اَلفَصْل الرَّابِعُ فِى - TopicsExpress


اَلفَصْل الرَّابِعُ فِى مولِدِالنَّبِىِّ صلى الله عليه و آله وسلّم Chapter Four REARDING THE BIRTH OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD صلى الله عليه و آله وسلّم Introduction: This Chapter contains 13 stanzas. In this part is the mention of blessed birth of Prophet صلى الله عليه و آله وسلّم and related miracles and events that coincided with the ‘auspicious arrival’. These include the destructive ruptures in world powers’ castles and their arches (ultimate conquest of Persia and Rome), Magian’s longstanding fire put off, drying up of Savah lake, lights appearing over the Ka’aba and on Makkah skies, fall of idols in the Holy Sanctuary of Makkah and forecasts by astrologers and omen-drawers,. In short, the new beginning of a period of reform through revelation began, resulting in the flight of Satanic perversions and practices. اَبَانَ مَولِدُهُ عَنْ طِيبِ عُنصُرِهِ يَا طِيبَ مُبْتَدَأٍ مِنْهُ وَمُخْتَتَمِ 60. His birth was, his impeccable roots’ manifestation What an immaculate beginning, what a culmination Glossary: 1) Abaana أَبانَ : to show, manifest, expose, reveal, bring to light 2) Teebطِيبِ : impeccable (no faults, mistakes), immaculate (clean, tidy) 3) Unsaru عُنْصَرُ : roots, race, stock, descent 4) Mubtada’in مُبتَدَأٍ : beginning, origin, start (period of birth) 5) Mukhtatamee مُخْتَتَمِ : end, culmination (period of demise, departure) Explanatory Notes: His birth was accompanied by miraculous events which indicated how noble his family was and how original his roots are. What a blessed occasion was the point of his arrival in this world (as a light to efface darkness) and what an equally blessed was the juncture of his departure when light of guidance had spread towards all directions, he having completed his divine mission. ________________________________________________ Spiritual Context: Some strange events that accompanied Prophet صلى الله عليه و آله وسلّم ’s birth (Monday, 12 Rabi-ul Awwal, the year being 570 A.D.) were; i) His blessed mother Sayyidah A’aminah رضي الله تعالى عنها saw a light exposing far off castles of Syria and a perfumed ambience due to presence of angels; ii) his umbilical chord was already self-detached and body well-showered; iii) he prostrated before his Lord immediately after birth; iv) whole house got illuminated; v) his paternal aunt Safia رضي الله تعالى عنها saw the sign of Prophethood between the two shoulders on the newborn’s back, a circle-shaped seal; vi) a long standing famine prevalent in Makkah in those days gave way to immense prosperity and green foliage. Likewise, on the occasion of his demise (again Monday, 12 Rabi-ul Awwal 11 A.H. corresponding to 632 A.D.), there were no signs of death in he breathed his last, his body was fully fragrant and an illumination radiated from his smiling countenance. When they intended to put shirt off the body, a hidden voice came, stopping them to do so hence the showers were poured while he had his shirt on. His blessed body was lowered in the earth in the quarters of A’isha Siddiqa رضى الله تعالى عنها - the same premises where he departed to meet the Lord- الرَّفِيقِ الأعلى يَومٌ تَفَرَّسَ فِيهِ الفُرْسُ أَنَّهُم قَدْ اُنْذِرُوا بِحُلُولِ ِالبُؤْسِ وَالنِّقَمِ 61. A day when Persians realized well by their acumen They ‘d to be terrified by sufferings and indignation Glossary: 1) Tafarrasa تَفَرَّسَ : from فراسة) acumen, vision, discernment, realization 2) Furus فُرُسُ : Persians (Iran’s old name فارس or Persia) 3) Unziroo أُنذِرُو : from إنذار) become frightened, warned, alarmed 4) Hulool حُلُول : arrival, advent, staying, putting up 5) Bu’oos بُؤُسُ: from بَأس dread, terror, also means suffering, pain, hardships 