حیوانات در اصطلاحات - TopicsExpress


حیوانات در اصطلاحات انگلیسی اصطلاحات انگلیسی | حیوانات در اصطلاحات انگلیسی فهرستی از اصطلاحات انگلیسی که در آنها از نام حیوانات استفاده شده به همراه معنی و مثال برای آنها را می توانید در این مطلب ببینید. act like an ape مثل میمون رفتار کردن (بد و احمقانه رفتار کردن) MEANING: behave badly, wildly, foolishly EXAMPLE: He has been acting like an ape ever since his girlfriend left him. bark up the wrong tree به درخت اشتباهی پارس کردن (کار اشتباه کردن) MEANING: choose the wrong course of action EXAMPLE: He is barking up the wrong tree. He accuses me of causing the computer problem but I was away at the time. Her bark is worse than her bite پارس کردنش از گاز گرفتنش بدتر است (زبانش نیش دارد، گفتارش تلخ است) MEANING: someone’s words are worse than their action EXAMPLE: You shouldn’t worry about her. Her bark is worse than her bite and she is really a very nice person. bet on the wrong horse روی اسب اشتباه شرط بندی کردن (پیش بینی نادرست از آینده) MEANING: misread the future EXAMPLE:He is betting on the wrong horse if he keeps supporting the other city in their bid for the games. bull in a china shop گاو در مغازه چینی (آدمی که با جمع جور نیست، وصله ناجور برای جمع) MEANING: a person with no tact who upsets others or upsets plans EXAMPLE: He is like a bull in a china shop so you should be careful if you invite him to your house for the weekend. cash cow گاو نقدی (راه درست پول درآوردن) MEANING: a good way to make money EXAMPLE: The new business is a great cash cow. We are making a lot of money now. cat get one’s tongue گربه زبانش را خورده (خجالتی و کم حرف است) MEANING: can’t speak because of shyness EXAMPLE: The cat must have got her tongue. She did not saying anything at all. cat nap چرت گربه ای (قیلوله) MEANING: a short sleep taken during the day EXAMPLE: I had a cat nap during the afternoon so I would feel refreshed in the evening. change horses in midstream وسط راه اسب عوض کردن (تغییر تصمیم در میانه راه) MEANING: make new plans or choose a new leader in the middle of an important activity EXAMPLE: They have decided to change lawyers but I told them that they shouldn’t change horses in midstream. copycat تقلیدکار (کسی که کار دیگران را تقلید می کند) MEANING: someone who copies another person’s work etc. EXAMPLE: He is a copycat according to the other students in the class. cry wolf گریه یا زوزه گرگ (اعلام خطر اشتباهی، پیش بینی نادرست خطر) MEANING: give a false alarm; warn of a danger that is not there. EXAMPLE: He is crying wolf. There is no real danger or worry about the electrical system causing a fire. curiosity killed the cat فضولی گربه رو کشت (فضول رو بردن جهنم) MEANING: being too nosy may lead a person into trouble EXAMPLE: You shouldn’t worry about what he is doing. Remember curiosity killed the cat. dark horse اسب تیره (کاندیدایی که کمتر برای مردم شناخته شده است) MEANING: a candidate little known to the general public EXAMPLE: He was a dark horse in the race to be President until he gave some good speeches on TV. dog-eat-dog آمادۀ مجادله برای رسیدن به اهداف (کسی که برای رسیدن به هدف همه را می آزارد) MEANING: ready or willing to fight and hurt others to get what one wants EXAMPLE: It is a dog-eat-dog world outside the father said to his young son. donkey’s years سال های خری (مدت زمان طولانی) MEANING: a very long time EXAMPLE: I talked to my friend for a long time because I hadn’t seen her in donkey’s years. dumb bunny خرگوش احمق (آدم نفهم و خنگ) MEANING: stupid or gullible person EXAMPLE: He really is a dumb bunny. I can’t believe that he can do such stupid things. eager beaver سگ آبی مشتاق (آدمی که همیشه برای کار اضافه اشتیاق نشان می دهد) MEANING: a person who is always eager to work or do something extra EXAMPLE: She is a real eager beaver and I am sure she will do very well in this company. eat like a horse مثل اسب خوردن (در فارسی: مثل گاو خوردن، کنایه از کسی که زیاد می خورد) MEANING: eat a lot EXAMPLE: Her brother who is 18 years old eats like a horse. every dog has his day هر سگی نوبت خود را دارد (در فارسی: آسیاب به نوبت) MEANING: everyone will have his chance or turn; everyone will get what he deserves EXAMPLE: Don’t worry about him. Every dog has his day and he will eventually suffer for all the bad things that he is doing. fraidy-cat گربه جمعه (آدم ترسو و بزدل- در فارسی: جوجه) MEANING: someone who is easily frightened EXAMPLE: The little boy called his friend a fraidy-cat because he wouldn’t