Сейчас почитал немного о Владимире - TopicsExpress


Сейчас почитал немного о Владимире Антюфьеве, который был летом назначен вице-премьером ДНР. Он, оказывается, сотрудничал с РНЕ, как минимум, с 1993 года. Тогда его звали Вадим Шевцов и был он Министром безопасности Приднестровья. Ну и вот, о Владимире Антюфьеве (Вадиме Шевцове): The criminal dimension of the Transnistrian problem was significant. Two leading officials in the Transnistrian government, General Vadim Shevtsov, Minister of State Security, and General Nikolai Matveev, Deputy Interior Minister, were former Soviet OMON special police officers working under aliases who were wanted in Latvia for human rights abuses. Evidence of their activities is uncertain, but according to Colonel Mikhail Bergman, a controversial 14th Army garrison commander, they were running in the mid-1990s a sort of protection racket, jailing bankers and other businessmen who refused to pay bribes. Stories on the streets of Tiraspol also alleged that Transnistrian security officials robbed and murdered motorists in broad daylight. Shevtsov and Matveev also seemed to have taken charge of an extensive apparatus of political repression, which was used primarily against any moderate or pro-Chisjnau forces in the Transnistrian region. These men became an independent reason for the continuation of the Transnistrian dispute. Any settlement of the conflict on the basis of some sort of federation with Moldova (the most generous formula Chisinau would accept) would have caused Shevtsov and Matveev to fall under Chisinaus jurisdiction, rendering them vulnerable to extradition to Latvia. Even if such extradition was somehow barred, they would lose, in the event of any settlement, their independent authority, not to mention their lucrative sources of illegal income. In short, Tiraspols security chiefs had the most intense personal as well as political reasons for resisting any resolution of the Transnistrian conflict; they probably also had the power to prevent any resolution (Stuart J. Kaufman, Stephen R. Bowers, Transnational dimensions of the Transnistrian conflict). Все эти приднестровья и новороссии - это сплошной криминал, которые для одних идиотов выставляются как русские националистические проекты, а для других - как народные анти-олигархические. А в действительности это всего лишь преступные анклавы, которыми руководят бандиты, насильники и убийцы.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 19:01:17 +0000

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