أحمد عبد العزيز 19 mins · أصدقائي - TopicsExpress


أحمد عبد العزيز 19 mins · أصدقائي الأعزاء .. الحرائر والأحرار .. السلام عليكم .. تم تدشين قناة على اليوتيوب تحت اسم : Freedom for Mosaab ستجدون عليها البيان الذي أصدرته بشأن اختطاف ابني مصعب أحمد عبد العزيز في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة على يد الأجهزة الأمنية هناك .. أرجو منكم التكرم تداوله ونشره على أوسع نطاق .. بوركتم جميعا .. youtube/watch?v=NFj9dZ1AquA&feature=youtu.be #أبشروووا #العسكر_خطفوا_الرئيس_ليه #حكام_الإمارات_قتلوا_حبيبة_وخطفوا_مصعب #لن_نركع_إلا_لله #الحرية_لمصعب #مصعب_فين ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ البيان باللغة الإنجليزية : In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Ladies and gentlemen, Free women and men of Egypt and the world, Human rights organization around the world, I greet you in the greeting of Islam, Peace. Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you. My name is Ahmed Abd el Aziz, member of the Presidential staff of President Dr. Muhammed Morsi, President of The Arab Republic of Egypt. Father of martyr journalist Habiba, who was killed by a sniper’s bullet to the heart while performing her duties to report to the world the massacre in Rabia al Adawiyya. And father of Engineer Mosaab, who was kidnapped by United Arab Emirates’ security forces on 21st of October, 2014 after he was called in by Preventative Security in Sharjah and involuntarily kept in a location unknown to us till this day, without any fault or accusation. Simply because he is the son of the Media Consultant of President Muhammed Morsi Mosaab is a young, well-mannered, ambitious and successful Engineer, aged 26. He works as a CTO in one of the specialized app development companies in Dubai, and has no political interests. In my conversations with the UAE consulate in Istanbul, it has become evident that Mosaab has been kidnapped and kept hostage in the custody of UAE security forces to bargain with me and put an end to my resistance to the vicious military coup in Egypt, and not because he broke the laws or committed any acts against UAE. And so I hold UAE fully responsible for Mosaab’s psychological and physical safety. And I urge the President of UAE, his Vice President and Crown prince of Abu Dhabi to release my son Mosaab Ahmed Abd el Aziz immediately without delay, and compensate him for any emotional or financial damage caused during his involuntary disappearance, which is according to International Law a War Crime as it is a disgraceful and vulgar act not fitting of a civilized country. On the other hand, I ask all the human rights organizations around the world to regard this statement as an official report from the family of the kidnapped Mosaab Ahmed Abd el Aziz, to investigate his involuntary disappearance by the security forces in UAE, and to interfere and work towards his immediate release. O God, we entrust you with Mosaab and all our free sons and daughters. O God protect them as you protect your favorites of worshippers, you are the mightiest protector and the most merciful. Sunday 4th of January , 2015
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 14:59:20 +0000

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