القواعد Q 2 : Grammar A: Do - TopicsExpress


القواعد Q 2 : Grammar A: Do as required. Do (Five) items only 1-They -------------------------------------- ( not watch ) the film . ( present continuous ). 2-Hassan often ---------------------- ( study ) after school . ( correct the verb ) . 3-Russia is the ( big ) country in the world . ( superlative ). 4-( There , It , Where ) is a very hot today ! ( choose ). 5-We ( do ) voluntary work . ( past simple ) . 6-I play football --------------- the afternoon . ( at , on , in) B:Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentences. Do (Five) items only. 1. Whats ................ fashion this year? ( at , on , in ) 2. In football, you ............. touch the ball with your hands. ( have not , are not , cannot ) 3. We didnt see ............. in the park. ( no one , someone , anyone ) 4. ............. is very cold today. Lets stay at home. ( It , Its , There ) 5. I have got a photo of my favorite actor ................ the wall. ( in , on , to ) 6. Ammar wanted to go to the tennis match ............. there were no tickets left. ( but , and , also ) C : Choose the correct verb in each sentence . 1) 1- It often ………………..... rains / is raining a lot in England . 2) 2- What does ………………….... she make / is she making ? 3) 3- We ……………….... learn / are learning English now . 4 4- This big classroom is ....………….. ours / our . 5- …………………….… How many / How much schools are there ? 6- ( How many \ How much ) time do you spend ? 7- Nada doesn’t ( work \ works ) at school. Q3 D : Spelling . ( 5 M. ) 1-car , cars , wife ------------- . 2-work , worked , meet , -------------- 3-Iraq , Iraqi , Sryia , -------------- . 4-tall , taller , happy , ----------------- . 5-fame , famous , success , --------------- . 6- go , going , cut , -------------------- 1 Q2 :( Grammar ) A: Do as required . 1- We ( go skating ) tomorrow . ( Use : going to ) 2- ( It /There / What ) is a school near my home. 3- The Nile is the ( long ) river in the World . ( Superlative ) 4- Work /day. /People / every / wont (Put in order ) 5- Ive got a poster ( in /at /from /on ) the wall of my room. 6- I want to go to Africa ( during /when /for ) six months B-Choose the suitable words between brackets : 1. Can I get you _______ to drink? ( anywhere/ anything / nothing) 2. My friend likes John Deep. She always likes to talk______ famous actors . ( to / at/ about) 3. I bought the _________ trainers in the shop . ( cheapest/ cheaper/ most cheap) 4- Ill put flowers ( somewhere / someone ) in the sitting room. 5- (There/ It) is a park near the post office. C- Choose the correct choice: (Choose Five only) 1. Everyone (are / is) sitting in the garden. 2. The water is (enough / too) cold for us to swim. 3. They want to raise money (for / to) children in Africa. 4. Last year I (am / was) in grade 8. 5. Zeid wants to buy a new house (if / so) he is in need for money. 6-(Is he / Are you) going to drive to work today? Yes, I am Q3 D:- Spelling: Write the missing words. (Choose FIVE only) 1. get , gets ; try , .............. 2. cup , cups ; tooth , ............ 3. speak , spoke ; say , ............. 4. Iraq , Iraqi ; India , .............. 5. ithn , thin ; acebh , .............. 6. go , going ; trek , ................ 2 Q2) Grammar A- Do as required: (Choose Five only) 1- The Euphrates is (long) than the Tigris. (Comparative) 2-Fuad always studies hard before exam. (Question) 3-dont like / drinking / I / salty water. (Order) 4-The players (have) arrived yet. (Correct) 5-Salim loves animals. He (be) a vet. (Use: going to) 6-They (watch) the sun go down. (Present Continuous) 1. B- Complete the following sentences with the correct words: (Choose Five only) 1. Luma never goes ............. without her baby. (somewhere, anywhere, nowhere) 2. Ibraheem enjoys ............. to the music. (listen, listens, listening) 3. In the future we .............. have intelligent fridgs in our kitchens. (will, are going to, dont) 4. Maya usually works at her office ............ Monday to Friday. (on, at, from) 5. Mmm, that smells good! What ..............? (do you eat, are you eating, you eat) 6. Give me the ............. toys, please. (childrens, childrens, childs) 7. 8. 9. c– Choose the correct word to complete a sentence 10. 1 – They ( don’t have / cant ) to finish the work today . 11. 2 – What ( do you do / are you doing ) at the moment ? 12. 3 – We like oranges . We ( and / also ) like lemons . 13. 4 – ( How much / How many ) milk do you need ? 