6) Niqamee نِقَمِ : plural of نِقمة) wrath, revenge, indignation Explanatory Notes: His birth day is a day when Persians, by their wisdom, came to know that their time was up. For them, the days of indignation and hardships were approaching. ________________________________________________ Spiritual Context: On the morning of Prophet صلى الله عليه و آله وسلّم’s blessed birth, the Sassanid King of Persia had a horrifying dream. Next day, he called his astrologers. He asked its interpretation without being able to narrate the dream. One of the King’s closest astrologer Abdul Masih left for Bahrain to seek its interpretation from the renowned astrologer Sateeh. Sateeh said the dream meant that Arabian horses will fill the land of Sassanid Kingdom, Iraqi camels will be driving and cities will gradually bee snatched by his companions whose birth coincides with this dream. And so it actually happened in the years to come. Sassanid people had later killed the Bahraini chief astrologer Sateeh after hearing his interpretations. وَبَاتَ إِيوَانُ كِسرَى وَ هُوَ مُنْصَدِعٌ كَشَمْلِ اَصْحَابِ كِسْرَى غَيرَ مُلْتَئِمِ 62. As night traveled in Khosro’s court, it was broken Like the troops of Khosro who went in dispersion Glossary: 1) Baata بَاتَ : night passed 2) Kisra كِسرَى : equivalent of Persian word خسرو – title of Sassanid Persian kings (Here it refers to Anushervan who ruled Persia at the time of Prophet صلى الله عليه و آله وسلّم’s birth.) 3) Munsadi’un مُنصَدِعٌ : from اِنصداع ) break, cleave, crack, split, fissure 4) Shaml شَملِ : unity, assembly, protectors 5) Multa’im مُلْتَئِم : convened, assembled Explanatory Notes: On the night of his (Prophet’s) birth, there appeared cracks and fissures in the structures of solid palace of Persian Khosro (Anushervan). (Subsequently), another Persian Khusro (Yazd Jard)’s troops were also defeated years later and they got dispersed (by Arab armies during the reign of Hazrat Umar رضي الله تعالى عنه) ________________________________________________ Spiritual Context: On the eve of Prophet صلى الله عليه و آله وسلّم ’s birth, Persia was the largest empire followed by Roman empire on the globe. Yemen’s ruler, called Tubba, was under the Persian suzerainty. Egypt had Pharaohs as rulers while Turkey was ruled by Khaqans. Negus (Najashi) ruled the Abyssinia. On blessed مولدالنبىّ night , Persian King’s palace lost 14 of its 22 arches. The remaining 8 were badly damaged indicating the number of remaining 8 kings before the fall which then occurred during the rein of Hazrat Umar رضي الله تعالى عنه. (The translator himself saw the cleavage of the palace in the remnants near the present Iraqi town of Mada’in during his visit to Iraq in 2000). The last King Yazd Jard, son of Shahr yar sent an army of 2,00,000 under Rustam bin Farrukhzad which lost before Sa’d bin Abi Waqqas at the famous Qadissiyah battle in Iraq. Persian army lost thousands of troops and rest were dispersed and fled as referred in line two of this stanza. وَالنَّارُ خَامِدَةُالأنفاسِ مِن اَسَفٍ عَلَيهِ وَالنَّهْرُ سَاهى العَينِ مِن سَدَمِ 63. Feeling sorry, flames of the raging fire died down And the flowing river stopped at source from pain Glossary: 1) Khamida خَامِدَة : go out, die down, extinguish 2) Anfaas اَنفاس : plural of نفس or breath (here its sense is ‘rising flames’) 3) Saahee سَاهِى : stop from flowing 4) Aen عَينِ : eye, flow, spring 5) Sadam سَدَمِ : grief Explanatory Notes: The Magian’s temple which had a longstanding high fire raging all the time got extinguished the night the blessed birth took place. Even the Euphrates stopped flowing its course at its source in sheer grief. ________________________________________________ Spiritual Context: The 14,000-year old Magians’ fire which had never been put off and never its intensity let down suddenly went out on the night of the blessed birth of Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه و آله وسلّم . Likewise, Euphrates river which crosses by the town of Kufa in Iraq and around which Anushervan had built bridges and temples, lost its course and place of source resulting in destruction of palace-structures. يا رسول الله!