міняючи тему: ось тут цілком - TopicsExpress


міняючи тему: ось тут цілком конкретні поради для електронного книговидання, які, на мою скромну думку, непогано можна застосувати і для книговидання паперового :) наприклад, про увагу до деталей :) Get the Details Right from the Beginning Publishers who are new to e-books often choose to convert their titles in-house or on the cheap, only to find their efforts thwarted by low-quality files and poorly formatted metadata that generates errors in the supply chain. It’s wiser to start by focusing on producing 10 ebook files at a time, with proper formatting and metadata, to insure that content displays well on retail sites and customer reading devices. For the e-publisher Gospel Light, automated conversions resulted in more than 50% of their files failing with Apple. Rather than giving up, they engaged us to manage file and cover corrections of 500 titles in compliance with Apple’s standards, working down the list of their top-selling titles in batches of ten titles at a time. Every new batch they corrected led to a 40-70% growth in month to month ebook sales at Apple. Gospel Light also saw increased sales in all other outlets when distributing the improved cover, metadata and content files, which made all that hard work pay off in the bottom line. Quality does help reviews and sales. publishingperspectives/2013/10/5-digital-distribution-tactics-for-startups-and-publishers/
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 09:36:06 +0000

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