14. 5 – She ( wasn’t / didnt ) at home yesterday . 15. 6 – Are you sitting in the garden ? Yes , ( I do / I am ) . 16. Q3 D – Spellig : Write the missing words. ( Choose 5 Only ) 1- book , books ; sandwich , ……….. 2- go , going ; travel ,………. 3 - ice , icy; sun ,…….. 3- speak , spoke ; begin ,……….. 5- old x young ; tall , …….. 6- Iraq , Iraqi ; Egypt , ................... 3 Q 2 : ( Grammar ) A: Do as required . ( Do 5 ) ( 10 m. ) 1- Ive used a mini - computer . ( Question ) 2- Plants die . We dont water them . ( join . Use : if ) 3- My son ( try ) the new computer . ( present perfect ) 4- 4- The man spoke to the child . ( plural ) 5 - Ahmad ( earn ) lots of money . ( future use : will ) B : ( Grammar ) Choose the correct choice . ( Do 5 only ) ( 10 M. ) 1- Where are the students ? I can’t find -----. ( no one - someone - anyone - anything ) 2- It’s ----- this summer than last summer . ( hotter - hottest - hot ) 3- What do you do ----- the weekend ? ( on - in - from - at ) 4- He ----- his uncle every week . ( is visiting - visit - visits - visited ) 5- Sameer ----- a book at this moment . ( read - reads - is reading - reading ) 6- She ( now - generally - yesterday - at the moment ) goes shopping after work. C - Choose the correct item. 1- Do you need ----- from the market ? ( nothing - anything - something) 2- I do my homework ----- the afternoon . ( at - in - on - to ) 3- I’m ----- at English than Ali. ( good - best - better - well ) 4- Layla never ----- her exam . ( fail - fails - is failing - failed ) 5- They ----- in the sea now . ( swimming - swim - are swimming) 6- How often ( do you buy - are you buying - buy - bought ) clothes? Q3 D : Spelling Write the missing words: 1-go , going : eat ,…..... 2- book , books : key, ……………… 3- play , played : stop ........... 4- bad , badly : good ,………….. … 5- small , smaller , fine ..... 6- Sryia ,Sryian : Iraq , .............. 5 4 Q2 Grammar A ) Do as required . 1- Selma …………....….........( like) playing football. (present simple) 2- We ………………............…(sit) outside the museum. (present continuous) 3- .........................does she visit her aunt? Once a month.(question – word) 4. We have three tests next week. We ............... (study) hard this weekend. (Future: going to) 5. Barcelona club is ............................ (brilliant) than Real Madrid. (comparative) 6. Omar is the ......................... (good) student in our class. (superlative) 7. size. / Im / medium / usually (Re-arrange the words to form a sentence.) B. Choose the correct answer . 1. I like it when my mum sings ( happy \ happily) in the morning. 2. ( How many \ How much ) time do you spend ? 3. Nada doesn’t ( work \ works ) at school. 4. Can you ( spell \ spells ) this word ? 5. This big classroom is ( our \ ours ). C. Choose the correct choice . 1- Where are the students ? I can’t find -----. ( no one - someone - anyone) 2- It’s ----- this summer than last summer . ( hotter - hottest - hot ) 3- What do you do ----- the weekend ? ( on - in - from - at ) 4- He ----- his uncle every week . ( is visiting - visit - visits - visited ) 5- Sameer ----- a book at this moment . ( read - reads - is reading - reading ) 6- She ( now - generally - yesterday - at the moment ) goes shopping after work.. Q3 D Spelling Fill in the blanks with the missing words. Do (Five) items only. 1. Iraq , Iraqi ; Brazil .............. 2. clean , dirty ; expensive ............... 3. friend , friendly , success .......... 4. eat , eating ; cut ............... 5. child , children ; bus ... ........ 6. go , went ; give ............... 5 Q4: Oral component . ( 10 M ) A : Complete the dialogue from the list . (( I dont like , good idea , lets , on , what about )) . Dad: (1)------------- go to see the film this evening. Mum : Whats (2) ---------------? Dad: Well, Mr. Bean film . Mum: Oh no ! (3)---------------- comedies . Dad: OK, (4)--------------- TV ? Mum: football match . Dad: thats (5)------------- B: Complete the function file with the following words : (( triumph / respect / goal oriented / strength and weaknesses / opportunity seekers / higher )) Successful employees should be (1)__________ and (2)__________________. They should also know their (3)__________________. Finally, they should know and (4) __________ other’s views on matters regarding their business. Hence, ambitions is a must for successful employees to achieve (5)_____________. Q 4 Oral component A : Complete the dialogue with the words between