مطيعت منتظر بر راه تو وَ سَآءَ سَاوَةَ اَنْ غَاضَتْ بُحَيرَتُهَا وَرُدَّ وَارِدُهَا بِالغَيظِ حِينَ ظَمِ 64. Savah citizens got grieved, their river in recession Turned back angry, every approaching thirsty one Glossary: 1) Saa’a سَآءَ : saddened, annoyed, grieved, offended 2) Savah سَاوه : an old river that flew between Hamdan and Ray (Iranian cities) surrounded by pantheist temples. Many boats traversed it taking people to Ray (now a suburb of Iranian capital Tehran) and Azra’at. Given its sweet waters, Magians used to treat it with adoration. The blessed مولد also affected this river which was an attraction for polytheists. Thus, it dried up. Its remnants can still be seen. 3) Ghadat غَاضَت : to decrease, diminish, recede 4) Buhairah بُحَيرَة : lake, small river 5) Rudda رُدَّ : was turned away, sent back 6) Waarid وارِد : the one entering, approaching, accessing (the river) 7) Ghaiz غَيظِ : anger, resentment, fury 8) Zamee ظَمِ : to feel thirst, be thirsty Explanatory Notes: The inhabitants of Savah town were saddened by sudden drying up of their river (Savah) with which they had navigational interests. Also its sweet waters and location had an aura of worship status. Those who came to quench their thirst found that its waters had, all of a sudden, receded on the eve of Prophet صلى الله عليه و آله وسلّم ‘s birth. This made them angry and they turned back without satiating their thirst. كَاَنَّ بِالنَّارِ مَا بِالمَآءِ مِنْ بَلَلٍ حُزْنًا وَبِالمَآءِمَا بِالنَّارِ مِن ضَرَمِ 65. As if the (Magian’s) fire, by watering did moisten In grief, Savah waters got from fire inflammation Glossary: 1) Ka, anna كَاَنَّ : as if, it so happened 2) Balalinبَلَلٍ : (from بَلَّلَ to moisten, bedew, wet) humidity, moisture, dampness 3) Daramee ضَرَمِ : (from إضطرم) to burn, flare, flame, blaze Explanatory Notes: The Magian’s longstanding, raging fire had died down because it had attained the humidity of water in a state of grief. Likewise, Savah river went dry in the heat of intense burning as if it had been inflamed by a fire which consumed its waters. ________________________________________________ Spiritual Context: Some scholars explain that the first one to worship fire was Qabeel, son of Adam who had killed his innocent brother Habeel on the issue of his desire to marry his twin sister. Adam and Eve عليهما السّلام – the great grandfather and great grandmother of the human race had got a cycle of twin-children births in each pregnancy; a son and a daughter in each turn. The daughter of one cycle of delivery was then married to the son of the next cycle and vice-versa. Qabeel violated this method and forcibly married with his twin sister. As regards fire-worship, he was told by the ill-advising Satan that the sacrifice of animal that Habeel- his brother had presented and the fire had engulfed (acceptance by the Lord) was because Habeel used to worship fire. This was an utter lie on the part of Satan. Thus, Qabeel accepted the Satan’s lie and started worshipping fire which ultimately came down through centuries among the Magians. Grief affects men in two ways; either one starts weeping which cools down the heat of grief or one gets intense chest burning which aggravates with the passage of time. The same happened