ЕВО ЈОШ ЈЕДНЕ ПОТВРДЕ О СТАРОСТИ НАШЕГ ГЕНА... НАДАМ СЕ ДА БАР МАЛО РАЗУМЕТЕ ЕНГЛЕСКИ. ...Russian biologist : Serbs are the oldest nation and descend from Noahs son Serbian gene is 12,000 years old and comes from the son of Noah, argued in his scientific work, Russian biologist Anatolii Alekseevich Klesov.. Scientific work of Anatolii Alekseevich Klesov , Professor of biology at Harvard of Russian origin , with analysis of genes shows that Serbs are ancestors of todays Slavs and many other nations in Europe , whose gene is 12,000 years old . According to the theory of Klesov , who heads the scientific consultative administration of Genealogical International Bureau , the Russians are descendants of those who were living in the Balkans , today’s Serbia , Bosnia , Montenegro and Macedonia . Serbian genes ( R1A1 ) are 12,000 years old as opposed to others that are old four to seven thousand years . All A - nations ( except two) in Europe have over 40 % Serb gene, the scientist claims ....
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 16:09:33 +0000

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