معلومات جديده عن معالي ادوميم - TopicsExpress


معلومات جديده عن معالي ادوميم بالانجليزيه: Land ownership[edit] Childrens park overlooking Judean Desert, Maale Adumim Peace Now initially claimed that 86.4% of Maale Adumim was privately owned Palestinian land, basing the figure on data leaked from a government report.[14][15] After Peace Now petitioned the Israeli courts to have the official data released, the group revised the figure to 0.5 percent of the settlement is built on private land. Israel maintains that Maale Adumin was built on state lands, or areas not registered in anyones name, and that no private property was being seized for building. [15] Palestinians claim lands from the villages of Abu Dis, al-Eizariya, Al-Issawiya, At-Tur and Anata were expropriated for building in Maaleh Adumim.[16] Robert Eisenman wrote that under Islamic land law, the land in question was categorized as arazi mewat, or dead lands.[17] However, according to BTselem, an Israeli human rights organization, The expropriation procedure used in Maale Adummim is unprecedented in the settlement enterprise. Expropriation of land for settlement purposes is forbidden, not only under international law but also according to the long-standing, official position of Israeli governments. Most settlements were built on area that was declared state land or on land that was requisitioned - ostensibly temporarily - for military purposes. It appears that in Maale Adummim, the government decided to permanently expropriate the land because it viewed the area as an integral part of Jerusalem that would forever remain under Israeli control.[18] Economy[edit] Maale Adumim municipality Many residents of Maaleh Adumim are employed in Jerusalem. Others work in Mishor Adumim, Maale Adumims industrial park, which is located on the road to the Dead Sea, about ten minutes from Jerusalem. The industrial zone houses 220 businesses,[1] among them textile plants, garages, food manufacturers, aluminum and metalworking factories, and printing companies.[19] Demographics[edit] In 2004, over seventy percent of the residents were secular. According to the municipal spokesman, the overwhelming majority moved to the city not for ideological reasons but for lower-cost housing and higher living standards. In 2004, 48 percent of residents were under the age of 18. Maaleh Adumims unemployment rate was 2.1 percent, far below the national average.[9] Education and culture[edit] Alei Higayon BeKinnor (Machanaim) synagogue on Hallil Street In 2011, Maale Adumim had 21 schools and 80 kindergartens.[1] A large portion of Maale Adumims budget is spent on education. Schools offer after-school programs, class trips, and tutoring where needed. A special program has been developed for new immigrant children. Additional resources are invested in special education and classes for gifted children, including a special after-school program for honors students in science and math.[19] Maale Adumim College was situated in the city, but is currently defunct. Religious elementary schools in Maale Adumim include Maaleh Hatorah, Sde Chemed, and Tzemach Hasadeh. Religious high schools are Yeshiva Tichonit, Tzvia and Amit. The city has over 40 synagogues and several yeshivas, among them Yeshivat Birkat Moshe.[20] Maaleh Adumim has won the Israel Ministry of Education prize for excellence twice. It has also won the national prize for environmental quality in recognition of its emphasis on urban planning, green space, playgrounds and outdoor sculptures.[9] Healthcare[edit] Medical services are provided in the city through all four Health maintenance organizations (kupot holim). There is also a large geriatric hospital, Hod Adumim, also providing care for recuperating patients and chronic patients. It is also used for senior citizens residence. It has facilities for nursing, the elderly, the handicapped, through the most extreme needs. Legal issues[edit] Aerial view Map of the projected expansion of Maale Adumim.[21] In 2005, a report by John Dugard for the United Nations Commission on Human Rights stated that the three major settlement blocs—Gush Etzion, Maale Adumim and Ariel—will effectively divide Palestinian territory into cantons or Bantustans.[22] Israel says the solution is a bypass road similar to those used daily by Israelis to avoid driving through hostile Arab areas. The 2007 development project in east Maale Adumim was supported by Ariel Sharon in 2005.[23] Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev denied the 2007 extension plan is a violation of the roadmap peace plan, under which Israel agreed to freeze all building in the settlements. In 2008, a project to link Maale Adumim and Jerusalem, known as the E1 project—short for East 1, as it appears on old zoning maps—was criticized by the Palestinian Authority, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and US President George W. Bush.[24] As a result, a plan for 3,500-5,000 homes in Mevaseret Adumim was frozen.[25] The new Judea and Samaria District police headquarters, formerly located in the Ras el-Amud neighborhood of Jerusalem, was completed in May 2008.[26] According to the BBC, Maale Adumim is widely regarded by the international community as illegal under international law according to the Fourth Geneva Convention (article 49), which prohibits an occupying power transferring citizens from its own territory to occupied territory. Israel maintains that international conventions relating to occupied land do not apply to the West Bank because they were not under the legitimate sovereignty of any state in the first place.[27] This view was rejected by the International Court of Justice and the International Committee of the Red Cross.[28] Housing shortage[edit] Maale Adumim yeshiva One of the purposes of establishing Maaleh Adumim was to supply affordable housing for young couples who could not afford the high cost of homes in Jerusalem. Although the municipal boundaries cover 48,000 dunams, the city has been suffering from an acute housing shortage since 2009 due to the freeze on new construction. As of 2011 most of the real estate market was in second-hand properties.[1] Archaeology[edit] Monastery of Martyrius The Byzantine monastery of Martyrius, once the most important monastic centre in the Judean Desert in the early Christian era, is located in Maale Adumim.[29] Other archeological sites on the outskirts of Maale Adumim include the Khan el-Hatruri,[30] also known as the Inn of the Good Samaritan (cited in a parable by Jesus, in Luke 10:30–37),[31] and the remains of the Monastery of St. Euthymius built in the 5th century and destroyed by the Mamluk sultan Baybars.[32] Khan al-Ahmar is a 13th-century travelers inn for pilgrims on the route between Jerusalem and Mecca via Nabi Musa.[33] Landmarks[edit] Moshe Castel Museum in Maale Adumim The Moshe Castel Museum showcases the work of Israeli artist Moshe Castel.[34] Mizpe Edna is a lookout at the Shofar and Hallil junction. Sister cities[edit] United States Williamsport, Pennsylvania[35]
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 23:24:44 +0000

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