with both; Magians’ longstanding fire and the Savah river, one dampened down in grief, the other got consumed through burning in grief. وَالجِنُّ تَهْتِفُ وَالأنوَارُ سَاطِعَةٌ وَالحَقُّ يَظْهَرُ مِن مَّعنًى وَمِنْ كَلِمِ 66. Jinn’s greeting voices (in hiding), lights in diffusion Truth appeared through signs and in conversation Glossary: 1) Tahtifu تَهْتِفُ : from هتف , a shout or loud voice whose source is invisible (هاتف is such an speaker) 2) Sati’atun سَاطِعَةٌ : from سُطُوعُ radiance, diffusion, emanation (also means shine, illumination) 3) Ma’nan مَعْنًى : signs (here it refers to special events and miracles that appeared on the eve of Prophet صلى الله عليه و آله وسلّم’s birth 4) Kalameeكَلَمِ : from كلمه) sayings (spread among jinn), greetings Explanatory Notes: Lights had spread all around and Jinns started greeting one another on the blessed birth of the Prophet صلى الله عليه و آله وسلّم. So the truth had at last appeared in the wilderness of dark, by these signs and greeting sounds. ________________________________________________ Spiritual Context: Jinns are also a creation like mankind but made from fire essence. They can take forms which can fly in the air, take animal shapes or even ambulate like human beings. Like men, they also have good and evil type, belonging to various faiths. مواهب لدنيه author says that at the time of blessed birth of Prophet صلى الله عليه و آله وسلّم , eastern and western Jinns had exchanged greetings on the blessed arrival of a Prophet. عَمُو وَ صَمُّوا فَإِعِلانُ البَشآئِرِ لَمْ تُسْمَع وَبَرِقَةُالإِنذارِ لَمْ تُشَمِ 67. Stayed blind and deaf at good news, its declaration Heard not, nor alarm of lightning they could reckon Glossary: 1) Ammu Wa Sammu عَمُو وَ صَمُّو: blind and deaf (fromعمى & صمّ ( 2) Bashair بَشآئِر : plural of بشارة/بشرى) good news, glad tidings 3) Bariqa بارقة : from برق) lightning 4) Inzaar إِنذار : to warn, admonish, frighten, terrify 5) Tushamee تُشَمِ : from تَشَمَّمَ ) to search for, seek, gather Explanatory Notes: Those who denied accepting the new faith by sheer ignorance, they had actually turned blind and deaf to these clear signs (in both categories, auspicious ones such as lights, vegetation, foliage etc and pensive ones such as drying up of river, cleaves in empires’ castles etc). These signs had appeared on the occasion of the blessed birth of Prophet صلى الله عليه و آله وسلّم. The impending divine curse was also not comprehended by these arrogant, ignorant ones. ________________________________________________ Spiritual Context: Quran says; صُمٌّ بُكمُ عُمىٌ فَهُم لا يَرجِعُونَ (Surah Baqarah 2, Verse 18 & 171 also)Translation: They are deaf, dumb and blind, they will not return (to the path). Another place, it says; لَهُم قُلوبٌ لا يَفقَهُونَ بِها وَلَهُم أعيُنٌ لآّ يُبصِرُونَ بِها وَلَهُم آذانٌ لاّيَسمَعُونَ بِها (Surah Aa’raaf 7, Verse 179) Translation: They have hearts wherewith they understand not, eyes wherewith they see not and ears wherewith they hear not. مِن بَعْدِ مَا أَخبَرَالآقْوَامَ كَاهِنُهُم بِأَنَّ دِينَهُمُ المُعَوَّجَ لَم يَقُمِ 68. Specially when priests had given ‘em information That their faith wouldn’t stand, being in distortion Glossary: 1) Kaahin كَاهِن : priest, parson, clergyman 2) Mu’awwaj مُعَوَّج : twisted, distorted 3) Lam Yaqum لَم يَقُمِ : not last long, be durable Explanatory Notes: What is worth astonishment is that they fell blind and deaf to these clear signs even after the fact that their Kahins (clergymen) had forecast that their kind of faith was a distorted version of religion and that (with the arrival of true religion) their order will not hold good or last long. ________________________________________________ Spiritual Context: Many tribal Kahins had foretold about the arrival of an impending Prophet. On the night of blessed birth, a Jewish priest asked; “O people of Makkah! has tonight been the birth of some child in Makkah?” When people informed him that Abdul Muttalib had had a grandson, he came to see the newborn and after seeing the seal of Prophethood between the two shoulders of the blessed baby, he fainted. Later he said; ‘By God! this child will impact and impress the whole world. His news will soon travel from the east to the west.’ وَبَعدَ مَا عَا يَنُو في الأُفُقِ مِن شُهُبٍ مُنقَضَّةٍ وَفقَ مَا فِي الأرضِ مِن صَنَمِ 69. They noticed that shooting stars of the horizon Fell down, as did fall earthly idols in prostration Glossary: 1) A’ayanoo عَا يَنُو : (رَآهُ بِعَينِهِ) to view, eye, see with one’s own eyes 2) Ufaq اُفَق : horizon 3) Shuhubin شُهُبٍ : plural of شهاب ) sparks from shooting stars 4) Munqaddatin مُنقَضَّةٍ : (from إِنقَضَ) to swoop down, pounce down 5) Wafaq وَفْقَ : corresponding to, as was the case with Explanatory Notes: Then those disbelievers also saw that shooting stars in the skies had fallen down from the above as was the case of bowing down of idols on earth, on the blessed occasion of the arrival of Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه و آله وسلّم into this world. ________________________________________________ Spiritual Context: As reported by Allama Kharpoti رحمةالله عليه, some devils (satans) used to eavesdrop and circulate the heavenly news (or divine commands) that traveled to the earthly layer of sky by angels. They transmitted such news to priests/astrologers. At times, they even admixed these things with exaggerations. On the eve of the blessed birth, this route was closed down. Quran says; وَجَعَلنَاها رُجُومً لِّلشّيَاطِين (Surah Mulk 67, Verse 5) Translation: And We have made such (lamps) (as) missiles to drive away the evil ones. Likewise, on the blessed birth of Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه و آله وسلّم, idols in sanctuaries fell by their necks. In the words of Prophet صلى الله عليه و آله وسلّم’s grandfather Abdul Muttalib; ترى مولود اضائت بنوره – جميع فجاجةالأرض من شرق و من غرب وخرت له الأوثان طرر وار عدت – قلوب ملوك ا لأرض جمعًا من الرعب Translation: You saw a newborn whose light illuminates all corners of the east and west, all earthly idols are down, worldly kings shiver by his awe. Sawad bin Qarib رضي الله تعالى عنه was an astrologer. His Jinn told him that henceforth he won’t be able to bring heavenly news as shooting stars had fallen upon him and his ilk. Sawad was advised by his Jinns to quit. At last, he got disappointed in his endeavours and realized the truth had arrived, so he came to Makkah and embraced Islam in the court of the Prophet صلى الله عليه و آله وسلّم. حَتَّى غَدَا عَن طَرِيقِ الْوَحْىِ مُنْهَزِمٌ مِنَ الشَّيَاطِينِ يَقفوا إثرَ مُنْهَزِمِ 70. Until from revelation path, like fugitives they ran Satans fled one by one, leaving foot impression Glossary: 1) Ghada غَدَا : they became 2) Munhazimun مُنهَزِمٌ : from إنهزام ) a runner, fugitive 3) Yaqifoo يَقِفُو : to follow, into the footsteps 4) Ithra إثرَ : rear, behind, foot impression Explanatory Notes: Shooting stars led to such a panic that) the satans and Jinns started fleeing from the heavenly path of revelation in a succession, leaving behind their visible foot impression. ________________________________________________ Spiritual Context: As explained in the previous stanza, these eavesdropping satans were sealed in their ill activities by a constant rain of shooting stars, thus turning them back to the earth where they fell upon one another. As Shah Abdul Aziz Dahlavi رحمةالله عليه puts it; this shooting