अपनी कोई भी बात किसी से - TopicsExpress


अपनी कोई भी बात किसी से शेयर करने से पहले इन बातों का ध्यान रखें... When considering whether to share your feelings with a specific person consider the following: 1. Is the person a good listener? Give thought to whether the person has listened well in the past, whether they maintain eye contact when you speak in person, whether they make supportive sounds when you speak in person or on the phone (oh, wow, gosh, tsk, sigh, etc.), and whether they avoid checking their phone when youre at the most dramatic part of a story. 2. Is the person supportive? Or are they the type that says things like, Just to play devils advocate for a moment, and then take the other side. Ideally you should choose someone who will see things from your point of view, at least when youre sad and looking for empathy. 3. Can the person offer empathy and emotional validation? Does the person tend to get how you feel? Its important that someone you open up to not only sees things from your perspective, but is capable of expressing these perceptions as well. When someone can convey back to us an accurate understanding of how and why we feel the way we do, it has a powerful positive impact on our state of mind. 4. Is the person likely to make the talk about them? Some people are quick to offer support, but even quicker to follow it up with, I know exactly how you feel—the same thing happened to me! and then go off talking about themselves. Make sure to choose someone whos willing to stay focused on your experience while youre in pain. 5. Is the person loyal? When were hurting, the desire to share can override our decision- making about whether the person is likely to keep our confidences and respect our privacy. Dont forget to give thought to whether this person is likely to be as discreet and loyal as you expect and need them to be. { I copied this excerpt from an article from psychology today. ..as I found only this part important...}
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 09:22:52 +0000

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