البوست الاقوى من نوعه حتى الان حاول - TopicsExpress


البوست الاقوى من نوعه حتى الان حاول تكتشف نفسك فى الحاجات دى . بسط و ركز 20 مجال تعليمي على الانترنت تحتاج معرفتها :- --------- 1- البرمجـه | Programming :- --------- Code Fellows :- codefellows.org/ Code Year :- codeyear/ Codecademy :- codecademy/ CodeChef :- goo.gl/L12l4Z CodeHS :- codehs/ Codelearn :- codelearn.org/ CodePupil :- codepupil/ Code Avengers :- codeavengers/ Code School :- https://codeschool/ Coding Dojo :- codingdojo.co/ CodingBat :- codingbat/ Codeorg :- code.org/ DaVinci Coders :- davincicoders/ Google Code University :- code.google/edu/ Dr. Chuck Online :- https://online.dr-chuck/index.php Dream.In.Code Tutorials :- goo.gl/8R7p8o TopCoder :- topcoder/ JSDares :- jsdares/ Khan Academy :- goo.gl/LKmca3 Kidsruby :- kidsruby/ Ladies Learning Code :- ladieslearningcode/ Learn Python The Hard Way :- learnpythonthehardway.org/ Learn C :- learn-c.org/ Learn C# :- learncs.org/ Learn Code the Hard Way :- learncodethehardway.org/ Learn Java :- learnjavaonline.org/ Learn JavaScript :- learn-js.org/ Learn PHP :- learn-php.org/ Learn Python :- learnpython.org/ Learn Shell Programming :- learnshell.org/ Learn Visual Studio :- learnvisualstudio.net/ Motti Shaked :- goo.gl/6g2IUi PHP Buddy :- learn-php.org/ Processing Forum :- forum.processing.org/ Programr :- programr/courses Pyschools :- pyschools/ Rolemodel Software Craftsman Academy :- craftsmanshipacademy/ Scratch :- scratch.mit.edu/ Stack Overflow :- stackoverflow/ The Code Project :- codeproject/ Thinkful :- thinkful/ Try Ruby :- tryruby.org/levels/1/challenges/0 Turing :- turing.io/ WiBit-net :- wibit.net/ -------- 2- تطوير الويب | WEB DEVELOPMENT :- -------- A Book Apart :- abookapart/ ASP-NET :- asp.net/ Beginners Guide to HTML & CSS :- learn.shayhowe/ Building Web Apps :- buildingwebapps/ Daves Site :- davesite/ Design3 :- design3/ Distilled :- https://distilled.net/resources/features/ Django Project :- https://djangoproject/ Drupalize Me :- drupalize.me/ Easy WP Guide :- easywpguide/ Echoecho :- echoecho/ Frontend Masters :- frontendmasters/ Grafpedia :- grafpedia/ Grand Circus :- grandcircus.co/ HTML Code Tutorial :- htmlcodetutorial/ HTML Dog :- htmldog/ HTML5 Rocks :- html5rocks/en/ jQuery for Designers :- jqueryfordesigners/ Jquery Fundamentals :- jqfundamentals/ Jumpstart Lab :- jumpstartlab/ Killersites :- killersites/ Landofcode :- landofcode/ LashF :- lashf/ Learn Web Development :- learnwebdevelopment/ Learnable :- https://learnable/ Level Up Tuts :- leveluptuts/ Michael Hartls Ruby on Rails :- ruby.railstutorial.org/ Mozilla Developer Network :- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/learn Mozilla Learning :- https://wiki.mozilla.org/Learning Nettuts :- nettuts/ One Month Rails :- https://onemonthrails/ OSTraining :- ostraining/ phpacademy :- https://phpacademy.org/ Polycademy :- polycademy/ Pragmatic Studio :- pragmaticstudio/ Pro Web Design Course :- prowebdesigncourse/ Ruby Bastards Book :- ruby.bastardsbook/ Ruby on Rails :- rubyonrails.org/ rubymonk-com :- https://rubymonk/ SitePoint Reference :- reference.sitepoint/html Six Revisions :- sixrevisions/ SSD Tutorials :- ssdtutorials/ Teach Mate :- teachmate.org/ The Girls Guide to Web Design :- girlsguidetowebdesign/ The Odin Project :- theodinproject/home The Starter League :- starterleague/ Tizag :- tizag/ Treehouse :- teamtreehouse/ Tutorials Galaxy :- tutorialsgalaxy/ W3Schools :- w3schools/ Web Platform Docs :- webplatform.org/ Webmonkey :- webmonkey/tutorials/ -------- 3- علوم الكومبيوتر | COMPUTER SCIENCE :- -------- 02Geek :- 02geek/ Amazon Web Services Training :- aws.amazon/training/ AngularJS Learning Resources :- goo.gl/n6SZhw AngularJS Tutorial :- https://thinkster.io/ Apprenticeio :- apprentice.io/ Aquent Gymnasium :- gymnasium.aquent/ ArsDigita University :- aduni.org/courses/ Cartoon Smartcode :- cartoonsmartcode/ Cisco Networking Academy :- https://netacad/ CIW :- goo.gl/NiMvIg Cloudera University :- goo.gl/2O5URf CMPE 008/L - Robot Automation :- goo.gl/EMQaNP Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies :- liinira.uka.de/bibliography/ Computer & Information Science :- cs.iupui.edu/ Computer Science & Engineering UW :- cs.washington.edu/ COMPUTERSCIENCE1.tv :- computerscience1.tv/2011/spring/ D Zone (Question Site) :- dzone/links/index.html Dev BootCamp :- devbootcamp/ egghead.io :- https://egghead.io/ Free Computer Books :- freecomputerbooks/ Free Technology Academy :- ftacademy.org/ FreeTechBooks-com :- freetechbooks/ Git Book :- git-scm/book Git Immersion :- gitimmersion/ Google Code :- https://developers.google/ gotoAndLearn :- gotoandlearn/ gSchool :- gschool.it/ Hacker School :- https://hackerschool/ HackerRank :- https://hackerrank/ HackerYou :- hackeryou/ Hackety Hack! :- hackety/ HakTip :- revision3/haktip Hungry Academy :- hungryacademy/ Kaltura :- kaltura.org/ Maine University (US), Fogler Guide to Computer Science :- Metacademy :- metacademy.org/ Microsoft Research :- research.microsoft/en-us/ Newcircle :- https://thenewcircle/ Oracle :- oracle/index.html PluralSight :- pluralsight/training Proxcer :- proxcer/ SQL Zoo :- sqlzoo.net/wiki/Main_Page Teaching Tree :- teachingtree.co/ Washington University in St.Louis :- cse.wustl.edu/Pages/default.aspx WWDC Session Videos :- https://developer.apple/videos/ - VideoLectures.NET (Computer Science) : videolectures.net/Top/Computer_Science/ Wikiversity School of Computer Science and Technology en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Portal:Computer_Science New York State University (US), Computer Science libguides.library.albany.edu/csci Dream.In.Code Tutorials : dreamincode.net/.../78-programming-tutorials MIT OpenCourseWare (Engineering and Computer Science) : ocw.mit.edu/courses/... Maine University (US), Fogler Guide to Computer Science : library.umaine.edu/science/compsci.htm FreeComputerBooks : freecomputerbooks/ Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies : liinira.uka.de/bibliography/ W3Schools : w3schools/ FreeTechBooks : freetechbooks/ Free computer Tutorials : homeandlearn.co.uk/ Programmer 101: Teach Yourself How to Code : lifehacker/.../programmer-101-teach-yourself... Google Code University : https://developers.google/university/ How-To Geek : howtogeek/ Becoming a Computer Tech : becomingacomputertechnician/ SAE International : training.sae.org/elearning/ actDEN : actden/ In Pictures : inpics.net/ Killersites : killersites/ -------- 4- اللغات | Languages :- -------- Babbel :- babbel/ BBC Languages :- bbc.co.uk/languages/ Bonjour :- bonjour/ Busuu :- busuu/ Dictionary-com :- dictionary.reference/ Duolingo :- duolingo/ Fluenz :- fluenz/ Foreign Service Institute Language Courses :- fsi-language-courses.org/Content.php Freerice-com :- goo.gl/cTaSPd Guide to Grammar and Writing :-grammar.cccmnet.edu/grammar/ iKnow :- iknow.jp/ Langevo-com :- langevo/ Language Spirit :- teachingenglish.languagespirit/ Learn10 :- learn10/ lernu :- en.lernu.net/ Lingua Lift :- lingualift/ LiveMocha :- livemocha/ LiveMocha Classroom :- goo.gl/8DRdND Mango Languages :- mangolanguages/ Merriam-Webster Online :- merriam-webster/ Middlebury Interactive Languages :- middleburyinteractive/ MOOEC :- mooec/ One Minute Languages :- radiolingua/shows/other-languages/ Online Etymology Dictionary :- etymonline/ Open Culture Language Links :- goo.gl/gsWP8a Pitch Perfect Pinyin (Chinese) :- goo.gl/qjmO2Z Popup Chinese :- popupchinese/ Rosetta Stone :- rosettastone/ Talk To Me In Korean :- talktomeinkorean/ The Rosetta Project :- rosettaproject.org/ Verbal Planet :- verbalplanet/ Verbling :- https://verbling/ Visualizing Japanese Grammar :-goo.gl/F5RgBo Yabla :- yabla/ -------- 5- Online Cources | MOOCS :- -------- ALISON :- alison/ Anadolu Universitesi :- mooc.anadolu.edu.tr/ Analytics Academy :- goo.gl/0nRFGz Big History Project :- goo.gl/TRpLHA Canvas Network :- https://canvas.net/ Centrale Lille :- gestiondeprojet.pm/777/ Coursera :- https://coursera.org/ phodphad khanacademy.org : Khanacademy https://open.hpi.de/ CourseSites :- goo.gl/4RDpft Drexel University Collegeof Computing & Informatics :- goo.gl/Y2NAjZ edX :- https://edx.org/ Capilano University OpenCourseWare :- ocw.capilanou.ca/ Johns Hopkins :- ocw.jhsph.edu/ MIT Open Courseware :- ocw.mit.edu/index.htm myopencourses :- myopencourses/ myopencampus.in memrise/ saylor.org/ flexi-learn.uk/ gcflearnfree.org/ National Training and Education Resource :- https://nterlearning.org/ New Jersey Institute of Technology :- ocw.njit.edu/ Notre Dame Open Courseware :- online.nd.edu/ocw/ OCW/OER Search :- goo.gl/7AB6lx Open Michigan :- open.umich.edu/education Open UW :- outreach.washington.edu/openuw/ OpenCourseWare Consortium :- ocwconsortium.org/ TU Delft OpenCourseWare :- ocw.tudelft.nl/ Tufts :- ocw.tufts.edu/ UC Irvine :- ocw.uci.edu/ myopencourses ck12.org nptel.iitm.ac.in udemy techsmith/ merlot.org/merlot/index.htm University of Massachusetts Boston :- ocw.umb.edu/ University of Southern Queensland :- ocw.usq.edu.au/ Utah State University :- ocw.usu.edu/ France Université Numerique :- goo.gl/6LhP2B Future Learn :- https://futurelearn/ Game Theory II :- goo.gl/a2gq0O Georgia Institute of Technology :- omscs.gatech.edu/ High Tech High :- hightechhigh.org/moocs/ International Telematic University UniNettuno :- goo.gl/RqU1eE iversity :- https://iversity.org/ Janux :- https://janux.ou.edu/landing/ Kaunas University of Technology :- open.ktu.lt/ Marist Enterprise Computing Community :- goo.gl/LNKRa9 Ministère de lEnseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche :- uel.unisciel.fr/ Miriada X :- miriadax.net/ education.10gen hippocampus.org/ cosmolearning/ academicearth.org/ MOOC Télécom SudParis :- mooc.telecom-sudparis.eu/ Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics :- lms.mesi.ru/ NovoEd :- https://novoed/ New Charter University :- new.edu/info/ The Minerva Project :- minervaproject/ uneOpen :- uneopen/ University of the People :- uopeople.org/ US Career Institute :- uscareerinstitute.edu/ Open 2 Study :- open2study/ Open Course World :- goo.gl/CyZbFM Open Learning Initiative :- oli.cmu.edu/ Open Universiteit :- openu.nl/ Open University of Israel :- mooc.openu.ac.il/ openHPI :- https://openhpi.de/ OpenLearn :- open.edu/openlearn/ OpenLearning :- openlearning/ openSAP :- https://open.sap/ RWAQ :- rwaq.org/ Saylor University :- saylor.org/ Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (FEI) :- goo.gl/7C8nVi Stanford Online :- class.stanford.edu/ The College