مع انتهاء يوم الأربعاء تم توثيق 100 - TopicsExpress


مع انتهاء يوم الأربعاء تم توثيق 100 شهيد بينهم أربع سيدات، ثلاثة أطفال، وشهيدين تحت التعذيب: ستة وعشرون شهيدا في دمشق وريفها، تسعة شهداء في إدلب، ثمانية شهداء في حمص، أربعة شهداء في حلب،شهيدين في حماة, شهيد في دير الزور وشهيد في درعا بالإضافة إلى تسعة و أربعين شهيدا من النازحين في مخيم عابدين بإدلب. By the end of Wednesday were able to document 100 martyrs in Syria including 4 women, 3 children and 2 martyrs under torture: 26 martyrs were reported in Damascus and its suburbs; 9 in Idlib; 8 in Homs; 4 in Aleppo; 2 in Hama; 1 in Deir Ezzor and 1 in Daraa Besides more than 49 martyrs in Abdin refugees camp in Idlib in Syria for Wednesday 29-10-2014: ALEPPO Handrat: Helicopters dropped an explosive barrel on Handrat neighborhood. Halk and Shekh Khedr neighborhoods: Helicopters dropped explosive barrels on Halk and Shekh Khedr neighborhoods. AL RAQQA *****The international alliance air combats launches 8 airstrikes on the city.***** *****The international alliance air combats launches on Political security building and control and inspection building.***** *****Madan: The international alliance air combats warplanes launched an airstrike on the town.***** DAMASCUS Abassen: Several mortar shells targeted the area. Damascus Iternational Airport Road: 6th airstrike launched. ~~V: youtu.be/ahVl2_aZsMQ Jobar: 8 injuries were reported after regime forces had targeted the neighborhoow with Chlorine poisonous gas. Joubar: Fierce artillery and rocket shelling targeted the neighborhood. Joubar: Fierce artillery and mortar shelling targeted the neighborhood. Joubar: Warplanes launched 2 airstrikes on the neighborhood. Joubar: Fierce artillery and mortar shelling targeted the neighborhood. Mouadamyeh: Fierce tanks shelling targeted the city. Zabadany: Helicopters dropped 4 explosive barrels on the city raising the number of dropped barrels to 6 thus far. DARAA Atman: Warplanes launched 2 airstrikes on the town. Daraa Blad: Warplanes launched an airstrike on Daraa Balads neighborhoods. Deir Adas: Fierce artillery shelling by regime forces targeted the town. Deir Adas: Helicpoters targeted the city with an explosive barrel. Deir Adas: Helicopters dropped an explosive barrel on the town. Shekh Misken: Fierce artillery shelling targeted the city. Shekh Misken: Helicopters Targeted the city with 2 explosive barrels. Tal Harrah: Warplanes launched an airstrike on Tal Harra in the northern suburbs Tal Harah: Warplanes launched 2 airstrikes on Tal Harah. ~~V: shelling: youtu.be/bxvU2JE7qq8. Tareeq Sad Neighborhood: Warplanes launched an airstrike on Tareeq Sad Neighborhood. Taybeh: Fierce artillery shelling targeted Taybeh town. Yadoudeh: Fierce artillery shelling targeted the town. DEIR EZZOR Howyqa neighborhood: Fierce artillery shelling targeted the Howyqa neighborhood. Myaden: Warplanes launched 2 airstrikes that targeted Mydan bridge and grain silos west of the city. Myaden: A martyr and wounded were reported by targeting the city with 5 airstrikes. HAMA *****The International alliance air combats launched airstrikes on Jabal Balaas area in the eastern countryside.***** Aqrabat town: Warplanes launched an airstrike on Aqrabat town. Kafr-Zeita: Warplanes launched an airstrike on the city. Sayad:Helicopters targeted the village with 2 explosive barrels. HOMS Al Waer: Fierce rocket shelling targeted Waer neighborhood(Martyred=Mostafa Al-Hakim, Khaled Al-Ali, Fawwaz Al-Jaabbal, and Ayman Abu Khaled were martyred and tens of wounded) . Al Waer: Warplanes launched 2 airstrikes on Waer neighborhood. Al Waer: Fierce shelling with shilka and mortar shells targeted Waer neighborhood. Houla: Assad forces shelled the town. ~~V: Houla shelling: youtu.be/TSLiuMN8Q-E. Rastan: Helicopters targeted the city with barrels( 2 martyrs and number of wounded were reported by targeting one of citys school with an explosive barrel). ~~V: shelling with barrel bomb: youtu.be/SbJPySwGCY0. Tafas: Martyrdom of inspiration Al bardan m impact injuries she sustained days ago. Talbiseh: Young man Mohmmad Abdelkarim Al-Yousef was martyred due to shelling. Zafraneh: Fierce artillery and mortar shelling targeted the towns houses. Zafraneh: Martyr and wounded were reported by mortar and artillery shelling on the town. Zahra neighborhood: A car bomb had exploded in Zahra neighborhood near the buses gathering. IDLIB Habeit: Helicopters targeted the town with explosive barrels. Khan Sheikhoun: Several wounded by helicopters targeting the city with explosive devices. Khan Sheikhoun: Media activist Mohmmad Nour Idris was martyred due to explosive barrels shelling on the city. ~~V: shelling: youtu.be/z16DIjuj83I. Knsfrah: Warplanes launched an airstrike on the town. Shekh Mustaf: Helicopters targeted one of the towns camps with explosive barrels. Shekh Mustafa: Martyrs and wounded were reported after the targeting of the refugee camp with explosive barrels. ~~V: injured: youtu.be/osrd0hRzyJQ. Sinjar town: Warplanes launched an airstrike on Sinjar town. Tamanah: Warplanes launched an airstrike on Tamanah. QUNEITRA Fierce artillery shelling targeted the liberated town in the central sector of the city.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 04:44:49 +0000

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