الى طلبة الصف الثالث الثانوى الفصل - TopicsExpress


الى طلبة الصف الثالث الثانوى الفصل الثالث بالترجمه Chapter Three Vocabulary Dress as يتنكر في زى.... Recognize يتعرف على Loyal to وفي لـ / مخلص لـ Route طريق Think carefully يفكر بعناية All of a sudden فجأة Trust يثق في Nevertheless ومع ذلك\وبالرغم من ذلك Shout يصيح Anxious قلق Out of sight خارج نطاق الرؤية Compared to بالمقارنة مع Close to بالقرب من Safely بأمان Despite بالرغم من Alive على قيد الحياة Princess أميرة Cheeks خدود Place (v.) يضع Details تفاصيل Promises وعود Announce يعلن Ambassador سفير Probably من المحتمل Notice يلاحظ Serious جاد Appreciate يُقّدر Coach عربة تجرها الخيل Success نجاح Popular with محبوب من A permit تصريح Wake/woke/woken يوقظ \ يستيقظ Signature توقيع Sign يوقع A panel لوحة\جزء بارز من جدار Unlock يفتح Passage ممر Be relieved يشعر بالراحة Knock on يطرق على Celebrate يحتفل Form وثيقة / استمارة Proudly بفخر A clear night ليلة صافية Eventually في النهاية Slow down يُبطئ A fork مفترق طرق Whisper يهمس Lift up يرفع Repeat يكرر Puzzle لغز Trap مصيدة Torn ممزق Shoot/shot/shot يطلق النار على Handkerchiefs مناديل Tie up يقيد Candle شمعة Fasten يثبت\يربط Kidnap يخطف (شخص) Collect يجمع Somehow بطريقة ما النص المدرسي Students Book Text 1- Dressed as the King of Ruritania, I rode on through the streets of Strelsau towards the palace, expecting to hear Antoinette De Mauban tell everyone that I was not really the King. Yet I heard no one calling out, and I did not look back. Perhaps she had not recognised me after all. I heard Marshal Strakencz give an order to his men and we suddenly entered a poor part of the town where the people were loyal to Duke Michael. Why have we changed our route? I asked the Marshal. Its better this way, he explained. مرتديا زيا وكأنني ملك روريتنيا ، سرت راكبا الجواد في شوارع العاصمة سترلسو متجها إلى القصر وكنت متوقعا أن اسمع انتونيت دو موبان تخبر الجميع أنني لست الملك الحقيقي. لكن لم يحدث شيئا من ذلك ، لذا لم انظر خلفي . ربما لم تتعرف علي. سمعت المشير ستراكنتش يعطي أمرا لرجاله وفجأة دخلنا منطقة من المدينة فقيرة وبدائية حيث كان الناس هناك موالين للدوق مايكل. سألت المشير لماذا قمنا بتغيير وجهتنا؟. فأوضح لي قائلا من الأفضل أن نسلك هذا الطريق 2- Surely this way, however, was into a part of town where the people supported Duke Michael? How could this be a better way for the king? I stopped my horse and thought carefully. Perhaps this was the Marshals plan to test me. Tell your soldiers to ride ahead of me, I told the Marshal. I dont need them or you. You can wait here until Ive continued through the old town alone. I want the people who live here to see that their king trusts them. Sapt looked worried and shook his head. I could see that he thought that this was a very bad idea. Nevertheless, if I was to be a king, I decided I wanted to act like a king. All of my people should like me, not just a few. بالتأكيد بدأت أتساءل إذا كان الناس بهذا الجزء من المدينة موالين للدوق مايكل؟ فكيف يمكن أن يكون أفضل طريق للملك؟ أوقفت جوادي وبدأت أفكر بعناية. ربما كان هذا خطة المشير لاختباري. أخبرت المشير أن يجعل جنوده يتقدمون حيث انه لا حاجة لي بهم كما انه يمكنه الانتظار لأنني أريد أن أسير بمفردي في هذا الجزء من المدينة. أريد الناس الذين يعيشون هنا أن يدركوا أن ملكهم يثق بهم. بدا العقيد سابت قلقا وهز رأسه. أدركت انه يعتقد أن هذه الفكرة سيئة للغاية. ومع ذلك، قررت أن أتصرف مثل الملك ، ينبغي لجميع شعبي أن يحبني، وليس فقط القليل منهم. 3- Dont you understand me? Tell your soldiers to go! I shouted. The Marshal looked surprised but gave the orders for his soldiers to go ahead, and Sapts face looked even more anxious. I realised that if I were killed in this part of town, Sapts position would become very difficult. When all the soldiers were out of sight, I rode on my own through the streets of the old town. Now that I was alone on my horse, I realised how white, how clean my uniform seemed compared to the old buildings around me. The narrow streets were lined with hundreds of people and I could feel their eyes on me. First people talked quietly, but then I started to hear cheering. I was so close to the people in this poor area that I could easily hear what the people were saying about me. صرخت في المشير قائلا ألا تفهمني؟ أخبر جنودك بالذهاب! بدأت الدهشة تعلو وجه المشير ولكنه أعطى الأوامر لجنوده على المضي قدما، وبدا وجه العقيد سابت أكثر قلقا. أدركت من قلقه هذا أنه إذا قتلت في هذا الجزء من المدينة، فان موقفه سيصبح صعبا للغاية. عندما أصبح الجنود بعيدا عن الأنظار، بدأت أسير وحدي في شوارع البلدة القديمة. ولقد أدركت حينئذ مدي نصاعة ثيابي ونظافتها مقارنة بالمباني القديمة من حولي في هذا الجزء من المدينة. واصطف المئات من الناس في الشوارع الضيقة ولقد شعرت بعيونهم علي. بداية تحدث الناس بهدوء، ولكن بعد ذلك بدأت اسمع الهتاف. كنت قريبا جدا من الناس في هذه المنطقة الفقيرة لدرجة أنني كنت أسمع بسهولة ما يقولونه عني. 4- Im surprised that hes on his own, but hes taller than I thought, said one. His skins very white, said another. Although some people smiled and cheered, others were quiet and looked at me angrily. I saw many paintings of the Duke in their windows and I knew what they thought of me. Despite their anger, I reached the outside of the palace safely and I got off my horse. Briefly I saw Sapt, whose expression was one of relief that I was still alive. It was now almost time for the coronation and a group of soldiers led me inside a beautiful building. There were so many people that I did not know who was doing what. But I remember a beautiful young woman with red hair, who I knew was Princess Flavia, and a man with red cheeks, dark eyes and dark hair who I knew must be Michael. When he saw me, his face became white: until that moment, I do not think he realised that the king had come to Strelsau. قال احدهم أنا مندهش أنه بمفرده، لكنه أطول مما كنت أعتقد، وقال آخر إن جلده ناصع البياض و بالرغم من أن بعض الناس كان مبتسما ويهتف ، إلا أن البعض الآخر بدا عليه الهدوء وكان ينظر إلي بغضب. رأيت العديد من الصور واللوحات للدوق مايكل معلقة في النوافذ وأدركت ما يجيش في خاطرهم نحوي. ، وصلت إلى خارج القصر بأمان على الرغم من غضبهم ونزلت من على جوادي. بدا الارتياح يعلوا وجه العقيد سابت لأنني مازلت على قيد الحياة. وقد حان الوقت الآن للتتويج رافقتني مجموعة من الجنود داخل مبنى جميل. كان هناك العديد من الناس لدرجة أنني لم أكن أعرف ما الذي كان يقوم به كل منهم. ولكن أتذكر امرأة شابة جميلة ذات شعر احمر، وعلمت أنها الأميرة فلافيا، ورجل ذو خدود حمراء، وأعين وشعر داكن علمت أنه أكيد الدوق مايكل. أصبح وجهه شاحبا للحظة عندما رآني لدرجة أنني ظننت انه لم يصدق أن الملك قد جاء إلى العاصمة سترلسو . 5- What can I remember of that coronation that was so important to the future of Ruritania? Very little, except the golden crown being placed on my head and a few other details. I remember the promises I was asked to read out, and the beautiful music that played when someone announced that Rudolf the Fifth was now King of Ruritania. Most of all, I remember being greeted by Duke Michael, whose hands shook with anger when he took his hand in mine, and who would not look at my eyes as he coldly said, Congratulations. كل ما أتذكره فيما يتعلق بهذا التتويج هو أنه كان ذا أهمية بالغة لمستقبل روريتنيا؟ كذلك اذكر القليل جدا، من الطقوس مثل التاج الذهبي حين وضع على رأسي وبعض التفاصيل الأخرى. أتذكر أيضا بعضا من العهود والعود التي طلب مني أن أتلوها على المستمعين، والموسيقى الجميلة التي تم عزفها عندما قام شخصا معلنا أن رودولف الخامس قد أصبح الآن ملك روريتنيا. والأهم من ذلك كله، أتذكر استقبال وترحيب الدوق مايكل ، حينما مد يده ليصافحني وهو يعلوه الغضب ، ومتجنبا النظر في عيني مرددا ببرود: تهانينا. 6- However, no one else, not even the Princess, seemed to realise that I was not the real King. So there I stood in the palace for an hour, as if I had always been a King, greeting the many ambassadors and important people who came to see me. I became worried when a man I knew from England, Lord Topham, also came to greet me, but his eyes were so poor that he probably would not have noticed me anyway. ومع ذلك، لا يبدو أن ثمة أحد آخر، ولا حتى الأميرة، أدرك أنني لم أكن الملك الحقيقي. لذلك وقفت في القصر لمدة ساعة، كما لو كنت الملك فعلا، استقبل التهاني والتحية من العديد من السفراء والأشخاص المهمين والذين جاءوا لرؤيتي. أصبحت قلقا عندما رأيت رجلا من إنجلترا كنت أعرفه يدعى ، لورد توفام، جاء لتحيتي ، ولكنه كان ضعيف النظر لدرجة أنه لم يتعرف علي. 7- It was now time for me to go in a coach around the streets with the Princess. Whens the wedding? I heard someone call, and I wished I had asked Sapt the answer to that very question. At that moment, the Princess looked at me and said, Do you know, Rudolf, you look different today? You look more tired and serious, and I think youre thinner. I cant believe that you really have changed today. I think I want to change now that Im King, I replied. Perhaps you already have. I heard that you rode through the old town alone, she continued. That surprised me. The people there must really have appreciated what you did. I smiled. I hope Ill make a good King, I said. وقد حان الوقت لي الآن الذهاب في سيارة برفقة الأميرة في شوارع المدينة. ولقد سأل سائل وقال:متى حفل الزفاف؟ وتمنيت لو كنت قد طلبت من العقيد سابت معرفة الجواب على هذا السؤال بالذات. في تلك اللحظة، نظرت الأميرة إلي وقالت: أتعلم، يارودولف، أنك تبدو مختلفا اليوم؟ فأنت تبدو متعبا وأكثر جدية، وأعتقد أنك شاحبا. لا أستطيع أن أصدق أن كنت حقا قد تغيرت اليوم . فقلت لها اعتقد أنني يجب أن أتغير الآن بعد أن أصبحت الملك،. استطردت قائلهربما تغيرت بالفعل. لقد سمعت أنك سرت بمفردك في البلدة القديمة ، لقد أدهشني ذلك كثيرا واعتقد أن الناس هناك قدروا صنيعك هذا . ابتسمت. وقلت لها آمل أنا أكون ملكا صالحا. 8- The coach had now arrived back at the palace and, once inside the building, I took my seat at my own table, next to Duke Michael, with Sapt behind me and Fritz nearby. I felt like a King, but I also thought, where is the real King and what is he doing now? Later that afternoon, I sat down on my bed feeling exhausted. Sapt and Fritz were still by my side, now looking very happy that our plan had been a success. عادت الآن السيارة إلى القصر، و بداخل المبنى، أخذت مقعدي على طاولة ، بجوار الدوق مايكل ، ومن ورائي سابت وفريتز. شعرت وكأنني الملك حقا، ولكن في ذات الوقت ظللت أفكر في الملك الحقيقي ، أين هو وماذا يفعل الآن؟ في وقت لاحق بعد ظهر ذلك اليوم، جلست على سريري وشعرت ببعض التعب. وكان سابت وفريتز لا يزالان بجانبي، وبدا في غاية السعادة حيث أن خطتنا كانت ناجحة. 9- That was a day to remember! said Fritz. I think Id like to be King for a day. But Rassendyll, you mustnt try too hard. Im not sure it was a good idea to ride alone through the old town. Duke Michael wont like it if you become too popular with his people, you know. Well, in a few hours, Ill become Rudolf Rassendyll once more, I said, remembering that I would be King only until that night. Only if you stay alive as long as that, said Sapt. Michaels had news from Zenda and hes almost certainly planning something. You must leave the country as soon as you can. But you need a permit to leave the city. Who can I get a permit from? I asked. The King, of course, said Sapt, putting on a table a form for me to sign and a paper with the Kings signature for me to copy. Look, I can pretend to be the king because I look like him, I said. That doesnt mean I can write like him too! وقال فريتز إن ذلك اليوم لن ينسى!. أعتقد أنني كنت أحب أن أصبح الملك ولو ليوم واحد، ولكن ياراسندل، يجب عليك ألا تجازف ، فلم تكن فكرة سيرك بمفردك في المدينة القديمة جيدة على ما أظن. كما أن الدوق مايكل لن يرضي أن تصبح ذا شعبية في مناطق نفوذه ،قلت له حسنا، في غضون ساعات قليلة، سوف أصبح رودولف راسندل مرة أخرى، وأتذكر جيدا أنني الملك حتى هذه الليلة فقط فقال العقيد سابت ذلك إن بقيت على قيد الحياة حتى هذه الليلة ، فلقد تلقى مايكل أخبار من زندا ومن المؤكد انه يخطط لشيء ما، لذا يجب أن تغادر البلاد في أقرب وقت ممكن. ولكنك بحاجة إلى تصريح لمغادرة المدينة. فسألتهمن من يمكنني الحصول على هذا التصريح؟ فقال ليالملك، بطبيعة الحال، ، ووضع على طاولة استمارة على أن أوقع عليها وبعض الأوراق التي تحمل توقيع الملك وكان على أن أقلدها فقلت لهانظروا، أستطيع أن أدعي أن أكون الملك لأنني أشبهه،ولكن هذا لا يعني أنني يمكن أن يكتب مثله أيضا! 10- Oh, its not hard to copy, said Sapt, and he did it easily for me. Now, remember our plan. Ill go with you, Rassendyll, said Sapt. Now, Fritz, you will tell everyone that the Kings gone to bed and that hes not to be woken by anybody until nine oclock tomorrow morning. Do you understand, Fritz? No one. I understand, said Fritz. Michael may try to visit, continued Sapt, But you mustnt let him in, even if your life depends on it. I dont need to be told that, said Fritz, proudly. Here, put on this big coat and hat, Sapt said to me. Now, are you ready to go? Im ready, I said. I shook Fritzs hand and set off – not through the door but through a panel in the wall which led to a dark passage. In the old Kings time, I knew all about this secret passage, Sapt explained. فصاح في قائلا ليس من الصعب أن تقلد وقام بتقليد التوقيع بنفسه وبسهولةوقال لي الآن، تذكر خطتنا. سأذهب معك، يا راسندل، وأنت يا فريتز عليك أن تخبر الجميع أن الملك قد ذهب إلى فراشه، وأنه لن يستيقظ حتى التاسعة من صباح اليوم الغد. هل تفهم، يا فريتز؟ لا أحد. فقال فريتز أنا أفهم،وتابع سابت حديثه مخاطبا فريتز قائلا مايكل قد حاول زيارة الملك ولكن يجب ألا تسمح له بذلك، حتى لو كلفك هذا الأمر حياتك فقال فريتز، وبفخر أنا لست بحاجة إلى أن تذكرني بذلك قال لي سابت ارتدي هذا المعطف الكبير وهذه القبعة وقال لي أيضا الآن، هل أنت على استعداد للذهاب؟فأخبرته أنا مستعد،. صافحت فريتز وانطلقت – ولكن ليس من خلال الباب ولكن من خلال باب خلفي في الجدار يؤدي إلى ممر مظلم. وأوضح لي سابت قائلا منذ عهد الملك السابق وأنا أعرف كل شيء عن هذا الممر السري . 