of St. Scholastica :- goo.gl/bXh8ux The University of Western Australia :- class2go.uwa.edu.au/ Udacity :- https://udacity/ Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia :- https://unedcoma.es/ Universidad Quantum :- universidadquantum.es/ Universidade Aberta :- imooc.uab.pt/cursos Universitat Jaume I :- mooc.uji.es/ Universitat Politècnica de València :- upvx.es/ Universite de Strasbourg :- cnsc.unistra.fr/ University of Amsterdam :- mooc.uva.nl/portal University of Granada :- abierta.ugr.es/ University of Massachusetts Amherst :- umass.edu/journalism/mooc/ University of Waikato :- https://weka.waikato.ac.nz/explorer ZSRx :- zsr.wfu.edu/about/zsrx/ About U :- u.about/ Accelio Guides :- https://accel.io/ Awesome Stories :- awesomestories/ Coursmos :- coursmos/ eCollege :- ecollege.ie/site/pages/courses.html Ed2go :- ed2go/ Education Portal :- education-portal/ General Assembly :- https://generalassemb.ly/online/livestreams Harvard@Home :- athome.harvard.edu/ HippoCampus :- hippocampus.org/ k-12 :- k12/ Lynda :- lynda/ Memrise :- memrise/ Peer 2 Peer University (P2PU) :- https://p2pu.org/en/ Skillshare :- skillshare/ Sophia Learning :- https://sophia.org/ StraighterLine :- straighterline/ The Open University :- goo.gl/ISHf8B The Success Educator :- thesuccesseducator.biz/ Trade Testing Board :- ttbp.edu.pk/ Udemy :- https://udemy/ Universal Class :- universalclass/ University Seminar Associates Inc :- goo.gl/gr6Gxc WizIQ :-wiziq/ -------- 6- الفيزياء | Physics :- -------- CWRU Department of Physics :- phys.cwru.edu/ Russ Herman :- russherman/ Rutgers Physics and Astronomy :- physics.rutgers.edu/ Sprotts Gateway :- sprott.physics.wisc.edu/ The Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics :- kitp.ucsb.edu/ Wake Forest University :- physics.wfu.edu/ -------- 7- الكيمياء | Chemistry :- -------- Chemistry Wiki :- chemwiki.ucdavis.edu/ ChemWeb :- chemweb/ Dynamic Periodic Table :- dayah/periodic/ kentchemistry :- kentchemistry/ Midnight Tutor :- midnighttutor/Online_Tutor.php Periodic Table of Videos :- periodicvideos/ Salk’s Periodic Table :- goo.gl/4H3iuu University of Oxford :- chem.ox.ac.uk/ -------- 8- الوثائقيات | Documentaries :- -------- Documentary Heaven :- documentaryheaven/ Free Documentaries Online :- documentary-log/ Top Documentary Films :- topdocumentaryfilms/ -------- 9- الهندسه | Engineering :- -------- Adafruit Learning System :- https://learn.adafruit/ Altera :- altera/education/edu-index.html Carnegie Mellon University :- andrew.cmu.edu/ Do It Yourself :- doityourself/ EASI :- easi.cc/workshop.htm Energy Innovation at Stanford :- energyinnovation.stanford.edu/ Instructables :- instructables/ Lets Make Robots :- letsmakerobots/ Make Magazine :- makezine/ MAKE Projects :- makeprojects/ North Carolina State University :- engineeringonline.ncsu.edu/ Stanford Engineering Everywhere :- see.stanford.edu/default.aspx UCCS Electrical & Computer Engineering :- uccs.edu/~ece/ UW Madison Mechatronics Laboratory :- mechatronics.me.wisc.edu/ -------- 10- الفلك | Astronomy :- -------- Google Sky :- https://google/sky/ Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology :- jpl.nasa.gov/video/index.cfm NASA :- goo.gl/pNSAKF The Basics of Space Flight :- goo.gl/Bl3ucW The Ohio State University :- https://astronomy.osu.edu/ WorldWide Telescope :- worldwidetelescope.org/ -------- 11- الأحياء | BIOLOGY :- -------- Arkive :- arkive.org/ Bio Visions :- goo.gl/rlgsZg Biology 4 Kids :- biology4kids/ Cell Biology Animation :- johnkyrk/ Cells Alive :- cellsalive/ Encyclopedia of Life :- eol.org/ Human Genome Project :- goo.gl/9EllzL Introduction to Biology : - goo.gl/htsPq9 Microbiologybytes :- microbiologybytes/maths/index.html Molecular Biology Glossary :- goo.gl/A9bvfA Psychoactives :- erowid.org/ Rosalind :- rosalind.info/ Scitable :- nature/scitable The Chiclid Fishes of Lake Malawi :- malawicichlids/ Understanding Evolution :- evolution.berkeley.edu/ -------- 12- الطب | MEDICINE :- -------- Animal Care Technologies :- site.4act/ Cardio Genomics :- goo.gl/ptj39p CareerStep :- careerstep/ CEU Network :- ceunetwork.org/ Childbirth and Postpartum Professional Association (CAPPA) :- cappa.net/ conntutorials :- conntutorials/video.html DONA International :- dona.org/ Harvard Medical School Open Courseware :- mycourses.med.harvard.edu/public/ Huntsville Emergency Medical Services Incorporated (HEMSI) :- hemsi.org/ IAPAM :- iapam/ kenHub :- https://kenhub/ Oncology Nursing Society :- ons.org/ Priority Medical Training :- prioritymedicaltraining/ Tennessee Association of Rescue Squads, Inc. :- https://tnars.org/ -------- 13- الرياضيات | Mathematics :- -------- UMass Boston Mathematics : ocw.umb.edu/mathematics Whatcom Online Math Center : math.whatcom.ctc.edu/content/Links.phtml?cat=3 VideoLectures.NET (Mathematics) : videolectures.net/Top/Mathematics/ Wikiversity School of Mathematics : en.wikiversity.org/wiki/School:Mathematics AMSER Mathematics : https://amser.org/index.php?P=BrowseResources... Math Intute Mathematics : intute.ac.uk/mathematics/ SOS Math : sosmath/ MathVids : mathvids/ Math Cracker : mathcracker/ Math for Morons Like Us : https://gitso-outage.oracle/thinkquest Real-World Math Tutorials : kidwaresoftware/mbasic.htm -------- 14- محاضرات | LECTURES :- -------- Anatomy and Physiology :- goo.gl/FtZBSJ COOL :- cool.mcgill.ca/ Forum Network :- forum-network.org/ Learners TV :- learnerstv/ LectureFox :- onlinecourses/lectures/ Princeton University WebMedia :- UC Berkeley :- ocw.berkeley.edu/ UC San Diego Podcast Lectures :- podcast.ucsd.edu/ University of Sydney :- sydney.edu.au/podcasts/index.php Utubersity :- utubersity/ VideoClass :- https://videoclass/ VideoLectures-NET :- videolectures.net/ webcast.berkeley :- webcast.berkeley.edu/ -------- 15- الكتب الالكترونيه والروايات والمراجع الانجليزيه :- -------- - LibraryThing : librarything/zeitgeist Textbook Revolution : textbookrevolution.org/ind.../Book:Lists/Subjects Book TV : booktv.org/ Bookboon : bookboon/en/textbooks-ebooks Scribd : https://scribd/ BookYards : bookyards/en/welcome Planet eBook : planetebook/ E-Books Directory : e-booksdirectory/ Read Print Library : readprint/ The Online Books Page : readprint/ Public Literature : publicliterature.org/ Full Books : fullbooks/ Many Books : manybooks.net/ Get Free Books : getfreeebooks/ -------- 16- الأعمال والتجاره والإقتصاد | Business and Money :- -------- MIT Sloan School of Management : ocw.mit.edu/courses/sloan-school-of-management/ Investopedia Financial Investing Tutorials : investopedia/university/ U.S. Small Business Administration Training Network : sba.gov/training/index.html Innovation and Commercialization :- goo.gl/A8cm2N VideoLectures.NET (Business) : videolectures.net/Top/Business/ My Own Business, Inc. : myownbusiness.org/course_sba.html UC Irvine OpenCourseWare (Business) : ocw.uci.edu/courses/?cat=7 Kutztown University of Pennsylvania : kutztownsbdc.org/course_listing.asp Boston College Front Row (Business) : frontrow.bc.edu/programs/?category=2 