brackets. (choose 5) (so , first , when , then , after , like) Woman 1: How do use it? Woman 2: Well, (1) ………………….. you switch on here. Woman 1: What do you do (2) …………………. Woman 2: (3) …………………… that, you wait a bit. (4) ………………… it is ready, you can start. Woman 1: (5) …………………… , how can you get on to the internet? Woman 2: to get on to the Internet, click on this icon (6) …………………. this – with the mouse. You can send or receive e-mail messages. Click on this program. Woman 1: How do you print something? Woman 2: Well, before you start, make sure there’s paper in the printer! Then click on this. B :Complete the dialogue with the expressions from the list. (could I have – please – I’d like – excuse me – thank you) Huda: (1) ............? Waiter: Yes, Madam. Huda: (2) ............ a menu, please? Waiter: Of course, here you are, Madam. Huda: (3) ............ (4) ............ some spaghetti, please. Waiter: OK. And what would you like to drink? Huda: Mineral water, (5)............ . 1 Q4: Oral component . ( 10 M ) A : Complete the function file with the words and phrases from the list below. ( I don’t like , a good idea , what about , I like , Let’s go ) Father: (1) ................. and see a film this evening. Mother: What’s on? Father: Well, Jim Carrey is on again at the Odeon for one night. Adnan: Oh, (2)............... comedies. Mother: Well, (3)............... TV? Hazim: There is “Who wants to be a millionaire?” at nine o’clock (4) .................. to watch that. Adnan: That’s (5)................... . It’s an exciting program. B - Complete this dialogue with expression from the list below. ( thank you , Im sorry , excuse me , could I have , Id like ) Being Polite Samir: (1) ………….? Waiter: Yes, sir? Samir: (2) …………. A menu, please? Waiter: Of course, here you are sir. Samir: (3) …………. . Luma: (4) …………. Some tomato soup, please. Waiter: (5) …………., madam. Im afraid we havent got any today. Weve got chicken soup. Q4: Oral component . ( 10 M ) (room - night – help – pound – single ) A: A: Good morning can I (1)………………. You . B: yes .I d like a (2) ……………….. please . B:(3) ……………. Please ,with bathroom . How long is it ? A: Thirty –six (4) …….………… per night .breakfast is extra . How much do you want the room for ? B: Two (5) ………..……. , please . 2 B - Complete this Function File with words or phrases from the list below: (would you like, some spaghetti, thank you, please, here you are, menu) Rana: Excuse me? Waiter: Yes, madam. Rana: Could I have the (1)................., please? Waiter: Of course, (2)................., madam. Rana: Thank you. Id like (3).................., please. Waiter: OK. And what (4).................. to drink? Rana: 7 up, (5).................. . Q4: Oral component . ( 10 M ) A- This dialogue is between a shop assistant and Aziz. Complete it with words from the list below: (size, sorry, smaller, here, blue, medium) Aziz: Have you got (1).............. shirts, please? Shop assistant: Yes, what (2)................ are you? Aziz: Im usually (3)................. size. Shop assistant: Here you are, sir. This one is medium size. Aziz: It is too large. Can I try a (4)................. size? Shop assistant: I am (5)................., we dont have any smaller sizes. B: Complete this Function fill with words or phrases from the list below : ( room , much , form , long , key ) A: Good morning, can I help you? B: Yes ,I`d like a (1) ---------- , please . A: single or double ? B: Single, please . with a bath room . How (2) ----------------- is it ? A: Thirty –six pound per night. Breakfast is extra. How(3)--------------- do you want the room for ? B: Two nights , please . A: can you complete this(4) ----------------- , please ? B:That`s fine , thank you. Here is your(5) ------------------ room number 205. A: Thank you. 3 Q 4 : ( Oral Component ) A: Complete this dialogue using the words or phrases from the list below . ( (( your room - night - a single - cost - two weeks - my friend ))) A: How long are you here for ? B : ( 1 ) ----- and then we go back to Manchester . And you ? A: Three nights . What’s ( 2 ) ----- like ? My is very small. B : My room is OK. Have you got ( 3 ) ----- room or a double room . A: Single . Iam here with ( 4 ) ----- , Ali , He’s got a single room , too. B : Some of the single rooms are small here . A : Yes, and they ( 5 ) ----- a lot of money , 65000 Iraqi Dinar a ( 6) ------ B :This dialogue is in a Hotel Reception . Complete it using the words below . ((( bathroom - nights - key - I’d