11- I followed Sapt down the long, dark passage which ended in a heavy wooden door. Sapt unlocked it and we went out into a quiet street which ran along the back of the palace gardens. A man was waiting for us with two horses. Without saying anything, we climbed onto the horses and rode away. At that time of the day, the town was busy and full of noise, but we took the quiet back streets. My coat and hat covered my face and hair, and I tried to stay low on the horse so no one would recognise me. تابعت العقيد سابت عبر الممر الطويل والمظلم والذي كان ينتهي بباب خشبي ضخم ففتحه وخرجنا إلى شارع هادئ على امتداد الجزء الخلفي من حدائق القصر. كان هناك رجل في انتظارنا ومعه اثنين من الخيول. دون أن نقول أي شيء، ركبنا الخيول وانطلقنا. في ذلك الوقت من اليوم، كانت المدينة مزدحمة ومليئة بالضجيج، ولكننا سلكنا الشوارع الخلفية الهادئة. ولقد غطي معطفي وجهي وشعري، وحاولت أن أظل منخفضا على الحصان حتى لا يتعرف علي أحد. 12- Take your gun, said Sapt. You may need it to get through the city gates. Theyll all be closed at this time of day. It was half past six and still light when we reached one of the tall wooden gates through the city walls. Sapt knocked on the gate and we were very relieved when a few seconds later, a girl of about fourteen appeared. My fathers not here, Im afraid. Hes gone to see the King, she said. Your father should have stayed here, said Sapt. وقال سابت خذ مسدسك معك فقد تحتاج إليه عند الخروج من خلال بوابات المدينة. سوف تكون جميعا مغلقة في هذا الوقت من اليوم. كانت الساعة لا تزال 6:30 والضوء لا يزال موجودا عندما وصلنا إلى واحدة من البوابات الخشبية العالية. طرقت سابت على باب ، وهدأت أعصابنا عندما فتحت لنا فتاة ، وهي حوالي في الرابعة عشر من عمرها قائلة:-. للأسف والدي ليس هنا، انه ذهب لرؤية الملك،فقال لها سابت والدك كان يجب أن يبقى هنا 13- But he told me not to open the gate for anyone, said the girl. Then you must give me the key to open it, said Sapt. Heres a form from the King himself. You can show it to your father when he returns. Sapt then gave the girl the signed form and a coin and took the key from her hand. We quickly opened the gate, led our horses out, and closed it again behind us. Now we must move quickly, Sapt told me as we got back on the horses. Once we were outside the city, there was little danger, as nearly everyone was in the streets celebrating the coronation. It became a clear night, with a shining moon, and soon we began to talk. What do you think the Duke knows about our plan? I said. I dont know, said Sapt. قالت لنا لكن والدي اخبرني ألا أفتح البوابة لأي أحد فقال لها سابتإذا عليك أن تعطيني المفتاح لأفتح بنفسي وتفضلي استمارة موقعة من الملك شخصيا ، ويمكنك أن تعطيها لوالدك عندما يعود. ثم أعطى الفتاة الاستمارة الموقعة وعملة معدنية وأخذ المفتاح من يدها. وفتحنا الباب بسرعة، وأخرجنا الخيول، وإغلاقنا الباب مرة أخرى وراءنا. اخبرني سابت عندما عدنا إلى الخيول قائلا ألان يجب علينا أن نتحرك وبسرعة،. عندما كنا خارج المدينة، كان هناك خطر ضئيل، حيث كان الجميع تقريبا في الشوارع للاحتفال بالتتويج. كما أن الليلة كانت قمرية ، وسرعان ما بدأنا الحديث فقلت لسابت ما رأيك هل يعلم الدوق بخطتنا؟فقال لي أنا لا أعرف 14- A little later, we stopped at an inn so that our horses could have a drink, and this lost us half an hour. We then continued and had gone around forty kilometres from the city when Sapt suddenly stopped. It was nearly half past nine. Listen, he cried. I can hear something. Far behind us we could just hear the noise of horses coming towards us. I looked at Sapt and saw worry on his face. Were lucky that the winds blowing towards us so we can hear them. Come on! he called, and we set off fast. After some time, we stopped again and could not hear the other horses, so we slowed down and thought we could relax. However, a little farther we stopped once more and this time we heard them. Sapt got off his horse and put his ear to the ground. I think therere two horses, he said. بعد قليل، توقفنا في نزل(فندق صغير) لتشرب الخيول، ولكن هذا ضيع علينا نصف ساعة وبعد ذلك تابعنا المسير لمسافة نحو أربعين كيلومترا من المدينة وفجأة توقف سابت ، وكانت الساعة حوالي التاسعة النصف. صاح سابت قائلا . استمع، يمكنني أن أنسمع شيئا ما. فسمعنا وراءنا صوت ضجيج من الخيول متجهه نحونا ورأيت القلق قد ظهر على وجه سابت الذي قالنحن محظوظون أن الرياح تهب في تجاهنا وهذا يجعلنا نسمعهم. هيا بنا! وانطلقنا بسرعة. وبعد مرور بعض الوقت، توقفنا مرة أخرى لكننا لم نتمكن من سماع الخيول الأخرى، لذلك سرنا ببطء وظننا انه بإمكاننا الاسترخاء قليلا. ، ولكن أبعد قليلا توقفنا مرة أخرى وهذه المرة سمعنا ضجيج الخيول. نزل سابت عن حصانه ووضع أذنه على الأرض. وقال أعتقد أن هناك اثنين من الخيول 15- Theyre about two kilometres behind. We went on quickly and eventually we reached the tall, dark trees of the forest of Zenda and stopped at a fork in the road. One road went deep into the forest, the other went outside the forest towards the town. To the rights our road, to the lefts the castle. Now, get off your horse. Get off? But theyll catch us! I said. وقال إنهم على بعد حوالي كيلومترين وراءها. ذهبنا بسرعة وفي النهاية وصلنا إلى الأشجار طويلة القامة، من الغابة المظلمة من زندا وتوقفنا عند مفترق الطريق. كان هناك طريق يؤدي إلى عمق الغابة، والطريق الأخر يؤدي إلى المدينة. فقال سابتإلى اليمين طريقنا وإلى اليسار القلعة. الآن، انزل من على الحصان. فقلت له انزل؟ ولكنهم سوف يلحقون بنا! 16- Get off your horse! he repeated angrily, and I did what he asked. We took the horses into the dark trees and waited quietly where we could see the road, but they (whoever they were) could not see us. I saw that Sapt had a gun in his hand. Do you want to see who they are? I whispered. Yes, and where theyre going, Sapt answered. Soon we could hear the horses getting nearer and nearer. The moon was full now so we could see the road clearly. Here they come! Sapt whispered. فكرر سابت غاضبا انزل من على الحصان! ، ففعلت ما طلب مني. أخذنا الخيول في ظلام الأشجار وانتظرنا بهدوء حيث يمكننا أن نرى الطريق، لكن (أيا كان المار بالطريق) لا يمكن أن يرانا. رأيت أن سابت كان يحمل مسدسا في يده. فهمست لسابت قائلا له:-هل تريد أن ترى من هم؟ فقال لي نعم، وأين هم ذاهبون استطعنا أن نسمع الخيول وهى تقترب شيئا فشيئا. كان القمر مكتملا الأمر الذي مكننا من أن نرى الطريق بوضوح. فهمس سابت قائلا هاهم قد وصلوا! 17- Look, its the Duke! On the road through the forest, I could see the Duke and a strong-looking man who Sapt later told me was Max Holf, brother to Johann who I had seen at the inn. When they reached the fork in the road, they stopped. Which way? asked Duke Michael. I think. We should go to the castle where we can learn the truth, said Max. Why not the hunting lodge? said Michael. If alls well, why go there? And if all isnt well, I fear therell be a trap. The Duke did not move and seemed to be listening. I thought I heard something, he said quietly. فقلت لسابت انظروا، انه الدوق! على الطريق عبر الغابة، رأيت الدوق ورجل قوي المظهر الذي اخبرني عنه سابت في وقت لاحق انه ماكس هوف، شقيق يوهان الخادم الذي رأيته في النزل (الفندق الصغير). توقفوا عندما وصلوا إلى مفترق طرق. فسأل الدوق مايكل أي الطرق نسلك؟. فقال له ماكس هوف اعتقد، يجب أن نذهب إلى القلعة حيث يمكننا معرفة الحقيقة، فقال له الدوق: ولماذا لا نذهب إلى كوخ الصيد؟فقال ماكس إذا كان الأمر على ما يرام بكوخ الصيد فلماذا نذهب هناك؟ وان لم يكن الأمر كذلك أخشى أن يكون هناك فخ. لم يتحرك الدوق وبدا وكأنه يستمع إلى شيء ما فقال بهدوء ظننت أنني سمعت شيئا. 18- I saw Sapt lift up his gun, but the Duke then said, To Zenda, then, and they set off once more. I could see that Sapt still held up his gun and was pointing it at the Duke, but although I knew he would have loved to shoot, he realised it would not have helped the King at this moment. He put his gun away once more. We waited silently for ten minutes before we came out from the trees. So, hes had news that all is well, said Sapt. What does that mean? I asked. I wish I knew, said Sapt. Its a real puzzle. رأيت سابت يرفع مسدسه، ولكن الدوق قال: إلى زندا إذا ، وانطلقا مرة أخرى. ورأيت أن سابت ما زال مصوبا مسدسه نحو الدوق، ولكن على الرغم من أنني أعرف أنه تمنى أن يطلق النار، إلا انه أدرك أن ذلك لن يساعد الملك في هذه اللحظة. فوضع مسدسه بعيدا مرة أخرى. انتظرنا بهدوء لمدة عشر دقائق قبل أن نخرج من بين الأشجار. فقل سابت إذا قد تلقى مايكل إخبارا تقول له، أن كل شيء على ما يرام فسألته ماذا يعني ذلك؟ فقال لي ليتنى اعلم،. انه لغز حقيقي. 19- We rode on through the forest as fast as our tired horses would allow. We said nothing, and I thought about what the Duke had said. What did All is well mean? Was all well with the King? It did not take us long to reach the hunting lodge where we had left the king and quickly jump off our horses. The lodge was dark and quiet and no one came out to meet us. All of a sudden, Sapt took hold of my arm. Look there! he said, pointing at five or six torn and dirty handkerchiefs on the ground. Thats what I used to tie up the old woman. Fasten the horses and lets see whats happened. انطلقنا خلال الغابة وبأقصى سرعة رغم تعب الخيول. لم نقل شيئا، وفكرت في ما قاله الدوق. وماذا تعني عبارة كل شيء على ما يرام هل كل شيء على ما يرام فيما يتعلق بالملك ؟ لم نستغرق وقتا طويلا للوصول إلى كوخ الصيد حيث كنا قد تركنا الملك ونزلنا بسرعة من على الخيول وكان الكوخ مظلما وهادئا ولم يأتي أي احد لاستقبالنا. فجأة امسك سابت بذراعي وقال لي انظر هناك! مشيرا إلى خمسة أو ستة مناديل ممزقة وقذرة على الأرض. هذا ما كنت قد استخدمته لربط المرأة العجوز. اربط الخيول ودعنا نرى ما حدث. 20- The front door to the lodge was not locked and we went into the room where I had eaten the night before. Plates and cups were still on the table. Come on, said Sapt, and we ran down the passage towards the cellar where we had left the king. But the door to the cellar was open. So they found the old woman, I said. I realised that when I saw the handkerchiefs, said Sapt. Wheres Josef and the King? I asked. لم يتم قفل الباب الأمامي للكوخ وذهبنا إلى الغرفة حيث تناولنا العشاء في الليلة الماضية. وكانت الأطباق والكؤوس لا تزال على الطاولة.فقال سابت هيا، وأسرعنا لأسفل الممر نحو القبو حيث تركنا الملك. ولكن كان باب القبو مفتوحا. فقلت لسابت إذا قد وجدوا المرأة العجوز، فقال لي أدركت ذلك عندما رأيت مناديلفسألته أين جوزيف والملك؟ 21- We found another door inside the cellar that was locked, and it took a lot of work to get it open. It was dark inside and completely silent and I could see Sapt was looking very worried. He loved the King and would have hated anything bad to have happened to him. So I told him to stay where he was and went inside the room with a candle. وجدنا باب آخر داخل القبو ولكنه كان مغلقا، واستغرق الكثير من الوقت لفتحه. وكان الظلام والهدوء يخيمان على المكان بالداخل كان سابت قلق للغاية فقد كان يحب الملك وكان يكره أن يصيبه مكروه. فطلبت منه البقاء بالخارج ودخلت الغرفة وبيدي شمعة. 22- There were a lot of things on the floor of the dark room, as if there had been a fight. I held up the candle and saw spiders on the walls, then, far in one corner, I saw a body. I slowly went back outside the room to tell Sapt what I had seen. Its not good news. Im afraid hes dead, I said. The King? he cried, putting his hand over his mouth. No, the bodys Josef. The kings not there. I closed the heavy door behind me and we walked with heavy hearts back from the cellar to the dining room. كان هناك العديد من الأشياء بأرضية الغرفة المظلمة، كما لو كان هناك قتال. أمسكت الشمعة ورأيت العناكب على الجدران، ورأيت جسدا بأحد أركان الغرفة. ذهبت ببطء مرة أخرى خارج الغرفة لأخبر سابت عما رأيت فقلت له إنها ليست اخبار سارة. أخشى أنه ميت،فصاح قائلا الملك؟ وبكى، ووضع يده على فمه. فقلت له لا، انه جسد جوزيف و الملك ليس هناك. ثم أغلقت الباب ورائي ومشينا بقلوب ترتعد خوفا مرة أخرى من القبو إلى غرفة الطعام. 23- So, theyve got the King! said Sapt, sitting down heavily with his hands over his face. Thats why they said that alls well. But when did they find out? I asked. Michael mustve known all day, said Sapt. What did he think when he met me, then? He knew I was not the real King! It doesnt matter what he thought then, said Sapt. What matters is what he thinks now! We must get back and collect every soldier in Strelsau. Michael will have to be caught before the King is killed. فقال سابت وهو يجلس واضعا يده على وجهه إذا، هم يتحفظون على الملك! لهذا السبب قالوا إن كل شيء على ما يرام هنا.فسألته ولكن متى علموا بذلك؟فأجابني قائلا أكيد مايكل كان يعلم منذ بداية اليوم فتساءلت ماذا كان يظن عندما قابلني، حينئذ؟ علم أنني لم أكن الملك الحقيقي! فقال سابتلا يهم ماذا كان يعتقد ذلك الحين،. ما يهم هو ما يفكر فيه الآن! يجب علينا أن نعود ونجمع كل جندي في سترلسو. مايكل لابد أن يقبض عليه قبل أن يقتل الملك. 24- Wait, said Sapt. We need to think. It mustve been the old woman who told them what had happened somehow. I understand now. They came here to kidnap the King and they found him in that room in the cellar. If we hadnt escaped to Strelsau, we wouldve been killed. So wheres the king now? I asked. I have no idea, he said. But you could see at the coronation that Duke Michaels really worried. Lets think about how we can worry him a bit more. فقال سابت مهلا وأضاف قائلا إننا بحاجة إلى التفكير، أكيد المرأة العجوز أخبرتهم بخطتنا بطريقة أو بأخرى.لقد فهمت ألان. جاءوا إلى هنا لخطف الملك ووجدوه في تلك الغرفة في القبو. وإذا لم نكن قد غادرنا إلى سترلسو لقتلنا . فسألته فأين الملك الآن؟فقال لي ليس لدي فكرة،. وأضاف لكنك يمكنك أن تدرك أن الدوق مايكل كان يبدو عليه القلق أثناء التتويج. دعنا نفكر كيف يمكننا أن نجعله يقلق أكثر قليلا. 25- A clock in the house struck one as Sapt stood up with a smile, and I could see that he had another plan. Well go back to Strelsau, he said excitedly. The King will be back in the capital again tomorrow! How is that possible if we dont know where he is? Well go back to Strelsau and continue with the game we started. Youve done a good job until now, so why not continue? Do you mean you want me to be the King again? I asked. Yes, I do! he cried. دقت الساعة المعلقة بالمنزل تمام الواحدة ووقف سابت مبتسما، وأدركت انه لديه خطة أخرى. فقال بحماس إننا سوف نعود إلى سترلسو وأضاف أن الملك سوف يعود مرة أخرى إلى العاصمة غدا! فسألتهكيف يكون ذلك ممكنا ونحن لا نعرف أين هو؟ فقال سوف نعود إلى سترلسو ونستمر في اللعبة التي بدأناها. لقد قمت بدور الملك بشكل جيد حتى الآن، لذلك لماذا لا نستمر؟فقلت له هل تعني انك تريد مني أن أكون الملك مرة أخرى؟فصاح قائلا نعم 1) Questions with Model Answers 1- What did Rassendyll expect to hear while he was riding towards the palace? He expected to hear Antoinette de Mauban telling everyone that he wasnt really the king. 2- What did he guess when he heard no one calling out? Perhaps Antoinette de Mauban didnt recognize him after all. 3- What did the Marshal order his men to do? He ordered them to enter a poor part of the town where the people were loyal to Michael. 