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सोनिया गाँधी पोप के निर्देश पर भारत को ईसाई बनाने पर आमादा Sonia Gandhi’s determination to plant loyalists in every single constitutional and administrative position in the country: *The rise of Christian Chief Ministers *The rise of Christian aspirants for 7, Race Course Road *The growing visibility of Christians in all important positions within the Congress party *The craven and cowardly submission of all English print and electronic media to the Pompadour’s will *The relentless mission of all denominations of the Church to end Hindu religion in its own land *UPA Government-driven empowerment of the Abrahamic minorities in all spheres of public life *The unending infiltration of Bangladeshi Muslims into the country Every one of these issues is linked directly either to the rise of Sonia Gandhi in India’s polity, or to foreign money coming into the country. In short, the rise of Sonia Gandhi in India’s polity can be traced to the Generic Church’s politico-religious agenda for Asia. China, South Korea, Japan and India are the prime targets in the Generic Church’s quest for world domination. South Korea is already Christian-majority, Japan has been irreversibly Christianised in its collective mind; China and India alone remain the last bastion against the Abrahamic onslaught. On the first day, the Prime Minister sent four Cabinet Ministers, including Minister for Parliamentary Affairs, to receive Baba Ramdev at the airport. This was civilisationally the correct thing to do and the country heaved a sigh of relief. The Prime Minister is a Sikh and after he is done with being Prime Minister, he has to go back to being a disciplined soldier of the Sikh faith and answerable to the Akal Takht. The Prime Minister is certain to have remembered the chastening experience of the incumbent Governor of Tamil Nadu and former Chief Minister of Punjab, Shri S.S. Barnala, who was made to sit in the Golden Temple for ten days and as an act of penitence, cleaning the shoes of bhaktas entering the precincts. The writer is deeply grateful to the SGPC for asking a highly respected Sikh lawyer in the Supreme Court to withdraw from the case against Pujya Kanchi Mathathipathi. This lawyer was engaged by the then Chief Minister Jayalalithaa; and bhaktas of the Kanchi matham owe an eternal debt of gratitude to this lawyer who abided by the diktat of Sikhism’s highest religious body and refused to proceed with the case. This single act by the Sikh lawyer of refusing to be a part of this aasuric act in total obedience to his religious leaders dramatically altered the then prevalent mood in the Madras High Court and in the Supreme Court, and public opinion changed decisively against the Tamil Nadu government. This country is driven by the tapasya of our dharmic gurus and sanyasis; Dr. Manmohan Singh knew this and therefore sent four ministers to meet with Baba Ramdev; Sonia Gandhi and her spittle-lickers know this too, and that is why an emergency meeting was convened the next day at the Prime Minister’s residence and this time Sonia Gandhi presided over the meeting with P. Chidambaram and A.K. Anthony in tow. After this meeting at Number 7, Race Course Road, everything changed. Four ministers became two ministers and on the second day no ministers at all, only government representatives. The Generic Church stepped in with full might. What was at stake was Hindu India with all its magnificent natural resources; at stake was the vast potential harvest of Hindu souls for Christ and the oil and diamonds, gold and other minerals, the vastly promising perennial rivers and abundant sunshine – all up for grabs. The Generic Church could not have a Hindu Sanyasi threatening Sonia Gandhi and in the process unraveling their plot to eventually control and rule India. And so the resistance had to be broken and broken both insultingly and brutally. This was not Jallianwala Bagh; this was 1909 – the year the British government ruthlessly removed Aurobindo, Tilak and Savarkar, three towering Hindu nationalists from the polity, to facilitate Gandhi taking over the Congress after his rather hasty departure from South Africa. It speaks volumes for the knowledge that Hindus have of their own history, that while people compared what happened on June 4 to the Emergency and Jallianwala Bagh, no one saw it as a replay of 1909. The year 1909 saw the full might of state breaking the backbone of Hindu nationalism; Sonia Gandhi was made to do the same by her handlers. They knew 1909 only too well and therefore knew exactly how to deal with it. It is frightening to know that even intelligent and political Hindus still do not know 1909; and those who knew did not prepare themselves or the Hindu community to meet a similar eventuality and once again, ordinary Hindus were let down by their leaders. Sonia Gandhi’s handlers would have known that the RSS and BJP top brass would not be in Delhi that night and that is why Sonia Gandhi sent the Delhi Police to Ramlila Maidan even as the Prime Minister’s emissaries were still negotiating with Baba Ramdev. The Prime Minister may also not be in a position to tell us why, if he was engaging Baba Ramdev by day, Sonia Gandhi had to arrest him at night. The Prime Minister is also not in a position to tell us why, if on the one hand he conducts himself with correctness and accords Hindu Sanyasis the high respect that is due to them, Rahul Gandhi’s spittle-licking Digvijay Singh is allowed to run amok enraging Hindus and offending Hindu sensibilities. This brutal mission of arresting Baba Ramdev and forcibly throwing him out of Delhi and evicting hapless men, women and children, could not have been undertaken during daytime without a violent backlash from the people; that is why in true Gestapo style, in a style befitting the Italian Mafioso and Stalinist Russia, 50,000 Hindus gathered at Ramlila Maidan could be brutalised and dispersed only in the dead of the night. The fact that Hindus will step out of their homes at the call of their religious leaders or to the call of a Hindu cause, is the biggest reason to hope that this war is not over yet. The RSS, the BJP, and our religious leaders must sit down and first acknowledge collectively that Sonia Gandhi and the Generic Church pose the biggest threat to this nation and the quantum of foreign money which the Generic Church is pouring into the country and Sonia Gandhi’s politics of minority-ism have to be fought with the full might of Hindu power.
Posted on: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 16:08:02 +0000

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