الى طلبة الصف الثانى الثانوى كلمات و - TopicsExpress


الى طلبة الصف الثانى الثانوى كلمات و قواعد و اختبار على الوحدة predict يتنبأ take place يحدث relationship علاقة prediction تنبؤ global كونى successful ناجح reference مرجع goods بضائع quantities كميات appreciate يقدر technology تكنولوجيا Irish أيرلندى international دولى wages أجرة reception صالة إستقبال trade يتاجر ـ تجارة describe يصف receptionist موظف إستقبال formal رسمى sell يبيع take a seat يأخذ مكان chain سلسلة communicate يتصل Scotland اسكتلندا details تفاصيل customers زبائن ـ عملاء comfortable مريح chief رئيسى website موقع نت reports تقارير buyer x seller بائع x مشترى e-mail بريد الكترونى reporter صحفى representative ممثل ـ مندوب set up يؤسس ـ ينشئ amount كمية yield محصول location موقع pay يدفع export يصدر local محلى profit ربح import يستورد trade with يتاجر مع loss خسارة company شركة region منطقة investment استثمار kind of نوع من advantages مميزات create يخلق fruit فاكهة disadvantages عيوب wealth ثروة vegetables خضروات system نظام engineer مهندس employ يوظف increase يزيد metal معدنى employee موظف decrease يقلل supply يمد ـ يزود بـ employer صاحب عمل supermarket سوبرماركت organization منظمة ـ مؤسسة appointment موعد industries صناعات distribute يوزع introduce يقدم include يشتمل على percent بالمائة sales manager مدير مبيعات chemicals كيماويات beans فول Cairo airport مطار القاهرة harbour ميناء arrange يرتب work for يعمل لحساب afford يتحمل expressions تعبيرات researcher باحث carry يحمل draft مسودة corporation شركة ـ مؤسسة كبيرة environment بيئة do a project on يعمل مشروع economy إقتصاد recent حديث agriculture زراعة economical إقتصادى recently حديثا population سكان economic إقتصادى chief engineer كبير المهندسين Chief buyer المشتري الرئيسي a win-win situation موقف في صالح الطرفين welfare الرخاء / رعاية Language notes trade trade with يتاجـر مـع ( شخـص / دولة ) Ahmed trades with me. Egypt traded with China last year. trade in يتاجـر في شـئ He trades in rice. a trade تجـارة He has a large trade in America. advantages of advantages for advantages of + الشيء مميــزات What are the advantages of the internet. advantages for + الشخص مميــزات What are the advantages and disadvantages for local people. employ employer employee employ يوظـف The government tries to employ new graduates. employer صاحـب العـمل The employer had a meeting with the employees. employee مـوظـف Ali is a clever employee make profit make loss make profit يحقـق ربـح His business made great profit. make loss يخسـر Alas! he made loss last year. جمــع الإسـم المركــب :- film star film stars / classroom classrooms إذا كان الاسم الأخير قابل للعد فيجمع الاسم الأخير father-in-law fathers-in-law إذا كان الاسم الأخير غير قابل للعد فيجمع الاسم الاول. afford afford + to + inf. يتحمـل I can afford to buy acomputer. afford + N. يتحمـل I wish I could afford a new car. Everyday Everyday (adj.) يوميـا ( كل يوم ) I meet a lot of people in my everyday life Everyday يوميـا I go to school every day hire rent hire ( a car – a bike – a boat …. ) يستأجر ( لفترة قصيرة ) مقابل مبلغ من المال We hired a flat during the summer holiday. rent ( a house – a flat – a land ) يستأجر ( لفترة طويلة ) مقابل مبلغ من المال We rented a flat for six years. affect = have an effect on affect يؤثـر علـى Smoking affects health badly. effect تأثيـر Smoking has a bad effect on health. made in made of made from made in صنـع فـى This car is made in Japan . made of صنـع مـن ( المادة المصنـوع منها ما زالت موجـودة ) The bag is made of leather . made from ( صنـع مـن ( المادة المصنـوع منها لم تعـد موجـودة The cake is made from flour Stay stay with يقيــم مـع شخــص He stayed with his relatives. stay ( at - in ) يقيـم فى مكــان They will stay at / in a hotel. be located on be located in lie be located on = be situated on = lie موقع علي بحر أو نهر أو محيط The hotel is (situated) located on the lake side. be located in = be situated in موقع مكان في دولة أو قارة The office is located in the city center. lie يقــع The house lies on the lake side. lie to يكـذب علـى He always lies to his father. lie about يكـذب بخصوص He lies about escaping from school. Take take part in = share in = participate in يشـارك Did you take part in the poetry competition ? take place = happen = occur يحـدث When did the accident take