climb the tree. get on one’s high horse روی اسب نشستن (مغرورانه رفتار کردن) MEANING: behave with arrogance EXAMPLE: She is always getting on her high horse and telling people what to do. get off one’s high horse از اسب به زیر آمدن ( تواضع و خشوع داشتن) MEANING: begin to be humble and agreeable EXAMPLE: I wish that she would get off her high horse and begin to think about how other people feel about things. go ape میمون شدن (عصبی یا هیجان زده شدن) MEANING: become highly excited or angry EXAMPLE: He will go ape if he sees that you have not finished the work that was due today. go whole hog یک گراز کامل (کسی که کار را به آخر می رساند) MEANING: do something completely or thoroughly EXAMPLE: They went whole hog in their effort to make sure that the convention was a success. hit the bulls-eye شلیک به چشم گاو (درست وسط هدف زدن) MEANING: reach the main point EXAMPLE: I think that he really hit the bulls-eye when he talked about the problems with the regular staff. hold one’s horses اسب خود را نگه داشتن (صبر و تحمل کردن) MEANING: wait, be patient EXAMPLE: Hold your horses for a moment while I make a phone call. holy cow گاو مقدس (اصطلاحی برای نشان دادن ترس یا تعجب، مثل زمانی که در فارسی می گوییم یا خدا) MEANING: used to express strong feelings like astonishment, pleasure or anger EXAMPLE: Holy cow he said as he saw the car that had hit the street lamp. horse around اسب دوانی (سر و صدا به راه انداختن و شلوغ کردن) MEANING: rough or noisy play EXAMPLE: The teacher told the children to stop horsing around and get ready for class. horse of a different colour اسبی از رنگ متفاوت (مسئله ای کاملاً متفاوت و بی ربط) MEANING: something totally separate and different EXAMPLE: Moving to a new location is a horse of a different colour. It was never mentioned in any of our meetings. horse trade تجارت اسب (چانه زنی و دندان گردی در خرید) MEANING: hard and skilful bargaining EXAMPLE: We had to do a little horse trading but finally we reached a deal to buy the new house. in the doghouse در سگدانی (در شرایط سخت و دشوار) MEANING: in disgrace or disfavour EXAMPLE: He is in the doghouse with his wife because he went out drinking three times last week. kangaroo court دادگاه کانگوروها (دادگاه محلی، هیئت داوری خصوصی) MEANING: a self-appointed group that decides what to do to someone who is supposed to have done wrong. EXAMPLE: It was decided in a kangaroo court that he would have to pay for the damage that he had caused to the school building. lead a dog’s life زندگی سگی داشتن (کنایه از کار سخت و زندگی بد) MEANING: work hard and be treated unkindly EXAMPLE: He is leading a dog’s life since he married the woman who everyone told him not to. let sleeping dogs lie سگ ها رو بیدار نکن (با دم شیر بازی نکن) MEANING: don’t make trouble if you don’t have to EXAMPLE: You should let sleeping dogs lie and not ask him any questions about the argument. let the cat out of the bag گربه رو از ساک بیرون بیار (رازت رو برملا کن) MEANING: tell something that is supposed to be a secret EXAMPLE: She let the cat out of the bag when she began talking about the plans for the new department. live high on the hog مثل گراز زندگی کردن (بهترین ها را داشتن) MEANING: have the best of everything EXAMPLE: He has been living high on the hog since he changed jobs and moved to Texas. lock the barn door after the horse is gone بعد رفتن اسب، در طویله راقفل کردن (بعد از اینکه چیزی از دست رفت، تازه به فکر جلوگیری افتادن) MEANING: be careful or try to make something certain after it is too late EXAMPLE: Now he wants to try and fix his house but it is like locking the barn door after the horse is gone. There was already a flood and the damage is done. look like the cat that swallowed the canary مثل گربه ای که قناری را قورت داده (احساس رضایت از خود، حس موفقیت و غرور) MEANING: look very self-satisfied, look as if one just had a great success EXAMPLE: You look like the cat that swallowed the canary. What happened? make a mountain out of a molehill کوه ساختن از تپه موش کور (در فارسی: از کاه کوه ساختن) MEANING: make something that is unimportant seem important EXAMPLE: You are making a mountain out of a molehill with your going on and on about his mistake. monkey business تجارت میمونی (تقلب و کار غیر اخلاقی) MEANING: unethical or bad activity, mischief EXAMPLE: He should stop that monkey business and try to do the job the correct way. piggyback خوک سواری (در فارسی: سواری گرفتن از کسی) MEANING: sitting or being