4- What did Rassendyll think when the Marshal said to him Its better this way. He thought that was the Marshalls plan to test him. 5- To what extent was Rassendyll brave in facing the Marshals plan? He told the Marshal to tell his soldiers to ride ahead of him (Rassendyll) and he didnt need them or him ( the Marshal ) Rassendyll continued through the old town alone. to ride alone in the old part?إصرار 6- Give two reasons for Rassendylls insistence a) Rassendyll wanted to succeed in the Marshals test. b) Rassendyll wanted the poor people to see that their king trusted them. 7- What was the effect of this decision ( going alone in the old part ) on Colonel Sapt? Colonel Sapt looked worried and shook his head. He thought it was a very bad idea 8-Why did Rassendyll make that risk ( going alone in the old part of the city )? He thought if he were to be a king , he decided to act like a king. And he wanted all the people to like him , not just a few. He wanted to gain popularity for the future king. 9- Why did Sapts face look even more anxious? If Rassendyll were killed in that part of town, Sapts position would be very difficult. 10- Show that the old town buildings were very ugly. Rassendyll realised how white, how clean his uniform seemed compared to the old buildings around him. That meant that the town was very neglected and very ugly 11- How did Rassendyll see the poor people? The narrow streets were lined with hundreds of people and he could feel their eyes on him 12- What were the people saying about him? One said that he was so surprised that the king was on his own, but the king was taller than he thought. Another one said His skin was very white. 13-How were the people had different feelings when they saw Rassendyll? Although some people smiled and cheered , others were quiet and looked at him angrily 14- How far was the Duke popular with the poor people? The poor people put the Dukes paintings in their windows as they supported him . 15- How were the poor people peaceful? Despite their anger with the king, Rassendyll reached the outside of the place safely. 16 – Why was Sapts expression was on of relief? Because Rassendyll went out of the old part safely and was still alive. 17-Who did Rassendyll see inside the beautiful building? Rassendyll saw Princess Flavia who was a beautiful young woman with red hair. Rassendyll saw Duke Michael with his red cheeks, dark eyes and dark hair. 18- What did Duke Michael feel when he saw Rassendyll ( the pretend king )? Duke Michaels face became white. Until that moment Rassendyll didnt think the Duke realised that the king had come to Strelsau. 19-What was the coronation ceremony like? = Describe the coronation ceremony. The golden crown was put on the kings head . He read out some promises. The beautiful music played when someone announced that Rudolf the 5th was now king of Ruritania. 20- How was Duke Michael when he congratulated the king? Dukes Michaels hands shook with anger when he took his hand in Rassendylls hand. 21-When did Rassendyll become worried?. When a man he knew from England ( Lord Topham ) came to greet him but his eyes were so poor that he didnt notice Rassendyll anyway. 22- Show that the Princess was a good observant? She told Rassendyll that he looked different , he looked more tired , serious and thinner. 23- What surprised Princess Flavia about the king? She heard that he rode through the old town alone thinking that the people there must have appreciated what he did. 24- What did Fritz warn Rassendyll against in the afternoon of the coronation? He warned him against walking alone in the old part of the city because Duke Michael wouldnt like it if he became too popular with the Dukes people . 25- Why did Sapt want Rassendyll to leave Ruritania as soon as he could? As the Duke had news from Zenda and he was almost certainly planning something 26-How did Rassendyll get the kings permit to leave the city that night? Sapt copied ( forged زور ) the Kings signature on the form to be a permit to leave the city at 27- What did Sapt remind Rassendyll of? Sapt reminded Rassendyll of their plan to bring back the king to the capital that night. 28- What part would Fritz play to concealيخفي their leaving the palace at night? Fritz would tell everyone that the king had gone to bed and that he wasnt to be woken by anyone until nine oclock the next day morning. 29-To what extent, Fritz had orders to prevent Michael from visiting the king? Sapt ordered not to let Michael in even if Fritzs life depended on it. 30- How was Rassendylls camouflageتمويه to leave the palace at night? He put on a big coat and a hat leaving the palace with Sapt not through the door but through a panel لوحة in the wall which led to a dark passageطرقة . 31- How was the secret passage which Rassendyll and Sapt went through ? It was long and dark and ended with a heavy wooden door which Sapt unlocked and went out into a quiet street which ran along the back of the Palace gardens. 32- Who was waiting for them after reaching the street? A man with two horses which Rassendyll and Sapt rode away without saying anything. 33- How did Rassendyll disguise يتنكر ? Why ? He wore a coat and a hat which covered his face and his hair. He tried to stay low on the horse so that no one could recognize him 34-Why did Sapt ask Rassendyll to take his gun? Because he might need the gun to get through the city gates which would all be closed at that time of the day. 35-When did Rassendyll and Sapt reach the tall wooden gate through the city wall? It was half past six and still light. 36-Why were Sapt and Rassendyll relieved when they knocked on the gate? As they saw a 14-year -old girl at the gate instead of her father ( the guard of the gate. ) who had gone to see the king and told his girl not to open the gate for anyone. 37- What did Sapt tell the girl? Why? He told her that her father should have stayed at the gate and asked her for the gate key 38 –Why was Sapt so smart when he imitated the kings signature on the permit? As Sapt gave the girl the permit signed from ( the king himself ) and a coin to show to give him the key to pass through the gate. He asked her to give the permit to her father 39- Why were they in little danger outside the city? As everyone was celebrating the coronation in the streets and it became a clear night 40-Why did Rassendyll and Sapt lose half an hour on their night journey ? As they stopped at an inn so that the horses could have a drink 41- How far had they gone at half past nine? They had gone around forty kilometres from the city when they heard the noise of horses 42 – Why did Sapt got off the horse and put his ear to the ground? He did that in order to know the number and the distance of the horses behind them Sapt said that they were two horses and they were about two kilometres behind. 