Вре Дробушевиш Global Revolution LIVE #Russia - TopicsExpress


Вре Дробушевиш Global Revolution LIVE #Russia #Россия #St_Petersburg #Санкт_Петербург: Blinded Russia with blood on their hands. youtu.be/zieq8qyQ_YY Grani.Ru: По Невскому прошла ослепшая Россия с кровью на руках - фото/Видео [Photos/Video]: mirror35.graniru.info/Politics/Russia/activism/m.232734.html In St. Petersburg on Friday, a local activist [Kado] reached the Nevsky Prospekt in the form of “Russia blinded with blood on her hands,” protesting against the military aggression of the Russian Federation. The woman, wearing the colors of the Russian flag and blindfold, stretched her “bloody” hands with St. George ribbons on her wrists out towards passersby on the street and loudly shouted one long screaming note. Вадим Ф. Лурье [Vadim Lure]: https://facebook/vadimflurie/posts/10202693891896982 This action made a very strong impression on me. There have been so many pickets and placards, and everyone stands by quietly, the passers-by on Nevsky Prospekt look past the people standing there and go on with their business, hardly ever stopping. Kado walked and screamed, and it was impossible to ignore her scream. People took this action much more personally than any placard... There was also sympathy on their faces, and even pain, and some of the passers-by asked if she was actually feeling bad. One woman tried to impede a policeman. The policeman himself couldnt think of anything except to call an ambulance (a girl has fallen) and tell the doctors that she threw herself at people (which didnt happen). [EN] Russia: Blinded Russia with blood on her hands in St. Petersburg: maidantranslations/2014/09/06/activism-an-eery-blinded-russia-with-blood-on-her-hands-walked-through-the-center-of-st-petersburg-russia/ #Moscow #Москва Via Движение Солидарность [Solidarity Movement] MARCH FOR PEACE - Intro. Video from the outreach rally held on Thursday youtu.be/-zyADWD0FQc -Additional video @Grani.Ru: Реакция москвичей на пикет против войны с Украиной / Reactions of people of Moscow to Protest against war with Ukraine youtu.be/DQwVzlozjV8 [Photos]: https://facebook/RuSolidarnost/posts/652215781552041 An authorized Rally, organized by the movement activists of Solidarity, was held in Moscow on 4 September, 2014. This action is the beginning of a series of actions which will be held until the scheduled 21 September mass March against Russias military and intervention in Ukraine being planned and organized currently. Stated organizers Event on Facebook - Nationwide Russian March for Peace / Общероссийский Марш Мира: https://facebook/events/516658901802881/permalink/523003604501744/ [EN] Russia: Russian Anti-War Committee Formed, Calling for Mass Public Resistance t.co/o7ShMbayq0
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 05:45:32 +0000

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