εε #ONLYREMINDERS [8]®εε - We are mistaken about one - TopicsExpress


εε #ONLYREMINDERS [8]®εε - We are mistaken about one thing, our worship is not a gift from us to Allah, its a gift from Allah to us! - Knowledge and practice are twins, and both go together for there is no knowledge without practice, and no practice without knowledge. - If you want guaranteed success, make every effort to please Allah. - 3 Things to Always Remember 1) Created: To worship Allah 2) Goal: Paradise 3) Plan: Follow the Quran & Sunnah with sincerity and excellence - Last night so many people closed their eyes to sleep, and never got to open them again. You weren’t one of them. Say Alhamdulillah. - If we say we are a Muslim, we have to read Fajr. Waking up for fajr will be paid back the minute our eyes close in death. - A hard life only means a easier after life. The pains of this world is temporary and short whilst the blessing of the next is eternal. - Tomorrow is never promised to anyone, but standing infront of Allah on judgment day is.Make that change start praying now not later.😔 - The beauty of Islam is that a connection with Allah is instant, open your palms or prostrate anywhere! No need of a middle man. ٱقْتَرَبَ لِلنَّاسِ حِسَابُهُمْ وَهُمْ فِى غَفْلَةٍ مُّعْرِضُونَ Closer and closer to mankind comes their Reckoning: yet they heed not and they turn away. 😔 - Hundreds of thousands of people just like you have been fattened and then swallowed by this World. Unfortunately days on end are lost in material gain & pursuits while barely a few minutes are spared for worship & family. #prioritize - Real swag is from rocking the thobe, growing the beard, trousers above the ankle, eyes lowered, walking humbly yet strongly.Straight sunnah! ✌ لو دخل كل منا قلب الآخر لأشفق عليه - If you could enter the heart of another person, you’d feel sorry for him or her. - Two kinds of greedy people never get satisfied; the seeker of knowledge and the seeker of this world.” 😔 ― Ali Ibn Abi Talib (ra) - Why do you participate in what harms your Akhira? Precious brother advised me and said I dont do what doesnt benefit me. - Isnt sad to know our bodies get put with the worms in the end so how can you live like kings & Rejoice & Not take heed? 😔 - Imām Ahmed (رح) was asked, “How can I soften my heart?” He replied, “Visit graveyards, and ruffle the hair of orphans.” - One day, we will realize how imp. salat al-janazah and visiting the graveyards is. Many may realize it after death; be smart, realize now!😔 - Why do you participate in what harms your Akhira? Precious brother advised me and said I dont do what doesnt benefit me. - Doesnt it scare you that someone will replace your place in Jannah because you didnt Appreciate being muslim? 😔 - Those who disbelieve and avert [people] from the way of Allah - He will waste their deeds. Muhammed,verse 1. - They have exchanged the signs of Allah for a small price and averted [people] from His way. Indeed, it was evil that they were doing. [9:9] - Ah! Woe to me! Would that I had never taken such-and-such as a friend! [25:28] - Allahu Akbar - that friend of yours that when you look at him, he reminds you of Allah - this is your best friend 🙌 - “The company of the pious will make you pious, and the company of the evil will make you evil.” (al-Sadi)) - Seek knowledge so that one knows what is good, thus who is good. Close friends, that Day, will be enemies to each other, except for the righteous (43:67) 😔 -A believer is concerned with one reality: when he dies his actions will either bring him into the Beloveds company or deprive him of it. Friends who benefit you in your Deen & dunya, this world & the next are precious. Hold on to them & feel no shame in telling them your love.😔 You have two true #friends in this life: 1- Allah. 2- Those who remind you of Allah. - Ibn Abbâs said: Do not sit with the people of desires for verily their gatherings causes sickness in the hearts. [al-Ibânah, (371)] - Death wont wait till you decide to become righteous. Tread the path of righteousness and then await death. Tomorrow may never come! 😧 - Verily, this world is but a moment and the reality of the grave is true, its something we cant escape. We need to prepare for it. - The prices are high, the women are naked, the mosques are empty and the Laws of Allah are null! Welcome to the Ummahs state! 😔 -When They say Only Allah can judge me I weep for his account,How can he be ready to be Judged by Allah defending a Sin? - There is no goodness in people who don’t give advice, and there is no goodness in people who don’t like to be advised.” 😔 Umar RA - A sincere heart would neither be flattered by praises nor be affected by insults because it knows who it actually wants to please. Life without Allah is like an unsharpened pencil. It has no point.😔 - “A time will come when none will be rescued but the one who begs Allah like a drowning man begs Allah.” Hudayhfah Ibn Al-Yaman (RA) May Allah instill in us a fear of Him and a fear for that Day! Dont fear death, fear the state we will die in. May Allah grant us all an honourable ending Ya Allah! Free us from the fire, increase our lawful sustenance, and keep away the transgressive Jin and humans from us. Ya Allah beautify our tongues with truth, our heart with sincerity, soul with contentment & mind with nothing but Your remembrance. Ameen.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 15:34:22 +0000

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