43- Where did the roads at the fork التشعب- تقاطع الطرق lead to ? To the right was their road which went deep into the forest, To the left the other road which went outside the forest towards the town with the castle 44- What did Sapt order Rassendyll at the fork? Sapt ordered Rassendyll to get off his horse and they went into the dark trees to watch the road but they couldnt be seen by the two people coming.. Sapt had gun in his hand 45- How could Sapt recognize the two men on the road through the forest ? Because the moon was full and he could see the road clearly so Sapt recognized the Duke and Max Holf ( Johans brother ) Max was a strong-looking man. 46- At the fork, Which way did Max Holf suggest going to? Max Holf suggested going to the castle of Zenda to learn the truth. 47 –Why did Max Holf didnt go to the hunting lodge? He said If alls well, why go there, And if all isnt well, I fear there will be a trap. 48-At the fork, Sapt would love to shoot Duke Michael but he didnt .Discuss He realised that killing the Duke wouldnt have helped the King at that moment. 49 – What did All is well mean ? It meant that the Duke had got the King and imprisoned him in the Castle of Zenda. 50 – What did Sapt do when he saw the 5 or 6 torn and dirty handkerchiefs? Sapt held of Rassendylls hands telling him that he used those handkerchiefs to tie up the old woman ( Johanns mother ). ( It was a mistake to use handkerchiefs not ropes) 51- Why did Rassendyll tell Sapt to stay and went inside the cellar with a candle? Sapt was very worried as he loved the king and would have hated anything bad to have happened to him. 52- What could Rassendyll see inside the cellar? Rassendyll could see the body of Josef ( dead ) so he closed the door with heavy hearts. 53- Why did Rassendyll want to go back to the capital? To collect every soldier at Strelsau so that Michael could have be caught before killing the king but Sapt told him to wait as they needed to think. 54- According to Sapt ,how did Michael know what happened to the king? The old woman untied the handkerchiefs and told Michael about Sapts plan. 55- Whatd have happened to Sapt , Fritz and Rassendyll if they had stayed there? They would have been killed when Michael had come to kidnap the king. 56- What was Sapts plan after the disappearance of the king? He told Rassendyll that they had to continue with the game they started so Rassendyll would be a king again until they could save the king. 2) Quotations with Model Answer 1- Why have we changed our route? Who said that ? To whom? * Rassendyll to Marshal Strakencz . 2-Its better this way, Who said that? To whom? * Marshal Strakencz to Rassendyll Which way would they go ? * The old part of the town 3-Tell your soldiers to ride ahead of me. I dont need them or you. Who said that ? To whom? * Rassendyll to Marshal Strakencz 4- You can wait here until I have continued through the old part alone, Who said that ? To whom? * Rassendyll to Marshal Strakencz 5- I want the people who live here to see that their king trusts them, Who said that ? To whom? *Rassendyll to Marshal Strakencz What did the word here refer to? * To the old part of the poor people 6-Im surprised that hes on his own, but hes taller than I thought. Who said that ? To whom? *One of the poor people of the old part to the others. Who did he speak about ? *About Rassendyll.( the pretend king ) 7His skins very white, Who said that ? To whom? * Another one the poor people to the others Who did he speak about ? * About Rassendyll. .( the pretend king ) 8- Congratulations. Who said that ? To whom? * Duke Michael to Rassendyll ( the pretend king ) On what occasion was it said? *On the occasion of the coronation. 9- Whens the wedding? Who said that ? To whom? * One of the people to the pretend king( Rassendyll) Whose wedding did the man ask about ? *The king and Princess Flavia 10-Do you know ,Rudolf, you look different today? Who said that ? To whom? * Princess Flavia to Rudolf Rassendyll ( the king ) 11- You look tired and serious, and think youre thinner. You have changed. Who said that ? To whom? *Princess Flavia to Rudolf Rassendyll ( the king ) 12- I think I want to change now that Im a king. Who said that ? To whom? * Rudolf Rassendyll ( the pretend king ) to Princess Flavia. 13-Perhaps you already have. I heard that you rode through the old town alone. Who said that ? To whom? * Princess Flavia to Rudolf Rassendyll ( the pretend king ) 14- The people there must have appreciated what you did. Who said that ? To whom? * Princess Flavia to Rudolf Rassendyll ( the king ) 15-I hope Ill make a good king. Who said that ? To whom? * Rudolf Rassendyll ( the king ) to Princess Flavia 16-That was a day to remember! I think Id like to be king for a day. Who said that ? To whom? *Fritz to Rassendyll 17- Duke Michael wouldnt like it if you became too popular with his people. Who said that ? To whom? *Fritz to Rassendyll What did the underlined word refer to? * The poor people of the old part. Why were they The Dukes people? * Because they supported Michael not the king. 18- Only if you stay alive as long as that. Michael had news from Zenda Who said that ? To whom? * Sapt to Rassendyll When did he say that ? * When Rassendyll said he would be king until that night 19-Who can I get a permit from? Who said that ? To whom? * Rassendyll to Sapt Why did the speaker need a permit? * To leave the city so as to save the true king 20-The king, of course. Who said that ? To whom? *Sapt to Rassendyll 21-I can pretend to be the king but that doesnt mean I can write like him too! Who said that ? To whom? *Rassendyll to Sapt When did Rassendyll say that? * When Sapt asked him to copy the kings signature 22-Oh,its not hard to copy, Who said that ? To whom? *Sapt to Rassendyll Why did Sapt copy the kings signature on the form? *To be a permit to pass the city gate What did that tell us about Sapt? * Sapt was interested even in small details 23-Now,remember our plan. Ill go with you. Who said that ? To whom? * Sapt to Rassendyll 24-You will tell everyone that the king has gone to bed and that he isnt to be woken by anybody till nine oclock tomorrow morning, Who said that ? To whom? * Sapt to Fritz 25- You mustnt let him in, even if your life depends on it. Who said that ? To whom? * Sapt to Fritz Who did ( him ) refer to ? * To Duke Michael. Why mustnt he let the Duke in? * To save their plan from being discovered 26- I dont need to be told that, Who said that ? To whom? * Fritz said that proudly to colonel Sapt 27- Here, put on this big coat and hat, Now, are you ready to go? Who said that ? To whom? *Sapt to Rassendyll Why did the addressee put on those clothes? * In order to be well hidden from people. 