star شهاب ثاقب is something which kills any Satan to whom it strikes. Those who escape death, become lunatics. كَأنَّهُم هَرَبًا أبطالُ أبْرَهَةٍ أو عَسكَرٌ بِالحُصَى مِن رأحَتَيهِ رُمِ 71. Their fleeing- as fled Abraha’s many a champion Or troops on whom two palms cast many a stone Glossary: 1) Haraban هَرَبًا : running away, fleeing 2) Abtaal أبْطالُ : plural of بطل ) champions, heroes, warriors 3) Abraha أبْرَهَة : Arrogant Yemenite King أبرهةالأشرم (he hailed from Abyssinia) who attacked Makkah sanctuary 40 days before the birth of Prophet صلى الله عليه و آله وسلّم in 570 A.D. but his troops were defeated by stoning at the hands of heavenly birds referred in the Holy Quran as أبابيل. 4) Husaa حُصَى : plural of حصاة) small stones, pebbles 5) Rahataih رَاحَتَيهِ : singular; راحة means palm) two hand palms 6) Rumee رُمِ : thrown at, cast Explanatory Notes: Those satans/Jinns fled. Their fleeing was like flight of so-called ‘champions’ of Abraha who had attempted an attack on Ka’aba in 570 A.D. with their army of elephants (عام الفيل – the year of the elephant). Another parable is from the Prophet’s battles (Badr as well as Hunain) when he had thrown his two handfuls of sand in the face of enemy troops which blinded them, they got panicked which resulted in their defeat. ________________________________________________ Spiritual Context: Quran refers to the incident of Abyssinian ruler Abraha’s attempt of assault on Makkah Sanctuary in 570 A.D. in Surah فيل . About the battle of Hunain, Quran says; وَمَا رَمَيتَ إذ رمَيتَ وَلاكِنّ َاللهَ رَمَى (Surah Anfaal 8, Verse 17) Translation: When thou threwest (a handful) of dust) it was not thy act but God’s. Abraha’s captain Aswad bin Maqsood had seized Abdul Muttalib’s 200 camels which the later got back. Abdul Muttalib then told Abraha that “Ka’aba is the House of Lord and He himself will protect His House.” Back to Makkah, Abdul Muttalib advised inhabitants to seek refuge in the nearby mountains. Before retiring to suburbs, he himself approached Ka’aba, got hold of Sanctuary’s gate and uttered the following: يا رب لا أرجو لهم سواكا – يا رب فأمنع منهم حماكا – ان عدوالبيت من عاداكا – امنعهم ليخربوا فناكا Translation: O God! save You I see no hope to beat Your enemies, stop them in their folly, enemy of Your House is Your enemy, hold them back from destroying/damaging it. Eventually the pebbles by heavenly birds أبابيل destroyed the invaders’ army. Abraha too died of his wounds in San’a a few days later. نَبَذًا بِهِ بَعْدَ تَسْبِيحٍ بِبَطْنِهِمَا نَبَذَالمُسَبِّحِ مِن أحشآءِ مُلْتَقِمِ 72. Stones cast from twin belly after God’s glorification As did morsel-making intestines, Jonah’s expulsion Glossary: 1) Nabaza نَبَذَا : throw, cast, pour out 2) Batn بَطن : belly, stomach (here refers to two hand palms) 3) Musabbih مُسَبِّحِ : Prophet Jonah – Younus عليه السّلام) 4) Ahsha’i أحشآءِ : plural of حشا) intestines 5) Multaqimee مُلتَقِمِ : one which eats in morsels (here it refers to fish that had swallowed Prophet Jonah) Explanatory Notes: The sand or stones that were thrown by Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه و آله وسلّم at his enemies were thrown out from his two hand palms after having been read verses thereupon, glorifying God. They acted the way the engulfing fish had vomited out from her belly the Prophet Younus عليه السّلام (Jonah) whom it had swallowed. ________________________________________________ Spiritual Context: Prophet Younis عليه السّلام had recited Quranic verse to get rid of his strange imprisonment; لاإلاه إلاّ أنت سبحانك إنى كنتُ مِن الظَّالِمِينَ
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 21:23:57 +0000

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