like - complete - how long ))) A : Good morning , can I help you ? B : Yes , ( 1 ) ------- a room , please. A : Single or double ?. B : Single , please . With a ( 2 ) ------ . How much is it ? A : Thirty – six pounds per night . ( 3 ) ------ do you want the room for ? B : Three ( 4 ) -------, please . A : Can you ( 5 ) ------ this form please . That’s fine , thank you . Here is your (6 ) ----- room NO. 206 4 Q 6 Q4 A : ( Oral Component ) Complete the Function File using the expressions below . ( Do 5 ) (( can I try - too small - what size - usually medium - got any blue - here you are )) A: Can I help you ? B: Yes , please . Have you (1) ----- jackets ? A: Blue ? Yes , (2) -----are you ? B: Iam ( 3) ----- for jackets . A: Yes , (4) ----- . This is medium . B: Where (5) ------ it on ? A : Over there . B: It is (6) ---- . Can I try on the next size ? A: Certainly . B:Complete the Function File using the expression s below . ( 5 ) ( 10 m. ) (( try - enough - trainers - excuse me - here you are - can I help )) A: (1) ----- Sir ? B : Yes , (2) ------ you ? A: Yes , please . Have you got these ( 3 ) ------ in size 42 ? B: Yes, Sir (4) ------ . A: Thank you , where can I ( 5) ----- them on ? B: Over there . A: They re not very comfortable . They are not wide (6) -----. 5 Q 2 Grammar A : Do as requried. 1- They (travel) all over the world. (present perfect) 2- They (see) an alligator. (present perfect . negative). 3- Asmaa ------------------ (go skating) tomorrow. (future : going to) 4- we (read) English at this moment. (present continous) 5-it often -------- a lot in Egypt .(shine ,is shining , shines , to shine) B- Choose the correct word . 1- Are your parents working ---------? (last month , always , now , usually) 2- Nadia always (works , working , has worked) hard before exam. 3-My brother doesnt ------------ TV at night. ( watches, watch, watched). 4-Hani ----------- his homework every night. ( didnt finish , dont finish, doesnt finish) 5-I go to my friends home ……….Sunday.(to – on – at – in) 6- There`s ………….. at the door. Yes I think it`s Mahmood.( anyone - no one - someone) C- Choose the correct answer. 1-My mother generally (goes / is going) to the market once a week. 2-(There / It )is very cold and windy outside. 3-This film is (sadder / saddest )than the last one. 4-………….. never travelled outside of Iraq. a)They b) They`ve c) They haven`t 5-We …………. To finish the work today. a) haven`t b)don`t have c) can`t 6- Have you (ever / never) used the Intermet?. 7- How many letters has she (answer / answered) Write the missing words Q3 D : Spelling 1 – play , played ; see ---------------- . 2 – apple , apples ; child -------------------- 3 – work , working ; swim ------------------ . 4 – kind , kindly ; happy --------------------. 5 – Iraq , Iraqi ; Russia ------------------ . 6 – tall , tallest ; boring ---------------- . 6 Q3) Vocabulary A- Match the words in list A with the proper words in list B. (Choose Five only) List A : 1. shop 2. medical 3. corner 4. shopping 5. a pair of 6. sponsored List B : a. trainers b. money c. research d. mall e. assistant f. walk g. shop. 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- B- Complete these sentences with words or phrases from the list below: (Choose FIVE only) (throw, second-hand, designed, canoe, whales, fun-loving) 1. To go around Britain in a ............... when youre blind is an incredible achievement. 2. Linus Torvalds has ................. a computer operating system called Linux. 3. Her family is ................. . They play games together. 4. Charity shops in the UK sell ................ clothes and other things that people give them. 5. To stop the bad luck .................. some salt over your left shoulder. 6. The large animals which live in the sea and look like fish are called ................. . C- Write the number of the item and the letter of the most suitable answer: (Choose FIVE only) 1. He took .......... his coat because it was hot. (a. on b. in c. off) 2. Turn off the mobile phone ............... you have finished the call. (a. during b. then c. after) 3. I hated the film. It was really .............. . (a. interesting b. awful c. fantastic) 4. British people get very angry when people ............. queues. (a. jump b. join c. stand in) 5. Nada went .............. She saw lots of museums, galleries and mountains. (a. on safari b. sightseeing c. adventure holiday) 6. Nour is going to .............. research for her project on the internet. (a. play b. do c. watch) Q3 E- Punctuation: Re-write the following sentence using correct capital letters and punctuation marks: Is the weather hot in beirut during november No it isnt. 1 Q3: Vocabulary . A /Choose the correct answer from the list . ((difficult , dirty , daughter , hear , historian )) . 