ألى طلبة كلية الصيدلة ودارسى علم - TopicsExpress


ألى طلبة كلية الصيدلة ودارسى علم الذيوت والطب التكاملى .... وكذلك المهتمين بمثل هذه المركبات تعرفوا معي على بعض أنواع من الزيوت العطرية (30 نوعا مشهورا جدااا) واستعمالاتها وموادها الفعالة فى مختصر بسيط : وبأذن الله متجدد ان كان بالعمر بقيه ******************* 1- زيت الريحان Basil oil الإستعمالات : The therapeutic properties of basil oil are : analgesic, antidepressant, antispasmodic, anti-venomous, carminative, cephalic, diaphoretic, digestive, emmenagogue, expectorant, febrifuge, insecticide, nervine, stomachic, sudorific, tonic and stimulant. Basil oil is a good tonic for the treatment of nervous disorders and stress related headaches, migraines and allergies. It is used to clear the mind and relieve intellectual fatigue, while giving clarity and mental strength. It has a beneficial action on the respiratory tract and is often used for asthma, bronchitis and sinus infections. It furthermore is also effective in cases of constipation, nausea, vomiting and cramp, and is also good when used for menstrual problems. Due to the emmenagogue properties, it is often used to relieve scanty periods and normalizing menses. It helps to minimize uric acid in the blood, thus relieving gout. It is useful in arthritis as well and when used on the skin, it helps to control acne. In general it refreshes the skin and can also be used on insect bites. المواد الفعالة فى الزيت الطيار هى : -Pinene Camphene -Pinene Myrcene Limonene cis-Ocimene Camphor Linalol Methyl chavicol -Terpineol Citronellol Geraniol Methyl cinnamate Eugenol ******************* 2- زيت البرغموث Bergamot oil الإستعمالات : The therapeutic properties of bergamot oil include : analgesic, antidepressant, antiseptic, antibiotic, anti-spasmodic, stomachic, calmative, cicatrisant, deodorant, digestive, febrifuge, vermifuge and vulnerary. Bergamot oil can be used in the treatment of depression, stress, tension, fear, hysteria, infection (all types including skin), anorexia, psoriasis, eczema and general convalescence. المواد الفعالة فى الزيت الطيار هى : -Pinene Myrcene Limonene -Bergaptene -Bisabolene Linalol Linalyl acetate Nerol Neryl acetate Geraniol Geraniol acetate -Terpineol. ******************* 3- زيت خشب الأرز Cedarwood oil الإستعمالات : The therapeutic properties of cedarwood oil are : antiseborrhoeic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, tonic, astringent, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, insecticide, sedative and fungicide. Cedarwood oil benefits the skin by its sedating ability which relieves itching. Its astringent action is great for acne, oily skin, as well as for hair and dandruff. It helps with chest and urinary infections, acts as a general tonic and has a pronounced effect on mucus membranes. It has a calming and soothing effect on the mind and is of great help in conditions associated with anxiety and nervous tension. It is also of value in cases of arthritis and rheumatism. المواد الفعالة فى الزيت الطيار هى : -Cedrene -Cedrene Thujopsene Sesquiterpenes Cedrol Widdrol *******************
Posted on: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 04:36:45 +0000

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