28-In the old kings time, I knew all about the secret passage., Who said that ? To whom? *Sapt to Rassendyll Where did he say that? * In the secret passage 29- You may need it to get through the city gates. They will be closed at this time Who said that ? To whom? * Sapt to Rassendyll What did the word ( it ) refer to * to the gun 30- My father is not here .Im afraid. Hes gone to see the king. Who said that ? To whom? *The guards girl to Rassendyll and Sapt 31-Your father should have stayed here. Who said that ? To whom? * Sapt to the guards girl Was Sapt angry as the guard wasnt at the gate? * No , he was happy and relieved 32- But he told me not to open the gate for anyone, Who said that ? To whom? * The guards girl to Rassendyll and Sapt 33-Then you must give me the key to open it, Who said that ? To whom? * Sapt to the guards girl 34- Heres a form from the king himself. You can show it to your father. Who said that ? To whom? * Sapt to the guards girl What was the form? * It was the permit which Sapt signed as the king to pass the gate 35- Now we must move quickly. Who said that ? To whom? * Sapt to Rassendyll 36- What do you think the Duke knows about our plan? Who said that ? To whom? * Rassendyll to Sapt 37- Listen. I can hear something. Who said that ? To whom? * Sapt to Rassendyll What did Sapt hear? *He heard two men on two horses behind them 38- We are lucky that the winds blowing towards us so we can hear them. Who said that ? To whom? *Sapt to Rassendyll 39- I think therere two horses. They are about two kilometres behind. Who said that ? To whom? * Sapt to Rassendyll 40-To the rights our road, to the lefts the castle. Now. get off your horse. Who said that ? To whom? * Sapt to Rassendyll 41- Get off? But they will catch us! Who said that ? To whom? * Rassendyll to Sapt 42-Do you want to see who they are? Who said that ? To whom? * Rassendyll to Sapt 43-Yes,and where they are going, Who said that ? To whom? * Sapt to Rassendyll 44-Here they come! Look , its the Duke. Who said that ? To whom? *Sapt to Rassendyll 45- Which way? Who said that ? To whom? * Duke Michael to Max Holf ( Johans brother) 46- I think we should go to the castle where we can learn the truth. Who said that ? To whom? * Max Holf to Duke Michael 47-Why not the hunting lodge? Who said that ? To whom? *Duke Michael to Max Holf 48-If alls well ,why go there? And if all isnt well , I fear it will be a trap. Who said that ? To whom? * Max Holf to Duke Michael What do you deduce from they fear of a trap? * Michaels men told him that they had kidnapped the king but he wasnt sure 49- To Zenda , then. Who said that ? To whom? * Duke Michael to Max Holf 50 – So , hes had news that alls well Who said that ? To whom? * Sapt to Rassendyll When did he said that? * After waiting silently for ten minutes among the trees. 51-What does that mean? Who said that ? To whom? * Rassendyll to Sapt 52- I wish I knew. Its a real puzzle. Who said that ? To whom? * Sapt to Rassendyll 53- What did Alls well mean? Was all well with the king? Who said that ? To whom? * Rassendyll to himself 54- Look there! Thats what I used to tie up the old woman . Who said that ? To whom? * Sapt to Rassendyll What did they look at ? * To the torn and dirty handkerchiefs Who was the old woman? * Johans mother. 55- So they found the old woman, Who said that ? To whom? * Rassendyll to Colonel Sapt Who did they refer to ? * To Michaels guards Who was the old woman ? * She was Johanns mother 56 – I realized that when I saw the handkerchiefs. Who said that ? To whom? * Sapt to Rassendyll What did he realise ? * He realised that Michaels men had reached the place 57-Wheres Josef and the king? Who said that ? To whom? * Rassendyll to Colonel Sapt 58- It’s not good news. Im afraid hes dead, Who said that ? To whom? * Rassendyll to Colonel Sapt Who is dead ? * Josef who was killed by Michaels guards 59- No, the bodys Josef. The king isnt there. Who said that ? To whom? * Rassendyll to Colonel Sapt 60- So they have got the king. Who said that ? To whom? * Sapt to Rassendyll Who have got the king? * Michaels men 61-Thats why they said that alls well. But when did they find out? Who said that ? To whom? * Rassendyll to Colonel Sapt Who did they refer to ? * Michael and Max Holf 62-Michael must have known all day, Who said that ? To whom? * Sapt to Rassendyll What did Michael knew? * He knew that Rassendyll wasnt the real king 63-What did he think when he met me then? He knew I wasnt the real king. Who said that ? To whom? * Rassendyll to Colonel Sapt 64- It doesnt matter what he thought then. What matters is what he thinks now. Who said that ? To whom? * Sapt to Rassendyll 65- We must get back and collect every soldier in Strelsau. Michael will have to be caught before the king is killed Who said that ? To whom? * Rassendyll to Colonel Sapt 66- Wait .We need to think. It must have been the old woman who told them Who said that ? To whom? * Sapt to Rassendyll Who did the old woman tell what had happened? * Michaels men 67- If we hadnt escaped to Strelsau, we would have been killed. Who said that ? To whom? * Sapt to Rassendyll Who would have killed them? * Michaels men 68- Lets think about how we could worry him a bit more. Who said that ? To whom? * Sapt to Rassendyll Who did they want to worry ? * Michael 69- Well get back to Strelsau.The king will be back in the capital again tomorrow. Who said that ? To whom? * Sapt to Rassendyll What did the speaker mean ? * He meant that Rassendyll would continue to be king 70-How is it possible if we dont know where he is? Who said that ? To whom? * Rassendyll to Colonel Sapt Who did the speaker talk about ? * The real king 71- Well continue with the game we started. You have done a good job until now, Who said that ? To whom? * Sapt to Rassendyll What was the game ? *Rassendyll pretended to be the king of Ruritania 72-Do you mean you want me to be the king again? Who said that ? To whom? * Rassendyll to Colonel Sapt. 2) Find the mistake with Model Answer 1- Colonel Sapt found 5 or 6 torn and dirty handkerchiefs on the ground which he used to tie up the dog. 2- Colonel Sapt held up his gun and wanted to shoot Rudolf Rassendyll who was on his way to the castle of Zenda. 3- Colonel Sapt and Rudolf Rassendyll hid in the forest of Zenda where they could see Josef and Johann going to the castle. 4- Sapt and Rudolf Rassendyll could hear the people coming behind them as it was raining. 5- Flavia was asked to guard the kings bedroom and stop anyone trying to get in. 6- Rudolf Rassendyll wouldnt be able to leave the party unless he got a permit from the king. 7- After the coronation, the king (Rudolf Rassendyll) went in a coach around the streets with Lord Burlesdon. 8- Lord Burlesdon, from England, couldnt recognize Rudolf Rassendyll because his eyes were so poor. 9- After the coronation, the king (Rudolf Rassendyll) stood in the palace for an hour killing many ambassadors and important people who came to see him. 10- Colonel Sapt was relieved that Rudolf Rassendyll was still dead after riding alone through the poor area of the city. 11- In the old town, the streets were lined with nobody. 12- Rudolf Rassendyll realized how white, how clean his uniform seemed compared to the people around him in the poor area of the city. 13- As soon as all the poor people were out of sight, Rudolf Rassendyll rode alone through the streets of the old town. 14- In the poor area of the city, duke Michael noticed that some people were happy but others looked angrily at him. 15- Rudolf Rassendyll managed to escape from the outside of the palace safely despite the poor peoples anger. 