О ЛАЖНОМ ПИСМУ АЛБЕРТА ПАЈКА "КОЈИ ЈЕ ИСПЛАНИРАО ТРИ СВЕТСКА РАТА" И О ЛАЖНИМ ТЕОРИЈАМА ЗАВЕРЕ КОЈЕ ПЛАСИРА КУРИР ЗА НАИВНЕ СРБЕ: (ДОБАР ДЕО ПИСМА ЈЕ ДОКАЗАНИ ФАЛСИФИКАТ С ВЕБСАЈТА THREEWORLDWARS.COM) "The rest of the “letter” is extremely dubious. Terms like Fascism, Nazism and Zionism were never really used in Pike’s lifetime. Zionism as a word was coined in 1890 by Nathan Birnbaum and would not take root for several more years. There is no record of Pike knowing or meeting Birnbaum. The ideological roots of Fascism were only in their infancy during Pike’s final years, and the term was not used publicly until Mussolini took his position in the 1920s. The term Nazism did not emerge until the 1930s with the rise of Germany’s National Socialist party. Unless Albert Pike can predict the future he did not write this “letter”…that or it never exited in the first place. Origins of the Letter To get to the bottom of where the alleged 3 World Wars letter comes from we need to retrace the trail of sources. ThreeWorldWars is the originator of the text as printed above; this is the quote that circulates most prominently around the Internet. Though the website does actually state that “no conclusive proof exists to show that this letter was ever written,” it falsely claims that the letter is found in the book Satan: Prince of This World by William Guy Carr." wideshut.co.uk/albert-pikes-3-world-wars-letter-hoax-wideshut-webcast/
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 23:49:41 +0000

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