أسئلة الوحدة الثانية للسادس - TopicsExpress


أسئلة الوحدة الثانية للسادس الاعدادي Q1) Answer the following using the information from your textbook: 1 – When was the radar invented ? 2 - The driver slow down when he detects a radar gun nearby . ( T / F ) 3- Why do some drivers use the radar detector? 4- What happens when the waves are sent towards a car? 5 – Radar works when the car ( is moving / isn’t moving ) 6 - If the car is moving, the space between the radio waves changes. (True / False) 7 – Radar was invented to detect ----------------and---------------- in ----------------world war. 8 – How does radar work ? 9-Why did police officers start using radar speed gun? 10 - They use the information on the ------------------------ to identify the owner of the car. Q2) Grammar and Function: A) Re-write the following sentences, follow the instructions between brackets:( 20 M ) 1- Make a suggestion to take a taxi to the airport. ( Use : we could …….. ) 2- Politely ask someone to tell you how to get to the mall? 3- My mother told me to turn down the music. ( Use : make ) 4- A photographer took a picture of the witness. ( Causative. Use : have ) 5- Offer to help someone with his baggage. 6- She asked somebody to fix the window. ( Causative. Use : get ) B) Choose the correct choice. 1- ( Will / May ) I ask who is calling? 2- Use ( mustn’t / needn’t ) to say it is not important to do something. 3- He studied hard. He ( should / shouldn’t ) fail in the exam. 4- Can you lend me a ( little / few ) money? I left my purse at home. Q3) Vocabulary and Spelling A) Complete the sentences with the suitable word . ( commit, pain , maintain , footprints , laws ) 1- If you ………….. a crime, the police will arrest you. 2- Where exactly the ………. and how long have you had it? 3- The military needs people to ……………… its equipment and cars. 4- ………….. can tell you what type of shoes a thief was wearing. 5- ------------------- are rules must people follow in the country . B) Match the words in list A with their synonyms in list B List A:1 - install 2 - property 3 - dispose of 4 - supervise 5 – safe List B: a- secure b - stuff c - be in charge of d - get rid of e - put in C) Write the missing words. 1 – close , closed leave ,------------- 2 - Dr. = doctor co. = ------------- 3 – security camera , conveyor ---------------- 4 – book, books country, ------------- 5 – write , writer detect , --------------------- 6 – bad , badly angry , ----------------- Q4 ) Write a letter to Ali of 100-120 words giving him advice on how to get a job
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 11:16:44 +0000

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