1-The girl child of a father and mother is ---------------- . 2-A ---------------- writes about ancient times . 3-Can you -------------- the noise ? 4-I want to learn Japanese but it is a very ---------------- language . 5-The hotel wasnt clean. It was very ---------------- . /B/ Choose the correct word to fill in the blanks. Choose (Five) items only. 1. My father is a ............... ; he helps patients to recover from illnesses. ( historian , physician , teacher ) 2. We usually ................ voluntary work. We help homeless children. ( make , have , do ) 3. There are a lot of cars and people in Mosul. It is a very .............. city. ( empty , crowded , quite ) 4. Ali went ............ in the wild. He saw wild animals like tigers and lions. ( sightseeing , trekking , on safari ) 5. It was really a fantastic weekend. ............ tell me about your holiday. ( Because , Anyway , Also ) 6. I stayed in a ........... . I had a room and they gave me breakfast the next morning. ( hotel , hostel , B & B ) C- Match the adjectives (1-6) with the nouns (a-f) . (choose 5) 1. ancient 2. Historical 3. Higher 4. Human 5. Interesting 6. Medicinal a. perseverance b. biography c. monuments d. education 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- Q3 E punctuation Re-write the following sentence using correct capital letters and punctuation marks:( 5 M. ) did rasha meet huda at the shop I think so 2 Q 3 Vocabulary A ; Choose the correct answer for Five of the following. 1. He switched ……………. The TV and watched the programme. (in – on – off) 2. She took the meal ……………… of the microwave oven. (out – at – in) 3. He took …………….. his coat because he was hot. (in – on – off) 4. Please put the books …………… the table. (at – in – on) 5. He put the cassette ………………. the cassette recorder. (at – in – on) 6. At the weekend I never wake …………. before 10 o’clock. (off – up – in) 7. It was dark because the lights had suddenly gone ………….. in most houses. (off – on – up) B:- Match the definitions ( 1-5) with the words (a-e) : ( 5 marks) 1-historian 2- traveler 3- poet 4- philosopher 5-politician a- goes round several journeys b- produces artistic writing c- thinks ab out life matter d- write facts about the past e- involved in politics 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- C - complete the sentences with the correct words 1. What does your sister .....................? shes tall with long brown hair. ( look , appearance, look like) 2. Whats ............fashion this year? ( in , up , out) 3. ................something that is built to help people remember an important person or event. (perseverance, monument, proficiency) 4. On her feet , she s wearing ................( boots, earrings, sweatshirts) 5. She likes wearing ...........clothes . she is most comfortable in a T-shirt or sweatshirt. ( expensive , colourful, casual) . 6. Im glad youre feeling better today, ...........I have to go now . Im late for work. ( everything, someone , any way). Q3 E- Punctuation: Re-write the following sentence using correct capital letters and punctuation marks. ( 5 M.) is your brother going to musil yes he s . 3 Q 3 Vocabulary A: Complete the sentences below with words from the list below : ( restaurant - located – wake up - crowded - awful ) 1-The National Museum of Iraq is ……..……………. In the capital of Iraq , Baghdad. 2- The beach was very …………..….. There are a lot of people and we could not find space to sit . 3- Maha is eating lunch in a ………..……………. . 4- I usually …………..……. At about 6 oclock in the morning . The weather was …..…………. It rains all the time. -5 B. Complete the sentences below with words from the list below. ( adventure / delicious / unlucky / size / whales ) 1. I love this dessert. It is ………….. . 2. …………… are very large animals which live in the sea and look like fish. 3. Rami loves all kinds of ……………. holiday. 4. The number 13 is ……………. in Britain. 5. Baghdad is three times the ……………. of Hilla. C. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions : ( in – on – at – from – to ) 6. After school I help my dad who has got a small coffee farm . He starts work early(1) …….. the morning .My mum is a nurse and she works at the hospital(2) …… seven(3). ….one o’clock . Some times she works(4). …. the weekend too. My sister is getting married and the wedding is(5 )..