للجالسين خلف الكمبيوترات : هل تعلم - TopicsExpress


للجالسين خلف الكمبيوترات : هل تعلم أن السيناتور الأمريكي جون ماكين ساهم في إيصال صوت الثورة إلى مصنع القرار في أمريكا أكثر من مئة إئتلاف .. هل تعلم أن النظام النصيري دفع 30 مليون دولار لنشر فيديو في الغرب وذلك لإظهار الثوار على أنهم متوحشين وأكلة قلوب .. اخوتي في الله لقد دخلت على صفحات اعضاء الكونغرس الامريكي ووجدت حملة اتهامات وتضليل من قبل شبيحة النصيرية و موالاة النظام تكتب كتعليقات على صفحاتهم تشويها للثورة. اترك لكم هنا رسالة بالانكليزية مع عناوين صفحات أعضاء الكونغرس وما عليكم سوى القص ولصق هذه الرسالة راجين منكم نصرة أهلنا ولو بكلمة ..... الرسالة : For more than two years, the Syrian people has been fighting for its freedom and its dignity. Men, women and children are victims of bullets, torture, bombs, lack of food, lack of medication and now of toxic gaz capable of suppressing thousands of lives at a time. So far, there is more that 100,000 dead, millions of displaced and countless injured. Children represent a large part of the victims. For more than two years, we witness the suffering of the Syrian people. Have you seen these images of people dying in the street, of mutilated children, of young men bleeding to death? Have you seen the panic in children’s eyes and the mothers screaming their despair? Have you seen the bodies, aligned by doze ns? We will keep in our memory these images of horror and also the incapacity of the UN to take its responsibilities and to stop this catastrophe.It is more than time to act عناوين صفحات أعضاء الكونغرس : Bonner, Jo https://facebook/jobonner Roby, Martha https://facebook/Representative.Martha.Roby Rogers (AL), Mike https://facebook/pages/Mike-J-Rogers/168209963203416 Aderholt, Robert https://facebook/RobertAderholt Brooks, Mo https://facebook/.../155220881193244 Bachus, Spencer https://facebook/SpencerBachus Sewell, Terri A. https://facebook/RepSewell Faleomavaega, Eni F. H. https://facebook/.../617466718276952 Kirkpatrick, Ann https://facebook/RepKirkpatrick Barber, Ron https://facebook/RepRonBarber Grijalva, Raul https://facebook/Rep.Grijalva Gosar, Paul A. https://facebook/Gosar4Congress Salmon, Matt https://facebook/salmonforcongress?ref=br_tf Schweikert, David https://facebook/SchweikertForAZ Franks, Trent https://facebook/TrentFranks Sinema, Kyrsten https://facebook/ksinemaaz Crawford, Rick https://facebook/CrawfordforCongress Griffin, Tim https://facebook/RepTimGriffin Womack, Steve https://facebook/RepSteveWomack Cotton, Tom https://facebook/TomCottonAR Huffman, Jared https://facebook/jared.huffman.9 Garamendi, John https://facebook/johngaramendi McClintock, Tom https://facebook/jointom Thompson, Mike https://facebook/wkbt.mike.thompson Matsui, Doris O. https://facebook/doris.matsui Bera, Ami https://facebook/RepAmiBera Cook, Paul https://facebook/RepPaulCook McNerney, Jerry https://facebook/jerrymcnerney Denham, Jeff https://facebook/RepJeffDenham Miller, George https://facebook/repgeorgemiller Pelosi, Nancy https://facebook/NancyPelosi Lee, Barbara https://facebook/RepBarbaraLee Speier, Jackie https://facebook/JackieSpeier?ref=br_tf Swalwell, Eric https://facebook/CongressmanEricSwalwell Honda, Mike https://facebook/RepMikeHonda Eshoo, Anna G. https://facebook/RepAnnaEshoo Lofgren, Zoe Valadao, David https://facebook/CongressmanDavidValadao McCarthy, Kevin https://facebook/CongressmanKevinMcCarthy Capps, Lois https://facebook/loiscapps McKeon, Buck https://facebook/BuckMcKeon Brownley, Julia https://facebook/juliabrownley Chu, Judy https://facebook/RepJudyChu Schiff, Adam https://facebook/RepAdamSchiff Cárdenas, Tony https://facebook/repcardenas Sherman, Brad https://facebook/.../63158229861 Miller, Gary https://facebook/.../163677083743227 Napolitano, Grace https://facebook/RepGraceNapolitano Waxman, Henry https://facebook/henrywaxmanforcongress Becerra, Xavier https://facebook/XavierBecerra Negrete McLeod, Gloria https://facebook/NegreteMcLeod Ruiz, Raul https://facebook/CongressmanRaulRuizMD Bass, Karen https://facebook/RepKarenBass Sanchez, Linda https://facebook/CongresswomanLindaSanchez Royce, Ed https://facebook/edrroyce Roybal-Allard, Lucille https://facebook/RepRoybalAllard Takano, Mark https://facebook/RepMarkTakano?ref=br_tf Waters, Maxine https://facebook/MaxineWaters Hahn, Janice https://facebook/RepJaniceHahn Sanchez, Loretta https://facebook/LorettaSanchez Lowenthal, Alan https://facebook/lowenthalforcongress2012 Rohrabacher, Dana https://facebook/danarohrabacher Issa, Darrell https://facebook/darrellissa Peters, Scott https://facebook/scottpeterssandiego Davis, Susan https://facebook/RepSusanDavis DeGette, Diana https://facebook/DianaDeGette Polis, Jared https://facebook/jaredpolis Tipton, Scott https://facebook/CongressmanScottTipton Gardner, Cory https://facebook/CongressmanGardner Lamborn, Doug https://facebook/CongressmanDougLamborn Coffman, Mike https://facebook/repmikecoffman Perlmutter, Ed https://facebook/RepPerlmutter Larson, John B. https://facebook/RepJohnLarson Himes, Jim https://facebook/CongressmanJimHimes Esty, Elizabeth https://facebook/RepEsty
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 18:57:10 +0000

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