др For me, to watch Messi play is apleasure – it’s like - TopicsExpress


др For me, to watch Messi play is apleasure – it’s like having anorgasm – it’s an incrediblepleasure. - Luis FigoOnce they said they can only stopme with a pistol. Today you need amachine gun to stop Messi. -Hristo StoichkovMessi or Ronaldo best player inthe world? In the world, I wouldsay Ronaldo. Messi is from anotherplanet. - Turkish internationalArda TuranMessi is God, as a person andeven more as a player. I knew himwhen he was a boy and I’vewatched him grow. He deserves itall. - Samuel EtooAlthough he may not be human,it’s good that Messi still thinks heis. - Javier MascheranoThey tell me that all men areequal in God’s eyes, this playermakes you seriously think aboutthose words. - Footballcommentator Ray HudsonNewton and Einstein had a certainlevel of autism - I hope that, likethem, Messi surpasses himselfevery day and continues to give ushis beautiful brand of football. -RomarioMessi is the Mozart of football. -Radomir AnticIt is clear that Messi is on a levelabove all others. Those who do notsee that are blind. - XaviThere are three or four importantthings in life: books, friends,women… and Messi. - Portuguesewriter Antonio Lobo AntunesBarca will never have a player likeMessi again. Messi’s greatness ispresent on and off the field ofplay. - Barcelona president SandroRosellAt this point I’m starting tobelieve that Messi is tightlyrelated to Clark Kent. - Israelimodel Bar RafaeliMessi is class. There is him, andthen there is the rest. What hedoes is extraordinary. - Fr anckRiberyWe give him the ball and standback and watch. People often sayto me they saw Pele and Maradonaplay. In the future, I will be ableto say I saw Messi play. - ThiagoAlcanataraHe is always going forwards. Henever passes the ball backwards orsideways. He has only one idea, torun towards the goal. So as afootball fan, just enjoy the show. -Zinedine ZidaneHe sees passes that most peoplecan only see whilst watching thegame on TV, not ones that you cannormally see on the pitch. - TataMartinoFor the world of football, Messi isa treasure because he is rolemodel for children around theworld… Messi will be the player towin the most Ballons d’Or inhistory. He will win five, six, seven.He is incomparable. He’s in adifferent league. - Johan CruyffI have played against Platini,Maradona, Cruyff and played withGeorge Best — a lot of big names,but none of them has been able todo what Messi does. Two years agoI said that the best player I playedagainst was Maradona and the bestplayer I have played with wasBestie. But I can now say I havenever seen a player as good asMessi. He’s in a league of hisown. - Former Tottenham starGerry ArmstrongDiego [Maradona] filled us withemotions. But between the cracks,without doubt, Messi is better thanMaradona. - Diego SimeoneThere is no doubt, you’re fromanother galaxy. Thanks Leo. - MaxiRodriguezWho is the Best Player in theWorld? Leo Messi. Who is the BestPlayer Ever? Leo Messi. - ArseneWengerI have seen the player who willinherit my place in Argentinefootball and his name is Messi.Messi is a genius. - DiegoMaradonaI like Messi a lot, he’s a greatplayer. Technically, we’repractically at the same level. - PeleMessi does not need his rightfoot. He only uses the left and he’sstill the best in the world. Imagineif he also used his right foot, Thenwe would have serious problems. - Zlatan IbrahimovicFella’s a genius. Best ever by adistance in my life time. Neverreally saw Pele… Souness, Gullit,Venables and now Rooney agreeMessi is the best they have seen.He plays a game with which we arenot familiar. - Gary LinekerI played with Romario, Rivaldo,Ronaldo, Laudrup and Stoichkovbut Messi is the best I’ve seen - Former Barcelona and Chelsea starAlbert FerrerIt feels good to be in the samegeneration as him. I believe he’sthe best player in the history ofthe sport. - Gerard PiqueMessi defies the laws of anatomy,he must have an extra bone in hisankle. - Argentinas 1986 WorldCup-winning coach Carlos BilardoWho’s better, Messi or CristianoRonaldo? Messi. Ronaldo is good,but Messi is 10 times better. -Dutch star Klaas- Jan HuntelaarLionel Messi is quite clearly thebest player ever. It’s a pleasure topit myself against him and when Ifinish my career it’s something Ican look back on and know I’vetested myself against the verybest. - John TerryIn my entire life I have never seena player of such quality andpersonality at such a young age,particularly wearing the ‘heavy’shirt of one of the world’s greatclubs. - Fabio CapelloMessi is better than Maradona; heis more complete, more consistent,more spectacular. He is reinventingthe game – a mix of the real andthe virtual. - TostãoI am not crazy enough to comparemyself with Messi because he isthe best there ever was and thebest there will ever be. - MarioGomezI was a big fan of Maradonagrowing up and of the current cropRonaldo is good but Messi is thebest I’ve ever seen. I don’t dishout praise lightly but Messideserves it. I look for weaknessesin his game and I can’t findthem. - Roy KeaneMessi is the best player ever. Andthis is said by someone who hasseen Maradona and Pele play. -AC Milan chief Adriano GallianiHe is the best in the world.Football seems easy when he playsit. - Bacary SagnaI wear the number 10 Jersey forthe US National Team in honour ofthe Greatest athlete I have everseen: Messi. - Kobe BryantThe only bad thing aboutRonaldo’s life is Messi. If it wasnot for him, Ronaldo would be thebest player in the world for fiveyears in a row. - Felipe ScolariI can’t believe anyone can haveplayed the game of football as wellas Messi. - Michael OwenIs Messi a real player or aPlayStation character? - RadamelFalcaoMessi is a genius. He haseverything. When I watch him, Isee a player who is very, very,skilful, very clever and his left footis like Diego Maradona’s. - FranzBeckenbauerMessi or Cristiano? CristianoRonaldo is very good, but I preferMessi. He’s incredible. - GheorgheHagiComparing CR7 to Messi is anexercise of ignorance in football.Messi is Messi and others,footballers. - Spanish managerMiguel Angel LotinaThe other day I saw one of hisgames. He was running with theball at a hundred percent fullspeed, I don’t know how manytouches he took, maybe five or six,but the ball was glued to his foot.It’s practically impossible. - RealMadrid legend RaulIf he is so good, how can youexpress that? The superlatives ranout ages ago. On these pages,swearing has been tried. Orperhaps a symbol, something tosignify that we have gone beyondwords now. - Football writer SidLoweDont write about him, dont try todescribe him. Just watch him. -Pep gardiola..
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 01:40:51 +0000

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