16- While he was riding alone in the old town, Rudolf Rassendyll was so far from the people that he could hear what they were saying about him. 17- Rudolf Rassendyll expected Antoinette de Mauban to tell everyone that she was going to marry him. 18- Marshal Strakencz gave orders to his men to change their route into the modern part of the town. 19- People who lived in the poor area of Strelsau were loyal to Rudolf Rassendyll. 20- According to colonel Sapt, it was a bad idea for the king (Rudolf Rassendyll) to eat alone in the old town. 21- It seemed that changing the route of the royal procession into the old town was the marshals plan to arrest Duke Michael. 22- Rudolf Rassendyll believed that if he was to be a king, he must act like a painter. 23- Colonel Sapt believed that all his people should like him, not just a few. 24- Max Holf was found dead in the hunting lodge. 25- It seemed that Flavia was kidnapped from the cellar by the dukes men. 26- Rudolf Rassendyll could have killed duke Michael with his gun, but he realized that wouldnt have helped the king at that moment. 27- At the fork in the road, duke Michael and Max Holf decided to go to the right to reach the hunting lodge. 28- Sapt and Rudolf Rassendyll left the palace secretly through a window. 29- It was marshal Strakenczs idea for the king to go through the old part of the town alone. 30- All the people in the old town smiled and cheered the king. 31- Princess Flavia believed that Rudolf Rassendyll wasnt the real king. 32- Fritz thought it was a good idea for Rassendyll the king to become popular with the people who supported the duke. 33- Sapt told fritz that he could let Michael into the kings bedroom. 34- Sapt and Rudolf Rassendyll found the king dead in the cellar. 35- Rudolf Rassendyll and Max Holf were going to the castle of Zenda. 36- Colonel Sapt put his ear to the ground because he was too tired. 37- When they didnt find the king in the hunting lodge, Sapt asked Rudolf Rassendyll to leave Ruritania immediately. 38- Rudolf Rassendyll rode through the poor part of the town without a close friend. 39- Duke Michael knew that Rudolf Rassendyll wasnt the real king and he was very happy. 40- Duke Michaels men killed the king and took him to the castle. Answers 1- Colonel Sapt found 5 or 6 torn and dirty handkerchiefs on the ground which he used to tie up Johanns mother. 2- Colonel Sapt held up his gun and wanted to shoot Duke Michael who was on his way to the castle of Zenda. 3- Colonel Sapt and Rudolf Rassendyll hid in the forest of Zenda where they could see Duke Michael and Max Holf going to the castle. 4- Sapt and Rudolf Rassendyll could hear the people coming behind them as the wind was blowing towards them. 5- Fritz was asked to guard the kings bedroom and stop anyone trying to get in. 6- Rudolf Rassendyll wouldnt be able to leave Ruritania unless he got a permit from the king. 7- After the coronation, the king (Rudolf Rassendyll) went in a coach around the streets with Princess Flavia. 8- Lord Topham, from England, couldnt recognize Rudolf Rassendyll because his eyes were so poor. 9- After the coronation, the king (Rudolf Rassendyll) stood in the palace for an hour greeting many ambassadors and important people who came to see him. 10- Colonel Sapt was relieved that Rudolf Rassendyll was still alive after riding alone through the poor area of the city. 11- In the old town, the streets were lined with hundreds of people. 12- Rudolf Rassendyll realized how white, how clean his uniform seemed compared to the buildings around him in the poor area of the city. 13- As soon as all the soldiers were out of sight, Rudolf Rassendyll rode alone through the streets of the old town. 14- In the poor area of the city, the king (Rudolf Rassendyll) noticed that some people were happy but others looked angrily at him. 15- Rudolf Rassendyll managed to reach the outside of the palace safely despite the poor peoples anger. 16- While he was riding alone in the old town, Rudolf Rassendyll was so close to the people that he could hear what they were saying about him. 17- Rudolf Rassendyll expected Antoinette de Mauban to tell everyone that he was not the real king. 18- Marshal Strakencz gave orders to his men to change their route into the old part of the town. 19- People who lived in the poor area of Strelsau were loyal to Duke Michael. 20- According to fritz, it was a bad idea for the king (Rudolf Rassendyll) to ride alone in the old town. 21- It seemed that changing the route of the royal procession into the old town was the marshals plan to test Rudolf Rassendyll. 22- Rudolf Rassendyll believed that if he was to be a king, he must act like a king. 23- The king (Rudolf Rassendyll) believed that all his people should like him, not just a few. 24- Josef was found dead in the hunting lodge. 25- It seemed that the king was kidnapped from the cellar by the dukes men. 26- Colonel Sapt could have killed duke Michael with his gun, but he realized that wouldnt have helped the king at that moment. 27- At the fork in the road, colonel Sapt and Rassendyll decided to go to the right to reach the hunting lodge. 28- Sapt and Rudolf Rassendyll left the palace secretly through a secret door. 29- It was Rudolf Rassendylls idea to go through the old part of the town alone. 30- Some people in the old town smiled and cheered the king. 31- Duke Michael believed that Rudolf Rassendyll wasnt the real king. 32- Fritz thought it was a bad idea for Rassendyll the king to become popular with the people who supported the duke. 33- Sapt told fritz not to let Michael into the kings bedroom even if it cost him his life. 34- Sapt and Rudolf Rassendyll found Josef dead in the cellar. 35- Duke Michael and Max Holf were going to the castle of Zenda. 36- Colonel Sapt put his ear to the ground because he wanted to hear who was coming behind them. 37- When they didnt find the king in the hunting lodge, Sapt asked Rudolf Rassendyll to continue pretending that he was the king 38- Rudolf Rassendyll rode through the poor part of the town without a close guard. 39- Duke Michael knew that Rudolf Rassendyll wasnt the real king and he was very angry. 40- Duke Michaels men kidnapped the king and took him to the castle. Students Book Questions with Model Answer الإجابات النموذجية لأسئلة الكتاب المدرسي 1. At the end of the last chapter, Rassendyll was just starting to ride through the city. Who did he see that might recognise him? * Antoinette de Mauban. 2. What do kings and their people usually do before and after a coronation? Do you think any of these will be especially dangerous for Rassendyll? * Usually there is a paradeعرض عسكري through the city before and after the actual crowning. The King will also meet
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 18:33:54 +0000

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