place ? take the place of = replace يحـل محـل He resigned and I took his place. salary wages fees fare salary مـرتـب شهــرى أو سـنــوى ( إســم يعــد ) His salary is 300 pounds a month. wages أجــرة ( بالسـاعـة أو اليــوم أو الأسبــوع ) إســم لايعــد The carpenters wages are high. fees أتعــاب ـ أجــر ( محـامـى ـ دكتـور ) Doctors fees are very high nowadays. Fare أجــرة التاكسـى After I had arrived, I gave the driver the fare. harbour port harbour ( مرفـأ ( لرسـو السفن The ship tried to reach the harbour in the storm. port مدينـه مينـاء ( مدينـه تصـل إليهـا السفـن للشحـن والتفـريـغ ) Alexandria is a big port in Egypt work work on (something) يصنـع أو يصلـح أو يحسـن الشـئ work up يحسـن أو يطـور أو ينمـى work on (someone) يحاول أن يقنـع الشخـص work(himself) up يتضـايق أو يغضـب مـن شـئ work in \ into يمـزج work for يعمـل لحسـاب work out يحل - يحسـب - يتدرب بانتظـام work in someones favour يعمـل لصالحـه - يفيـد Expressions work for a company يعمل لدي شركة meet someone at the airport يقابل شخص في المطار export … to يصدر ..إلي import … from يستورد .. من proud of فخور بـ do a project on يقوم ببحث في refer to يشير إلي all over the world في كل أنحاء العالم all over Egypt في كل أنحاء مصر in this way بهذه الطريقة communicate with يتصل أو يتواصل مع set up ينشئ trade with يتاجر مع in the same region في نفس المنطقة at the same time في نفس الوقت thank somebody for يشكر شخص من أجل thanks to بفضل grow up يكبر bring up يربي write to someone يكتب لشخص write about something يكتب عن شيء talk on the phone يتحدث في التليفون stay at a hotel يقيم في فندق look for = search for يبحث عن related to مرتبط بـ Exercise Choose the correct answer from a , b , c , or d : 1- The plane crash took ( the place – place – away – off ) yesterday. 2– He is our( employer – employee – employment – unemployment ) he is our boss. 3– He speaks for the company , he is the ( presenter – representative – guard – keeper ) 4– Our fruit ( buying – yield – mark – eating ) has increased since we started watering more often. 5– Mr. Young has just arrived ( in – at – to – by ) Egypt. 6– The opposite of “ import” is ( importing – export – sell – invest ) 7- This drug is said to have no side (affects – reflects – effects – contests). 8– Cairo Airport is the place ( when – which – where – who ) he met Mr. Wong. 9– A ( receptionist – owner – cook – sales manager ) is the person who welcomes people at hotels. 10– Would you like ( taking – to take – to taking – took ) a seat? 11– Green beans , garlic , onions and tomatoes are all ( fruit – vegetables – chemicals – spice ) 12– Mr. Ayman works ( at – with – to – for ) a computer company. 13– He spent most of the time ( study – to study – studying – studied ) the reports. 14– They will hold a meeting to ( discuss – distribute – announce – publish ) their problems. 15– My brother suggested ( to visit – visiting – to visiting – visit ) the zoo. 16– Can you show me the advantages ( of – off – for – within ) computers? 17– Egypt is trading ( in – by – with – from ) many countries. 18– He asked the driver if he could pay the ( salary – fees – wages – fare ) by credit card. 19- To ( employ – dismiss – expel – convoy ) means to pay someone to work for you. 20- ( Fees – Fares – Salaries – Wages ) means the money that someone is paid every week by their employer 21- To ( affect – afford – offend – defend ) means to have enough money to pay for something. 22- To (distribute – disturb – distill – destroy) means to supply goods to shops and companies in a particular area 23- A (collaboration – combination – contamination – corporation) is a large business organisation. 24- ( General – Global – Verbal – Herbal ) means affecting or including the whole world 25- (Astronomy – Anatomy – Economy – Gloomy) is the way that money, businesses and products are organized in a country 26- (Woods – Goods – Methods – Roots) are things that are produced to be sold. 27- The global economy has increased (international – rational – irrational – intentional) trade. 28- The (economic – historic – climatic – dynamic) situation in our country is getting better.. 29- New businesses will (destroy – enjoy - employ – annoy) hundreds of people in the city. There will be a lot of job opportunities. 