA Princess von Hohenzollern INSIDE THIS LINK HERE:▬▬▬►https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=523482801053103&set=a.216201598447893.48092.152547194813334 ✦✦✦ AND PLEASE SEND THE EMAILS TO THE AUTHORITIES INSIDE THIS LINK HERE:▬▬▬►https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=368198456643920&set=a.110440022419766.11614.100003613067737 ✦✦✦MORE INFOS HERE:▬▬▬►https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=267973096666457&set=a.110440022419766.11614.100003613067737 ✦About the video:This is the latest video from the Romanian TV broadcast about the capturing of stray dogs in the streets of Bucharest..Published September-12-2013 some people are crying while the authorities are capturing the dogs.. WELCOME TO THE "NEW EU MEMBERS" !! (Translated from Romanian) It was an extra expense and unnecessary action, since the Chamber of Deputies voted already a law in this regard. Officers have the legal basis to collect stray dogs after last week a four-year-old stray was torn in two business park. Today, stray dogs gathering operation aimed more kindergartens and schools, where they gathered in total 90 pound for strays. More than yesterday, but less than required for the authorities to be able to meet the promise of clean capital in a year and a half. From a school in District 3, for example, pound raised two strays that employees have wanted to take them on the arms to the car. One of them got away, but not before biting the dogcatcher who try to catch him. Aggressive dog was eventually captured. After following blocks nearby schools. And some streets were hot spirits. While a woman burst into tears, others thrown by the pound with all sorts of objects. A few blocks away the same scene but different attitude. Finally, leaders have drawn the line after another day of work: 92 dogs gathered from near educational establishments. There are 22 more than yesterday and also 30 less than the daily average of the municipality promised. Animal Control Authority pledges to collect stray dogs in one year and a half. For this, you should capture at least 120 dogs every day for 18 months. ✦THE VIDEO ALSO TO SEE ON MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL! PLEASE CLICK"SHOW MORE" BELOW THE VIDEO TO SEE THE PETITIONS& EMAILS ► youtu.be/NVUFfnVeTDQ
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 19:44:33 +0000

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