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Прокомментировал статью «Postscript to Saddams downfall» на сайте Pravda.Ru: Postscript to Saddam’s New Rise and Dawn! All the terrible mass yet started with the Sykes-Pickot agreement in 1916. First there were the Brits and their racist colonial empire with one of its mayor representative: Winston Churchill. This bottom dreg of ‘democratic’ mankind had the gall ‘to please’ Kurdish Sulaimaniya in 1924 with gas bombs. By the way, it was the high time of US and European cavernicolous atavists and reactionary cave diggers. Many of these crypto fascists tried to define their claims by force from the Rif to Baluchistan as to infinity and beyond. There was no exception in using any kind of diabolic weaponry by UK, France, USA, Spain, Italy and Germany. Thanks to Lenin in 1917, the new Soviet Union refrained from this Machiavellian never-ending game! With the partition of the Arab Peninsula and the world as a whole, the British plotters needed an adequate port in the Arabian Golf for their Mafia business. Hence, a new stooge country was born and with Kuwait a reactionary torn in the Iraqi side for the next one hundred years. First we had Nasser and his attempts to give back dignity and rights to the Arab World in spite of Zionist assassins since 1945. When in 1943 Michel Aflag founded the Ba’ath Party, there was new hope for the Arabs in continuing where once Nasser was forced to surrender. Well, all this is history but in 1968 Saddam Hussein became the new hope for millions of betrayed human beings! So far people in Arabic countries were worth less then stray dogs for western arrogance and the same lackeys- sic! Saddam the great visionary - like it or not - but fact is, in 1972 he nationalized the Iraqi oil industry as he began with a new  reshuffle of the Iraqi society in favor of every single one in this cradle of humankind  but forgotten by the whole world since the Ottoman Empire  concurred  Mesopotamia in 1534. As a matter of fact until 1971 and the great revolutionary man made change, you could find barefoot beggars creeping in the streets of Baghdad. Now Iraq had gained real independence, democracy, freedom and wealth for the whole nation (until 2003!). Once the international oil gamblers and reactionary toad’s guts in London, Washington, Paris, Tokyo or Frankfurt gave you only five rotten cents for each hard earned petro-dollar and slipped off with the rest of 95 fraudulent cents. Shame on these hypocritical saviours in the name of freedom, democracy and other western style intoxications.  Before 1991 - Kuwait began at the diabolic behest of BP, Exxon, Shell and other Standard Oil cancerous ulcers horizontal oil drilling under Iraqi soil - or tell it stealing what belongs to the other Arabic brother. Shame on these Kuwaiti bootjacks in the name of Bilderberger ‘democracy’ and Masonic ‘freedom’! Until his last days on Mother Earth, Saddam Hussein was the only one who told the truth and offered a real humane alternative to western capitalism. Last but not least he was betrayed by these assholes and warmongers in the West of not having nukes and the audacity to quit with the dollar hegemony - the same what Gaddafi intended to do with implementing the Gold Dinar and the independent Bank of Africa! To cut a long story short: Break off with the IMF, the World Bank, the Dollar-Monopoly and the Western Stock Exchange gamblers. Make your own socialist and humane doctrine and they call you a rogue or even try to kill you. What disgraceful slurry is still enslaving the Blue Planet in best Orwellian nightmare! Well - ALBA, BRICS and others be aware of the apocalyptic mad dog! Better arm yourself to the knees with the most modern arms as North-Korea is doing since 1953. Look behind your neck who really wants to be an honest friend or just steal your natural resources. Disarm your country and you will be easy prey for the lunatics. Still remember what happened to ‘poor’ Gaddafi trusting too much in western ‘honesty’?  Only a last important word to all naysayers:  The prestigious and well known Sheikh Al Dhari reiterated that Iraqi people should be patient for completion of the Iraq project to save from brutal, despotic occupation and all consequences. Nevertheless, he stressed that only a strict support to the resistance fighters and the Ba’ath Party as well leads getting out of the horrible situation in the country. The same could be applied for Syria. So far - nobody has ever forgotten Saddam Hussein’s great legacy. If not - tell it on the mountains and shame the devil’s stinking acolytes. Time will come and prove the eternal liars and entangled ignorants who keep on hook fishing bullshit in their frozen backyard toilet’s bowl!
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 20:33:47 +0000

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