30- E-mails help to improve the way companies (calculate – advocate - communicate – dedicate) with their customers. 31- China has a (pollution – population – revelation – violation) of 1.3 billion people. 32- They chose a famous barrister to ( present - represent – offend – resent ) them in court. ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ Rewrite the following sentences: 1. If we were late for school we would punish by the ked master 2. If Adel goes to the cinema he would see the film 3. I can not sleep when drink coffee at night . 4. We must not go near the dog as it bite him 5. Shady has not too more to buy a shirt 6. The person by the red hair is my friend. 7. She has finished her work a moment ago. 8. I wrote aletter then going to bed. 9. I saw a big house that It was on fire. 10. He will be late in case of he gets up late. ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ A) Translate into Arabic: As we live in a technological age, anything seems possible. It took a long time to develop new ideas in the past but this is not so any longer. Progress in our present age depends mainly on computers without which it would be impossible. b) Translate into English : المواطن الصالح مستعد دائما لخدمة بلده و الموت في سبيلها. ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ Grammar Relative Pronouns Who – whom – which – that – whose – where - when تستخـدم لربـط الجمـل ببعضهـا وتحـل محـل الإسـم أو الضمير المكـرر فى الجملـه الثانيـة . Who = that تحـل محـل فاعـل عاقـل وتوضـع بعـد الفاعـل الذى تصفـه ويمكن استخـدام that بدلا منهـا . Ahmed is my friend. He won the prize. ( who ) Ahmed who ( that ) won the prize is my friend. لاحــظ :ـ That is the man. He helped me That is the man who ( that ) helped me. Who = whom = that تحـلا محـل مفعـول عاقـل و يأتـى بعـدهـا الفاعـل ويمكـن استخـدام that بـدلا منهمـا . Ahmed is my brother. You met him yesterday. ( whom ) Ahmed whom ( who - that ) you met yesterday is my brother. لاحــظ :ـ يمكـن حـذف ضمـير الوصـل إذا كان يحـل محـل مفعـول . Ahmed, you met yesterday is my brother. Thats the man. You are talking about. Thats the man whom / who / that you are talking about. Thats the man you are talking about. لاحــظ :ـ يبقـى حـرف الجـر كما هـو بعـد الفعـل أو يوضـع قبـل ضميـر الوصـل whom فقـط وليـس who – that . Thats the man about whom you are talking. which = that تحـل محـل الفاعـل أو المفعـول غير العاقـل وتوضـع قبل أو بعد الاسم الذى تصفه ويمكن استخدام that بدلا منها . The books are all mine. They are on the shelf. The books which ( that ) are on the shelf are all mine. I opened the window. It overlooks the garden. ( which ) I opened the window which ( that ) overlooks the garden. The dog is mad. You killed it. The dog which ( that ) you killed is mad. The dog, you killed is mad. لاحــظ :ـ حلـت which محـل المفعـول لذلـك يمكـن حذفـها . He bought a new car. He made an accident with it. He bought a new car which ( that ) he made an accident with. He bought a new car with which he made an accident. يبقـى حـرف الجـر كمـا هـو بعـد الفعـل أو يستخـدم قبـل ( which ) وليس that . whose تستخـدم للملكيـة عاقـل وغيـر عاقـل وتحـل محـل ( s ) أو صفـة الملكيـة ( .( my , his , her , its , your , their , our Thats the man. His son succeeded. ( whose ) Thats the man whose son succeeded. My uncle travelled abroad. We live in his house. ( whose ) My uncle in whose house we live travelled abroad. لاحــظ :ـ يمكـن إستخـدام حـرف الجـر قبلهـا ولا تستخـدم that بـدلا منهـا . where تستخـدم مـع المكـان . This is the house. We live in it now. ( Where ) This is the house where we live. when تستخـدم مـع الزمـن ( الوقـت ) . It is the month July. We go on holiday. ( when ) Its the month July when we go on holiday. ملحوظة :ـ يمكن حذف who , which عندما تحل محل الفاعل إذا جاء بعدهما v. to be أو مبنى للمجهول ويحذف v.to be . They boy who was punished yesterday got the worst marks. The boy, punished yesterday got the worst marks. The food which was left in the dirty container, has turned bad. The food left in the dirty container, has turned bad. ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ Exercise Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets:- 1. I shouted at a man but he didnt come back again. ( the man who ) 2. My uncle is very kind with me. Im living with him. ( with whom ) 3. Thats the boy. His brother sits next to me. ( whose ) 4. He saw the thieves. They robbed the bank. ( The thieves who ) 5. Ahmed didnt do his homework. This was silly of him. ( which ) 6. Ahmed will come on Saturday. Ill be at home on that day. ( when ) 7. Seven oclock is when I usually have breakfast. ( which ) 8. The office is where I spend most of my time. ( which ) 9. Only clever students can do this exercise. ( who ) 10. A lot of people spend their summer holiday in Alexandria . ( where ) 11. I never saw much bad work . Ali has done it . ( which ) 12. The person who met us was the ambassador . ( it ) 13. Im writing a letter to my aunt . She lives in France . ( who ) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and write it correctly: 1- I saw a big house that It was on fire. 2- The person by the red hair is my friend. 3- John, which grew up in London, has lived in Egypt for 1 5 years. 4- The university which my uncle works is in Cairo. 5- The university where I want to go to is near my uncle. 6- My uncle Ahmed, where is a businessman , lives in Cairo. 7- Tanta, whose is Egypts fifth largest city, has many mosques. 8- Ahmed, when has many customers in India, often goes there for holidays. 9- Ahmeds clothes company, where he started in 1950, exports all over the world. 10- The clothes, what are made of Egyptian cotton, are very good quality 11- My cousin, where is a research chemist, works in the food industry. 12- My brother went to Oxford University which he studied economics. ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ Test 7 A- Language Functions 1) Respond to each of the following situation: 1– You ask your sister what she would do if she got a holiday. 2– You ask your father about his journey to England. 3– A tourist is visiting Cairo, you tell him about the places he could visit. 4– You want to borrow your friend’s novel to read. 5- You meet a friend who you have not seen for a long time. What do you say? 2) Say where each of the following two mini-dialogues take place: 1- A: I would like to meet the manager, please. B: May I have your name and the reason for the meeting? A: Ali Said . I would like to import some goods from China. B: Wait a minute till I inform him. 2 - A: How would you like your haircut , sir? B: Short, please. A: Are you going to shave? B: No , not this time. B- Vocabulary and Structutre 3) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 1- To ............................ means to have enough money to pay for something. a- affect b– afford c– offend d– defend 2- Egypt is trading ........................ many countries. a- in b– by c– with d– from 3- Mr. Ayman works ............................. a computer company. a- at b– with c– to d– for 4- Our fruit ………………has increased since we started watering our plants more often. a- field b– yield c– wild d– mild 5- The three biggest supermarket ……………… are used by 75% of the population. a- drains b- chains c– brains d– curtains 6- My uncle has an important job. He is the ………………engineer for a car company a- belief b– grief c- chief d– relief 7- ………………….of countries which export oil are meeting to discuss the economic situation. a- Relatives b – Alternatives c– Detectives d– Representatives 8- The …………………….problem we have in the world now is pollution. a- brief b– chef c– beef d- chief 9- I cant ………………………. to buy a house at the moment. a- afford b– record c– board d– award 10- The company aims to ………………… its product through the European Union. a- attribute b– contribute c- constitute d– distribute 11– This is the writer ----------book was made into a film. a– who b– which c– whose d– where 12– This is the flat ------------I live. a– where b– which c– when d– who 13– this is the flat ------------ I built. a– where b– which c– when d– whose 14– The company ---------I work for is sending me to Japan on business. a– which b– who c– what d– whose 15– This is Mr. Hamdi ---------daughter won a prize. a– who b– which c– whose d– what 16– I would like to see the camera ------------you bought yesterday. a– what b– who c– whose d– which 4) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences then write it correctly : 1– My cousin, that is a research assistant , works in the food industry. 