Financial Management Training Center : exinfm/training/ TheStreet University : thestreet/topic/47481/how-to-invest.html KnowThis : knowthis/ Leadership Training Tutorials : leadershiptrainingtutorials/ Business Balls : businessballs/ -------- 17- التاريخ والحضاره العالميه | History and World Culture :- -------- - University of Washington’s OpenUW : pce.uw.edu/online/free-courses/ Notre Dame OpenCourseWare : ocw.nd.edu/ Bio’s Best : biography/people/groups UC Irvine OpenCourseWare (Social Science) : ocw.uci.edu/courses/?cat=7 MIT OpenCourseWare (History) : ocw.mit.edu/courses/history/ Have Fun with History : havefunwithhistory/ World History HyperHistory : hyperhistory/online_n2/History_n2/a.html The Rosetta Project : rosettaproject.org/ Digital History : digitalhistory.uh.edu/ Biography : biography/ -------- 18- القانون | Law :- -------- - Duke Law Center for the Public Domain : law.duke.edu/cspd/lectures/ Intute Law : intute.ac.uk/law/ American University : wcl.american.edu/podcasts/ Lewis & Clark Law School : lawlib.lclark.edu/podcast/ Harvard Law School : today.law.harvard.edu/ Stanford Law : itunes.stanford.edu/ MoneyInstructor Business Law : moneyinstructor/businesslaw.asp -------- 19- النشاط الدماغي | Brain Activity :- -------- **Brain-Workout :- lumosity/ https://memorado/ fitbrains/ brainmetrix/ happy-neuron/ playwithyourmind/ mindgames/ brainhq/ **Speed Reading :- spreeder/ spritzinc/ zapreader/ readspeeder/ maharty/ **Easy Searching :- stumbleupon/home https://about.flipboard/ https://feedly/ feedshare.flipora/ pinterest/ https://inoreader/ theonion/ alltop/ suggy/ reddit/ lifehacker/ -------- 20- التعليم على مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي | Education On Social Media :- -------- الصفحات التعليميه على فيسبوك | Educational Pages on Facebook :- **باللغه العربيه :- https://facebook/lists/1539521586285282 https://facebook/lists/1560679754169465 ** باللغه الانجليزيه :- https://facebook/lists/1539889106248530 https://facebook/lists/461664993866284 https://facebook/lists/2363268532902 https://facebook/lists/1539521586285282 القنوات التعليميه على يوتيوب | Educational Channels On Youtube :- **علوم : https://youtube/user/AsapSCIENCE https://youtube/user/TEDEducation https://youtube/user/minutephysics https://youtube/user/crashcourse https://youtube/user/BackstageScience https://youtube/user/ScienceChannel https://youtube/user/theslowmoguys https://youtube/user/1veritasium https://youtube/channel/UCH4BNI0-FOK2dMXoFtViWHw https://youtube/user/minuteearth https://youtube/user/SciAmerican https://youtube/user/NatureVideoChannel https://youtube/user/thebrainscoop https://youtube/user/NOVAonline/ https://youtube/user/wired https://youtube/user/destinws2 https://youtube/channel/UCKt0KV0N9_jH8rVhwql247w https://youtube/user/FavScientist/videos https://youtube/user/SmithsonianVideos https://youtube/user/sixtysymbols https://youtube/user/scishow https://youtube/user/DNewsChannel https://youtube/user/BrainStuffShow **الكونيات والكيمياء : https://youtube/user/NASAtelevision https://youtube/user/bkraz333 https://youtube/user/periodicvideos1 **اسئله ومعلومات تتناول كل المواضيع: https://youtube/user/Vsauce https://youtube/user/Vsauce2 https://youtube/user/Vsauce3 https://youtube/user/CGPGrey https://youtube/user/pbsideachannel https://youtube/user/CGPGrey https://youtube/user/destinws2 -------- cpd
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 22:40:25 +0000

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