…. Friday Q3 E : Punctuation Re-write this sentence again using capital letters and punctuation marks. (5M) have you ever been to europe yes, i have 4 Q 3 Vocabulary A - Match the words (1-5) with the nouns (a-e). 1 digital a research 2 medicalb phone 3 artc camera 4 mobile d monument ancient 5 exhibition e B- Match the words (1-5) with the nouns (a-e). 1- booka- a high mountain 2- climbb- a lot of money 3- earnc- a plane ticket 4- repaird- a letter from a friend 5- receivee- a broken computer C - Match the verbs to the parts of the body. 5 - speak 4 - touch3- think2- see 1- smell b) nose c) mouth d) brain e) fingersa) eyes Match the definitions ( 1-5 ) with the words ( a- f ) 1. physician a. write facts about the past . 2. traveller b. goes several journeys . 3. historian c. preserve pre-Islamic artifact and monuments . Match the words in list A with the proper ends in list B . List A : 1. play 2 .live 3. bad 4. come 5. visit 6. use List B : a. in London b. from London c. basketball d. at volleyball e. a dictionary f. old places : Punctuation Re-write this sentence using the capital letter and punctuation : Q3 E huda and rasha went to hilla last friday 5 Q 3 Vocabulary A: Match the adjectives ( 1- 6 ) with their opposites ( a-f) ( Do 5 only) 1- cheap 2- polite 3- quiet 4- boring 5- brilliant 6- disgusting a. noisy b. expensive c. delicious d. rude e. terrible f. interesting Complete the multi-part verbs with the correct word. Use each word only once. take pick switch get turn ) 1- ............ off the computer before you leave. 2- My parents usually ............ up early in the morning. t 3- ............ the volume down, please. I have a headache. 4- Our plane will ............ off at 10 a.m. tomorrow. 5- There’s a coin on the floor. Can you ............ it up, please? C : Complete the sentences with the suitable word given between brackets. 1- The medical research will help to ( win / save / raise ) thousands of lives. 2- Last summer , I went on a ( trip / travel / go ) to Italy. 3- Blind people cant ( hear / walk / see ) 4- He is going to take a couple of weeks ( on / out / off ) 5- She often ( makes / does / has ) voluntary work. 6- I m going to go on a ( sponsored / research / cancer ) walk. 1- Do you go to school ( buy / by ) car ? 2- Najah Ali is an Iraqi ( boxer / poet ) . 3 - I like to go ( sightseeing / safari ) to see a lot of wilds animals . 4 - My friends ( do / work ) the homework at night . 5- I love this dessert . It is ( disgusting / delicious ) 6- In Britain to see a black ( cat / wolf ) brings good luck . 7- It was a really good weekend ( because / anyway ) . Tell me about your holiday Q3 E : Punctuation - Re-write the sentence with the correct punctuation.6Where is layla i dont know Q4 : Oral Component A : Complete this dialogue with expressions from the list below. ( Do 5 ( here you are - tomato soup - I’m afraid - could I have - tea - would you like ) A : Excuse me ? B : Yes, madam ? A : (1) -------- a menu , please ? B : Of course , (2) ------ , madam . A : Thank you . Could I have some (3) ------ , please ? B : I’m sorry madam . (4) ----- we haven’t got any - We’ve got chicken soup . A : Right . chicken soup , please . B : Ok. And what (5) ----- to drink ? A : (6) ----- , please. B– Complete the dialogue with expressions from the list below : ( Could I have – Id like – Im afraid – Excuse me – Thank you ) Customer : ( 1 ) ------------------ ? Waiter : Yes , madam ? Customer : ( 2 ) ------------------ a menu , please ? Waiter : Of course , here you are , madam . Customer : ( 3 ) -------------------- . Id like lemonade , please . Waiter : Im sorry , madam . ( 4 ) ----------------- we haven’t got any today Weve got orange juice. Customer : Right . ( 5 ) ------------------ orange juice , please . 6 Q5) Literature Spot. (10 Marks) Do as required. 1. Name the two main characters in the story The Prince and The Pauper. 2. What does The Fruits of Labour promote? 3. The father asked his son to throw the gold coin into a well and he did as he was told. (T / F) 4. The prince in the palace saw a soldier hit Toms father and felt angry at the guards. (T / F) 5- The narrator means: (a. a living thing from Mars. b. not able to move or run away. c. a person who tells a story.) 