2– My brother went to Oxford university which he studied economics. 3– Peter, where grew up in London, has lived in Egypt for 15 years. 4– The university which my uncle works is in Cairo. 5– The university where I want to go to is near my uncle. 6– This is the girl who uncle is a professor. (C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books 5) Read and complete the form: Dear David, I got your name and address from a friend who told me you would like to have an Egyptian pen friend. My name is Ramy Hassan. Im 17. Im a secondary school student. I live in Cairo. My favourite hobbies are reading and playing football. Id love to visit London one day. Please write soon and tell me all about you. Yours, Ramy The writer of the letter To whom Purpose His education His hobbies What he asked him to do : ……………………………………… : …………………………….………… : ………………………….…………… : ………………………….…………… : …………………….………………… : ……………….……………………… 6) Read the following passage, then answer the questions: In many countries today, a difficult question is being asked: do we have the right to use animals in laboratory experiments? Using animals medical research has many benefits. Animal research has involved researchers to develop treatments for many diseases, such as heart diseases. It would not have been possible to develop vaccines for diseases like smallpox without animal research .every drug anyone takes today was tried first on animals . Which is more important, the life of a rat or that of a three- year old child? Medical research is also an excellent way of using unwanted animals. Last year over twelve million animals had to be killed because nobody wanted them as pets. The fact is that human benefit cannot be used as a reason for using animals in research, anymore than it can be used as a reason for experimenting on other humans. Animals suffer a lot during these experiments. They are forced to live in small cages and they may be unable to move. Animals have the same rights as humans; to be able to move freely and not to have pain or fear forced on them. We can use computer modeling instead of animals in research laboratories to save animals life. ِِA. Answer the following questions: 1- Why is animal research useful? 2- How do animals suffer during experiments? 3- What other ways can be used instead of experimenting on animals? 4- Are you with or against using animals in medical research? Why? B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 1- In the passage, some people support using animal in research because they think that …. a- The life of people is more important than the life of animals. b- Animals are harmful creatures. c- Many people do not like animals. d- Animals do not suffer during experiments. 2- The idea against using animals in research is that … a- The life of animals is more important than the life of humans. b- People should help increase the number of animals. c- Researchers have to use animals in their medical research. d- Animals have the same rights as humans do. 3- An appropriate title for the passage would be … a- Scientific Research. b- Research Laboratories. c- Animal Rights. d- Human Rights. D – The Reader E- Writing 8) Read the following letter and reply to it: Your name is Ashraf and you live at 9 Abbas ElAkkad street, Nasr city, Cairo. Dear Ashraf, I have decided to visit Egypt next January. Ill tell you about the date,the time and the flight number in the next letter. Please tell me how tours around Cairo and Luxor are arranged. Id like to know what the weather is like in Egypt at this time of the year. Ill be waiting for your reply soon. Yours, John Smith Write a paragraph of seven lines about: للفائقين Tourism F- Translation A- Translate into Arabic: Young men, nowadays, dont know how to spend their leisure time profitably. They often waste their time keeping company with bad people who spoil their character. They sometimes fall into bad habits which may ruin their health and make them lead a miserable life. B- Translate into English: 1الأمـانـة والإخـلاص يمثـلان أجمـل الأشيـاء فـي العـلاقـات الإنسـانيـة.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 19:20:54 +0000

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