מפרסמת שוב מכתב לארופה המתאסלמת כדי - TopicsExpress


מפרסמת שוב מכתב לארופה המתאסלמת כדי שתוכלו להעביר לידידיכם בעולם ואולי..... אולי...... תצליחו לעורר אותם ולהאיר את עיניהם לקורה סביבם: Good morning Europe! Hello dear Continent. For quite a while, Ive been wanting to write you a few words from here in the Middle East in my capacity as your close neighbour whose parents and whose past and that of its people are deeply rooted all over your Continent, as well as one who loves to travel across your beautiful landscapes. After all, you were our home to us for thousands of years, and for the last thousand years in particular. We had good times with good neighbourly relations, economic, cultural and spiritual prosperity, as well as living in cooperation – but we also had – oh boy did we have! - times of hardship, hate, expulsions, humiliation and blood libel. Somehow, we survived, and so did you. Unfortunately for us – and shame on you dear Continent - it is not we who chose to put an end to the love affair. We could have continued to live in harmony, with good neighbourly relations for many years, had you not, for reasons of your own, chosen to - literally - destroy the partnership. The plan was hatched on your soil, the camps were built on your soil, the trains traveled through your lands, the graves were dug on your soil, the blood flows in your rivers…and it wasnt long before you terminated the significant thousand year old presence of Jews on your soil. You terminated it and banished millions of faithful Jewish citizens. Not only did you destroy their lives but also their contribution to your culture and your economy, to the arts, to academic life, to literature, to medicine, to education, to commerce, to banking and to life in general. I have been meaning to write to you for a long time but havent got round to it. This week, however, after two things became apparent, I decided that I absolutely must tell you a few things. First of all, Ive seen several reports by demography, sociology etc. experts who claim that you, Europe, will become Muslim in the not too distant future. In some European countries, 50% of the birth rate is already now Muslim. Add to that the low birth rate of non-Muslim Europeans and the immigration statistics and very soon – some say in 10 to 20 years – you, white, Christian Europe, will become a Muslim Continent. Its true that youre fighting - a losing battle - against the building of mosques in Switzerland, against women wearing burkas in France, against immigration and all kinds of other not very significant things, but even you know that theres no way you can stop the snowballing effect. There were plans to build the biggest mosque in the world in Central London, and nobody will be able to prevent Muslim women from wearing veils. Permissive, liberal, enlightened European women know only too well that it is likely that extreme Islam will become so powerful that their freedom will come to an end. Secondly, Ive seen the warnings issued by many countries against traveling to Europe for fear of terrorism. There are indeed those (not necessarily Jews) who say that not all Muslims are terrorists but the fact, somehow, is that all (or most) terrorists are Muslim… Slowly but surely, dear neighbouring Continent, you are beginning to understand what you are contending with and what kind of culture and religion radical Islam consists of. Suddenly you are discovering about hate and Shahid culture, about intolerance and narrow-mindedness, about Islams repugnance of democracy and human and womens rights… All of a sudden, Europe is stuck with radical Islam. Its neither here nor there. You can neither accept it nor reject it. If you reject it, you will be accused of being racist and opposed to human rights and engender all the usual agitation and blah-blah, but you cant accept it either because white, liberal, democratic European culture cannot accommodate such radical cultural and religious elements. It will all explode in the end. Literally. Youll need an Ark… Dear Continent, theres no vacuum in the world. You banished and exterminated us and you got the Muslims instead. At first, it was nice: a bit of a Mediterranean feel, a bit of an oriental breeze…but that was followed by the storm of radical Islam which threatens to engulf you dear neighbour. Now you are beginning to stew in your own juice. Suddenly, you have veiled women, fanaticism and mosques on every street corner. Suddenly, you have to contend with demography and birth rates, radical culture, violence and terrorism that you nurtured and chose to ignore. You wont be able to live in denial for much longer. The conflict is already there, on your doorstep. We, unfortunately, are experts on the matter, even though we also have justice-seeking crusaders and naïve people of our own. The first time that God decided to destroy the world because of human behaviour, he agreed to give humanity a second chance. He told Noah to build an ark and to try to create a new kind of world, to try to develop a seed from which a more worthy form of humanity might emerge. The aim of the ark was to provide an opportunity, a temporary refuge. Will you, dearest Europe, be wise enough to prepare yourself in time for the physical and cultural ark that you will require in order to survive? Or will bullying, arrogance and hypocrisy prevent you from admitting that you alone have brought disaster upon yourself and are, in fact, a continent living on borrowed time? Yours sincerely, Your Jewish neighbour in the Middle East (Author unknown but every word is true!) Translated from Hebrew by Claire Balas
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 07:55:22 +0000

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