5. The word drenched means : (a. made thoroughly wet. b. worthy of trust. c. not allowed) Q 5 :Literature spot . ( do 5 only ) ( 10 M ) 1-Did Edward like being poor? What happen to him ? answer 2- The son dislike relaxing and playing and like hard work . ( True / False ) . 3- Write two main characters in The Prince and Pauper . 4-Why did the son vow never to be lazy ? answer 5- Mark Twain wrote about ---------------- . ( family , people , children) 6-The stamp was found where Edward said it would? ( True / False ) 7 Q5: Literature Spot) Do as required in the following items. 1. I wish I could do things that you do............. said this speech. ( Edward , the king , John ) 2. Tom dreamed about becoming a ...................................... . ( soldier , prince , thief ) 3. The stamp was important in The Prince and the Pauper because only Edward knew where it was.(True/False) 4. Andrew taught Tom to read , write and be polite. (True False ) 5. Why did the son vow never to be lazy? Answer 6 . What does The Fruits of Labour promote? Answer Q.5/ Answer (Five) of the following sentences from the literature spot. 1. Where did the son run and why? 2. The boy realized the value of his labor. (true / false) 3. The boy liked working and disliked playing. (true / false) 4. The father asked the son to throw the coin into the ………………… 5-Name the two main character in the story The prince and The pauper. ( answer) 6- The stamp was found where Edward said it would . ( T/ F ) choose 7- The story The Fruits of Labour was written by --------- . ( complete) 8- The word ( drenched ) means -------- { made thoroughly wet / worthy of trust } 8 Q 5 Literature Spot (10 marks) Answer the following questions about “The Fruits of Labour”. 1- What is the message of the story? 2- Match the words in the box with the characters from the story. There are two words for each character. kindlazyexperiencedcunning wise sympathetic ....................:....................Father : .................... .................... Mother: ................ :....................Son 3- What does the father do to help his son become hard-working and responsible? Q5 : Literature Spot Answer the following questions . 1- Name the two main characters in the story “ The Prince and the Pauper 2-What kind of people did Twain write about?( answer ) 3-How did Andrew help Tom? 4-Why did Edward want to be Tom 6 - “ Worthy of trust “ means : ( callous - wealth - responsible ) ( Choose ) 7 - The king died because John hit him . ( T / F ) 8 The Fruits of Labour promotes the value of ……. and family values . ( Complete ) 9- …….. and the important men in the palace were surprised to see the prince bowing to a poor boy. ( The prince - Andrew - John - Lord Hertford ) 10 - The sister told the father that the coin wasnot earned by his son . ( T / F ) 9 Q 5 :( Literature Spot ) ( 10 M. ) 1- I wish I could do the things you do “ ------“ said this speech . ( a. Tom Canty b. Edward c. Andrew ) 2- Tom is a poor boy who lives with his father , who is a thief . ( T / F ) 3- Did Edward like being poor ? What happened to him ? “ answer “ 4-“ Today I want you to go out and earn something.” ------ said this speech . ( a. The son b. The businessman c. The shopkeeper ) 5- What did the businessman want his son to realize ?( Answer ) 6- The father asked his son to throw the gold coin into a well and he did as he was told . ( T / F ) 7- “ Not allowed “ means ------ . ( a. wealth b. denied c. drenched d. worthy of trust ) Q5 :(Literature Spot ) Do as required. ( 10-M. ) 1- Who did not believe the narrator at the beginning ? ( Answer ) ( 3m. ) 2 - The scientists on Earth knew that the Martians were planning to attack.( T/ F ) ( 2m. ) 3- A Martian is a living thing -------. ( Complete ) ( 3 m.) 4- The fighting machines fired a black gas that killed the soldiers .Does gas mean ---------. (2 m.) ( a. soldiers b. something like air c. paint d. cure ) - 5- Why did Edward want to be Tom ? ( Answer ) 6- The word responsible means worthy of trust . ( T/f ) 7 7 - The fighting machines of the Martians fired a black ----- that killed the soldiers . ( Fill in the gap ) 8- Tom is a poor boy who lives with his father , who is a ----- . ( (soldier - prince - thief - king ) 10 Q 5: Literature Spot ( 10 M. ) 1- Who was Tom Canty and where did he live ? ( answer ) 2- The stamp was found where Edward said it would . ( T / F ) 3- Edward’s father died because --------. ( a. John hit him b. he was ill c. he was sad ) 4- What does “ The Fruits Of Labour “ promote ? ( Answer ) 5- The word “ drenched “ means -----. ( a. worthy of trust b. made thoroughly wet c. not allowed ) 6- The wife of the rich businessman was lazy and fun-loving woman . ( T / F ) 7-How did the Martians communicate ? ( Answer ) 8 - The narrator found his wife in a room in his house . ( T / F ) 9- Something that stops you being ill This phrase means ( destroy / escape / cure ) 10 - What did H.G. Wells study and use in many of his books. (answer ) 11-The word wealth means ( not allowed – worthy of trust –money and possessions ) . (choose ) 12-The Martians used machines , black gas and special guns to kill the people on earth . (Yes / No ) 13- The sister told the father that the coin was not earned by his son . ( True / False ) 14- What did the two boys exchange at the beginning of the story? 11 Q5: ( Literature Spot ) Do as required . (10 m.) 1- Who did not believe the narrator at the beginning? 2- What happened to most of soldiers who fought the Martians? 3- Why did the narrator stay in London? 4- How did the Martians communicate? 5- Why did the narrator leave the room in London? 6- Is the narrator happy at the end ? Why / Why not? (Answer ) 7- The Martians communicated by ---- (Fill in the gap) 8- John and Andrew found Edward and Edward went home with them . ( T/ F ) 9- The word denied means ---------- . ( money - not allowed - worthy of trust ) 12 Q 6 : ( Written Component ) Choose either A or B A : Your name is Sami . Write a holiday postcard to your friend Khalid . Your postcard contains the following : • The place ( country / city ) • Who goes with you ( family / friends ) • Where you are staying ( hotel / campsite ……) • The weather / The food / The people • The activities you do • What there is to see B : Write an e- mail to your pen – friend , Jack telling him about what you did on your holiday . Talk about the following : • --Where you spent your holiday ? -- Did you go shopping , sightseeing or camping ? • -- Who went with you ? -- What hobbies you practiced ? -- Did you enjoy your holiday? How ? -- Did you take part in some activities ? • -- Where and what for ? Q 6 : ( Written Component ) Choose either A or B A : Write a description of someone you know well. The following information will help you: • - what he / she looks like (hair , face , clothes...) • - what type of person he / she is (personality , likes / dislikes...) • why you like him /her B : Write a traditional Iraqi menu for tourists visiting your country. Your menu should contain descriptions of : starters / main course / desserts / drinks. Add prices Q 6 : ( Written Component ) Choose either A or B A :Write an e-mail asking for information about a mobile phone you want to buy : You have 200,000 IQD. Invent your e-mail address and the name of a website . Your name is Ali Hamid and you live in Rasheed Street , Baghdad , Iraq . B : Write a leaflet about protecting the environment . Include instructions advising people in your city to save energy, reduce pollution and increase recycling . 13. Q 6 : ( Written Component ) Choose either A or B A : In three paragraphs ,write about your celebrity . Yourcomposition should contain information about : - Her / His physical appearance . - Her / His favourite clothes and hobbies . - Her / His favourite work. - Her / His personality - Her / His family life . B : Write a leaflet about protecting the environment . Include instructions advising people in your city to save energy, reduce pollution and increase recycling. Q 6 : ( Written Component ) Choose either A or B A : Write a description of a person you know well. Follow these information : Paragraph 1: name /age/ from/ lives in/ family interested in Paragraph2: habits/ clothes/ type of person B : Write a holiday postcard to a friend including the following :- (( the place , the weather , the food , who is with you , where are you stay , the activities )). Q 6 : Written component . Answer either ( A ) or ( B ) A : Write profile of a celebrity . Use the following information :- (( personal information , physical appearance , personality )) B : Write a profile of a famous person in paragraphs. Include the following information: - his / her name , where he / she was born - his / her physical appearance , his / her clothes - what he / she is famous for - information about his / her best work - information about his / her family - where he / she lives 14 .
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 09:48:06 +0000

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