رسالتي الى عضو البرلمان البريطاني - TopicsExpress


رسالتي الى عضو البرلمان البريطاني في منطقتي ميري مكليد لحثها للتصويت للاعتراف بفلسطين من خلال التصويت الجاري في البرلمان البريطاني يوم 13/10/2014. معقولة من كايد غيطة مشكور. This is my letter to my local MP Mary McLeod urging her to vote to recognise Palestine on the 13th of October 2014. Dear Mary Macleod, British Member of Parliament. Minister of Justice in the British Government. My name is Raed Abdeen My address: 35 xxxxxx. As you represent me at the House of Common. I am writing to ask you to Vote - Yes on 13th October 2014 when the issue of whether the UK should recognise Palestine as an independent State for the following reasons: Recognising Palestine is to recognise Palestinian right to self-determination. Palestine has acquired the attributes of a state and is ready for statehood. Its borders are subject to negotiation as are Israels. Israel should have zero right of veto over another peoples right to self-determination. The former British Consul-General in Jerusalem, Sir Vincent Fean, has written a very clear Op-ed in the Daily Telegraph outlining the case for British recognition now. The key points are: 1) Britain has accepted Palestines right to statehood - There is no excuse not to recognise Palestine now. 2) Palestine has all the attributes of a state with functioning institutions worthy of a state. Both the World Bank and the IMF have reported that Palestines institutions are ready. The British government accepted at the time that this was the case. 3) Recognition of Palestine does not prejudice final status negotiations on Jerusalem or the future State borders. 4) Israel should have no right of veto over the right of Palestinians to self-determination: Bilateral recognition of Palestine is something the UK can do bilaterally. Israel has objected to Palestine being recognised as a state. It states that this should be an outcome of negotiations. There are no negotiations and Israel, as the US admitted, was primarily responsible for ending the peace process. Recognising Israel was not subject to negotiation and neither should recognition of Palestine. It is time Israel recognises Palestines right to exist. A growing number of states already bilaterally recognise Palestines statehood. The UK recognising Palestine could give decisive momentum to more EU states following suit. 5) Recognising Palestine would balance recognition of Israel: The UK recognised Israel in 1950. It did not ask Palestinian permission to do so. In 2014, it is time to recognise Palestine without having to ask Israels permission to do so. Palestinians have been denied the rights and freedoms accorded to citizens of a state. For example, they do not have a fully accredited Embassy in the United Kingdom. They do not have passports recognised the world over. This has been the case now for over 60 years. Is the timing appropriate? I believe it is. Israel has failed to offer a viable Palestinian state in negotiations and instead increased the number of settlers to over 550,000. Recognition now would be a clear and legitimate message that Britain and others recognise Palestinian rights and that the illegal settlement enterprise has no validity. Many thanks for taking this opportunity to stand with peoples Human Rights. Many thanks for advocating on behalf of the people that are still waiting for Justice to be delivered. I look forward to hear your views and an indication of your intentions. Yours sincerely, Regards, Raed Abdeen Sent from my iPhone
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 20:38:04 +0000

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