carried on someone’s back and shoulders EXAMPLE: The boy was riding piggyback on his father’s shoulders. piggy bank قلک خوکی (کنایه از بانک کوچک یا یک پس انداز کوچک) MEANING: a small bank (sometimes in the shape of a pig) for saving money EXAMPLE: He has been putting money into his piggy bank to save for a bicycle. play cat and mouse with someone موش و گربه بازی درآوردن با کسی (آزار دادن یا مسخره کردن کسی) MEANING: tease or fool someone EXAMPLE: He is playing a cat and mouse game with his company about his plans to quit or not. put the cart before the horse گاری را جلوی اسب بستن (به جای پشت اسب)، انجام کاری به شکل اشتباه MEANING: do things in the wrong order EXAMPLE: I think that buying a ticket before we make any plans is putting the cart before the horse. rain cats and dogs از آسمان سگ و گربه می آید (در فارسی: از آسمان سیل می آید) MEANING: rain very hard EXAMPLE: It has been raining cats and dogs all day. rat out on از لانه موش بیرون کردن کسی (ترک کردن یا خیانت به کسی) MEANING: desert or betray someone EXAMPLE: He ratted out on his friends and now they won’t talk to him. rat race مسابقه موشی (سردرگم و بی هدف به این طرف و آن طرف دویدن- در فرسی: مثل مرغ سر کنده) MEANING: rushing around, confusing way of living that does not seem to have a purpose EXAMPLE: He is tired of living in the rat race every day and plans to quit his job soon and do something else. road hog مثل گراز در جاده (کنایه از راننده ای که در بین خطوط حرک نکرده و به لاین مجاور تعرض می کند) MEANING: car driver who takes more than his share of the road EXAMPLE: The person in front of me on the highway was a road hog but I tried not to get angry. sacred cow گاو مقدس (برنامه یا چیزی که هرگز تغییر نمی کند) MEANING: a person or thing that is never criticized or changed even if it should be EXAMPLE: The school lunch program is a sacred cow which they will never change. scaredy-cat گربه ترسو (بزدل - در فارسی: جوجه) MEANING: someone who is easily frightened EXAMPLE: The children were calling their friend a scaredy-cat because she wouldn’t go into the empty house. smell a rat موش را بو کشیدن (مشکوک بودن) MEANING: be suspicious, feel that something is wrong EXAMPLE: I smell a rat. There is something wrong with his relationship to the bankers. straight from the horse’s mouth صاف از دهان اسب بیرون کشیدن (از خود طرف شنیدن) MEANING: directly from the person or place where something began EXAMPLE: I heard straight from the horse’s mouth that she will be leaving the company next week. straw that breaks the camel’s back باری که کمر شتر را شکست (در فارسی: تیر خلاص) MEANING: a small trouble which follows other troubles and makes one become angry or do something EXAMPLE: Her accusing me of not working hard enough was the straw that broke the camel’s back so I finally asked for a transfer to another section of the company. tail between one’s legs دم داشتن لای پا (احساس شرم و ترس) MEANING: feel beaten, ashamed (after a scolding etc.) EXAMPLE: He left the meeting with his tail between his legs after he was criticized by the president. take the bull by the horns گاو را با شاخ گرفتن (در فارسی: لقمه را دور سر گرداندن) MEANING: take decisive action and not worry about the results EXAMPLE: My aunt decided to take the bull by the horns and begin preparations for the family reunion. talk until the cows come home انقدر حرف بزن تا گاو به خانه برگردد (کنایه از آدم پرحرف) MEANING: talk for a long time EXAMPLE: We can talk until the cows come home this weekend at the lake. throw someone to the wolves خود را به میان گرگ ها انداختن (به قلب خطر زدن، به دردسر انداختن خود) MEANING: send someone into danger without protection EXAMPLE: He decided to throw his co-worker to the wolves when he asked him to go and see the other company. turn tail دم چرخاندن (از خطر یا دردسر گریختن) MEANING: run away from trouble or danger EXAMPLE:We decided to turn tail and leave the pub before there was a fight. wildcat strike اعتصاب گربه خشمگین (کنایه از اعتصابات ناگهانی کارگری) MEANING: a strike spontaneously arranged by a group of workers EXAMPLE: There was a wildcat strike at the factory and over 100 people walked off the job. wolf in sheep’s clothing گرگ در لباس گوسفند (فریفتن، تظاهر به خوبی در عین بدی، ریا) MEANING: a person who pretends to be good but really is bad EXAMPLE: Be careful of that man. He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 13:01:02 +0000

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